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Posts posted by RunMickeyRun02

  1. I'm wishing this was an actual poll question, I keep trying to count the votes, but I'm lazing and I hate counting, still be curious to know though.


    Also, don't get me wrong, I don't think anything less of someone who wants to root against my Huskers this weekend it's a free country, you can root for whoever you want. Just count me out.

    • Fire 1




    Most of us are saying that we would like to see a coaching change, but just because we would never cheer against the Huskers doesn't make us sheep. Please put some thought into what you are going to post. I would like to see some changes in the coaching staff, but I will be hoping for a win on Friday.



    If we followed this path, Bill Callahan would still be our coach!


    That's not true at all. I don't remember ever cheering against the Huskers and then Callahan magically being fired because we hoped that we would lose. Once again, most of us want some coaching changes, but we are saying that we aren't going to cheer against the Huskers.


    Beat me to that point, that's what I was gonna say.

  3. I really hate the school my wife teaches at. Last year, my wife and I bought a couple winter coats for some kids that didn't have one. My wife went to give them to the kids and the school said she wasn't allowed to give students presents. I contacted the school and asked if I started a coat drive through my company, could I donate the coats to the kids that don't have one. The school said that it was okay. I did and it turned out great.


    This year, my wife asked if I wanted to do it again because there are some kids that can't go out at recess because they don't have the proper clothing. I figured I would do it again this year. My wife came home today after work and said that the school is not going to allow it because it isn't a school related drive. Seriously, who the hell would refuse coats and such to kids less privileged. Freaking a$$hole$.

    Yeah, that is crap.


    There will be no coach showing up in Lincoln, or the state of Nebraska, for a meeting or interview until Pelini is let go. Period.


    I'd venture to guess there will be no coach showing up in Lincoln for a meeting or interview even after Pelini is let go. I assume, because of this type of tracking that interviews will be done at a neutral location, making it harder to discern who has actually interviewed.


    Interesting point.

  5. Does anybody else have a problem with coaches at the University not being able to get a meeting with him???? That is the thing that stuck out most to me. That's not acceptable as the AD at a major college!!

    Yeah, that's crap.

  6. Why do I bother? That is a serious question. Ever since I became a die hard around 2004 they have done nothing but let me down. It truly is beyond frustrating. Investing this much emotion into something you know cannot possibly meet your own personal expectations let alone the rest of a fan base.


    Saturday I took my brother to his first ever game. I expected a poor turnout of fans. Nope. Even through the bullsh#t I read on here, we showed up to support like normal thankfully. I had not attended a game all year and was already feeling down about the year. Once the tunnel walk hit my brother told me how pumped he was, how he had goosebumps. That alone was worth the price of admission. During the 1st half Minnesota was in FG range and we started a block that kick chant. Magic happened as Randy got a hand on it and Gerry took it to the house. That moment...that was special. I hadn't felt that way in over a month. The level of excitement in our section coupled with how happy my brother was, just awesome.


    We know how this ends. My attendance record against conference foes falls to a dismal 1-8. I was my usual pissy depressed and distraught self. Then, my brother tells my wife thank you for the ticket and what a great time he had. He then goes and buys a "Lincoln F$#@n Nebraska" shirt on the way out. It dawns one me at this point. We lost a tough game, at home. Yet the fans showed up and had a good time. This board isn't the majority. The endless threads of crap that get posted every weekend of how we aren't good enough, they don't matter. What is a fan? A fan can be that guy who won't shut up about how terrible the coach is or he can be that guy who is still finding his footing and isn't jaded and can still have a good time.



    Good post, I'm glad you still had a good time. I have to ask though, what happened in 2004 that made you a die-hard fan?

  7. To answer the OPs question I think we'd see what we saw when Bo went to the hospital at some point in the Arkansas State game and you had Pap coach D and Beck Coach O.


    I'm not convinced he'll get fired before the bowl game though or at all for that matter. I have no idea what SE is gonna do, the man is a ghost.

  8. Seriously, does he strike anyone here as someone that will step forward and make a decisive decision? He strikes me more as a lap dog. You aren't going to hear boo from this guy until he gets instructions from his handlers.


    Yeah, the idea of him being in charge of hiring someone really scares me.

    • Fire 1


    I learned that Bo is 5-19 against top 25 teams at Nebraska. One game short of a 20% winning percentage.

    Wow. I didnt know that. That cannot be explained away. It HAS to be him losing coaching battles. Assuming we have top 30 talent, it means he's losing the coaching battle more than the other team is just faster/ better.


    Wow, 5-19. Thsts just turrrrrrible. I mean , just wow


    How many of the 19 losses turned out to be blow-outs where we did an embarrassing, National TV melt down?


    I can't remember one game in the last 7 years where I sat back and said "Wow we really out coached the other team!". Never, not once.


    Please someone prove me wrong, maybe it's happened and I just don't remember.


    As a long time Ohio State fan I cannot understand how Nebraska can keep Pellini around just because he wins 8 or 9 games. All these years gone by since Nebraska was relevant in any national championship conversation tells me he needs to go.


    Earl Bruce and John Cooper had better records than Pellini and both got fired. Both of these coaches spent most of there tenure at OSU ranked in the Top 10 and still got fired.


    It would appears that mediocrity has become the norm at NU.

    ^^^ Oh no it hasn't. Do I need to go look up quotes from Steve Peterson? He would not allow us to slip into mediocrity.




    on the post game show with lane grendel, bo sounds like a beaten man. i think he is resolved to his fate.

    I said this last week during the post game presser. He just looks like he knows. And he's a smart guy. He knows the situation. It's just gonna be interesting to see how it actually plays out. Bo could save a lotta face that if the trigger were pulled to go down like Muschamp in a respectful manner.


    Interesting, I might have to actually have to watch the post game for the first time in like five years. Good info man.

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