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  1. Do you think Oregon has more or less geographic disadvantages than Nebraska? Corvallis has so many more it's laughable. As hard as it is to believe, Corvallis is exponentially worse than Lincoln
  2. I posted this earlier. Unfortunately, no one wants to give Coach Riley enough of a chance to read why he could be big here. Admittedly, I was pretty upset about the hiring at first. After reading more about him, I think we hit a home run with this. Also reported Riley is bringing his DC and not his OC...possibly leaving room for Frost?
  3. Someone please convince me why this isn't a bad hire. Edit: RIP my inbox. I feel a little better about it now. permalink save report give gold reply [–]UCLA Bruinssideoutpar 319 points 2 hours ago I'll try. Riley has done yeoman's work in bringing any talent to Corvallis, so he knows how to recruit despite geographic disadvantages. He gets good results despite a talent and resource disadvantage (albeit with a drop-off over the past couple of years). He's widely known to be one of the nicest, most genuine guys in all of college football, which would definitely be a atmosphere change after Bo. From Reddit. UCLA Fan saying this. I found this very encouraging
  4. Take this away from the coaching carousel for a second...what is everyone's thoughts on if Tommy Armstrong is our quarterback moving forward? I'm in up in the air. He hasn't been impressive thus far however its hard to be good behind that offensive line. He has shown some promising signs.
  5. If you believe the Tressel sightings that have been reported, Tressel must have declined the job if it hasn't been announced yet. It is starting to look like we are up the creek without a paddle. Maybe Cotton can be an interim head coach for 2015 with an eye toward finding a replacement for 2016? If you believe the Tressel sightings that have been reported, Tressel must have declined the job if it hasn't been announced yet. It is starting to look like we are up the creek without a paddle. Maybe Cotton can be an interim head coach for 2015 with an eye toward finding a replacement for 2016? If Cotton becomes our interim head coach for all of 2015...I am making it my mission to resurrect UNO football and become a fan of that
  6. So its confirmed Bielema will not take the job. Hopefully, this was just a decoy to take the heat off Tressel
  7. Might be as you said..but I suspect his mother was a hamster, and his father smelt of elderberries... I agree. Not much of fan of Bielema given his roots. but if he wins us games (which I suspect he will) he could be f'ing serial killer for all i care
  8. Welcome to the board man! Are you sure you meant "Infamy" though ? you're right. Infamy was the not the right word. I'll take my laps
  9. Ok, after following this thread to tee, I had to create an account. First off sock puppet, you're doing god's work. If the Tressel/Frost combo happens you will live in infamy. However, I feel like that is not going to happen. I'm not sure why everyone hates the Bielema speculations. He destroyed us in the BIG and 6 wins playing in the SEC West with a bottom tier Arkansas team is far more impressive than 10 wins in the BIG.
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