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Posts posted by RunMickeyRun02

  1. its-happening-ron-paul-gif.gif

    Couple things: The above image will haunt my dreams for a long time to come, 2nd thing I sort of remember someone saying they knew a guy they could borrow a B-52 from? Maybe I was just delirious last night as I can't find the post now, but if not I want in on that B-52 borrowing action.



    .....holy smokes I love this thread!!!


    Edit: Moar exclamation points!

  2. Ok, after following this thread to tee, I had to create an account. First off sock puppet, you're doing god's work. If the Tressel/Frost combo happens you will live in infamy. However, I feel like that is not going to happen. I'm not sure why everyone hates the Bielema speculations. He destroyed us in the BIG and 6 wins playing in the SEC West with a bottom tier Arkansas team is far more impressive than 10 wins in the BIG.


    Welcome to the board man!

    Are you sure you meant "Infamy" though ?



    OMG...... I HATE THIS. I hate having ties to Iowa and Wisconsin. Hate is a strong word. Makes me sick? IDK HOW I FEEL. We just need to win - stick it to all the naysayers. GBR!! I think I am just getting delirious at work... coffee it is.

    Bo for Bert?


    One step forward, 4235688644 steps back.


    The ginger ninja and HP should be fired immediately for this.


    Bret's a pretty damn good coach.


    Much better than Bo. 48-17 proves it


    Oh wait. Russel Wilson you say?


    Ok. 70-31 with a 3rd string qb says it.


    I could get behind this. Seriously. Put the Bielema thing aside and think about everything else.





    Pretty much exactly what we want, is it not? Proven head coach. Success at first job. LOTS of it. On his way to success at his second. Arkansas IS on the uptick. Power football. Sound fundamental football. Develops olineman.


    Now, I think this is all a ploy by Bret for a little contract work. Why now all a sudden sh#t gets leaked when it's been such a damn tight lipped process from minute 1?



    Glad to hear I'm not the only one that would be on board with this, but I also agree I think he's most likely fishing for a raise.


    I have a hard time Brett would come back to the Big Ten after going to the SEC.


    He left Wisky becuase of money for assistants. He's coach at probably the poorest resourced program in the toughest SEC division. I personally liked him when he was at Wisky, but he's not the coach I suspected we were looking at.


    Thanks for the input.


    I know I'll get hated on for saying this but Brett wouldn't be the end of the world for me.






    Start connecting the dots guys. ALL the way back to post iowa last year. All the tweets today about tressels interest last year. No word from tressel. Kelloggs appearingly trolling tweet about tressel touring facilities snd campus so often over the past year. Tressels agents weird "no contact" comment. The dynamics of coach search and hirings. Eichorsts tremendous display of swagger and confidence andcrelaxtion during the presser. Many have said ge appears as a guy thats already got his man. Eichy even slipped up and said "we have a tremendous leader in place..." HAVE.

    Connect the dots folks. Its not as nuts as you think.

    I concur...

    Throw in M. Roses mom's tweets about Tressel being the next HC...etc...too much smoke to not mean something...Tressel has a role in all of this.


    This is the first I have heard of this tweet. hmmmmm



    Peeps... it wasn't a tweet. It wasn't Instagram. M. Roses' mom posted on her Facebook timeline, not too long after the firing of Pelini. She mentioned not being happy about Pelini being fired, the way the players were informed, and then she suggested that Tressel was being hired. I'm in the midst of confirming if the post is still on her timeline.


    twitter. facebook. instagram. chive.com. pornhub.


    it's all the same.


    I didn't seem to find any news relating to football on pornhub. Still searching, though.



    Are you sure? I'd be willing to take a look too and help out, lots of "info" on that site to sift through.

  6. Either one could be better. That's the great thing about college football and great coaching. With Tom Osborne at Nebraska, Nebraska is the better job. With Pelini at Nebraska and Hoke at Michigan, they're about equally mediocre. Look at Nick Saban at Alabama. What a craphole place that would be without great coaching!


    Whoever ends up with the better coach will be retroactively determined to be the "better" situation. A great coach can win anywhere.

    Good point.


    So if he takes a job somewhere, does his new salary get deducted from the buyout? I always wondered how this worked.

    The buyout I think is 151k over 51 weeks. That's a total of 7.7 mil.


    If he takes a job over 1.8 mil/year, the buyout is void.


    If he takes a job under 1.8 mil/year, we're only responsible for the difference, which at a mil/year would be about 70k.


    My initial numbers may be off, but this is the process that I saw on the news.


    Excellent info, thank you.


    I go to check on another thread and by the time I get back to this one there's already 5 new posts.


    Yeah ive just stopped checking the rest of the forum. This thread has become its own alternate universe. I will likely be lurking in here two days after the official announcement is made waiting for more Sock info


    Yeah, me too.

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