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Posts posted by cornographic


    Sorry sports fans, just can't resist bashing heavy Metal, especially when grown, college educated men listen to it. But in so doing, I violated my own cardinal rule, which is to never get into discussions re: music on a sports blog, so I apologize and won't let it happen again. Carry on butchering babies and what not.....

    If you can't come into a thread and discuss something like music in a civil manor, isn't that more of an indication of probably a personal problem you have more than anything?


    This is a Metal Sucks thread, there is little pretention toward civility. And funny, that any Metal Heads might be concerned about civility.



    Yeah, guess I'm a bit slow to the Metal culture and memes, since I hate the stuff and never follow it.

    Sez the guy who mocks others that dont follow metal for not being aware of certain groups from specific sub-genres; sez the guy who posts multiple pics from his collectuon of specific sub-genres; sez the guy who obtusely states an obvious correlation from the posts of others.


    You're a self-loathing emo, we get it.


    Sorry, gotta put ya on iggy, yer bein' too much a pain in the ass....not to mention your disrespect for your elders. This is a "Metal Sucks" thread, not a "Metal is great", thread, plz stick to the topic.

  3. Never been a huge fan of Space. Why? No air. I prefer air.


    I like the pretty pics, though.


    Which reminds me, saw this doc where they were thinking about colonizing the moon--our moon. Well, they figured they'd need some water up there--in addition to air--so all the best and brightest @ NASA and what not set up a yuge lab where they would attempt to extract water from moon rocks. Can't quite remember where they got the moon rocks, but they had enough to give it a whirl and about a zillion $ later, they did, in fact, extract about 1/2 cup of H2O from a big pile of moon rocks at which point, being the best and brightest that they were, concluded that they couldn't get, "water from a stone", so to speak, way too friggin' expensive, and it also wasn't worth the hassle trying to ship fresh H2O up from the Earth, not to mention the impending water shortage on Earth, sooooooo....project scrapped, no moon colonies anytime soon.


    They're still selling 1 way tickets to Mars, though, it seems....they really want to colonize space and transport all the human problems up there, I s'pose, but for me, again, not a fan of space, no air, no water, no gravity. I like it here just fine, tyvm.


    Bernie Sanders' campaign on Tuesday called reports of voting irregularities in New York state "a disgrace" as local officials rushed to condemn the city Board of Elections for stripping more than 125,000 Democratic voters from the rolls.

    "It is absurd that in Brooklyn, New York -- where I was born, actually -- tens of thousands of people as I understand it, have been purged from the voting rolls," Sanders said during an evening campaign rally at Penn State University.
    In an email to CNN, Sanders spokesman Karthik Ganapathy called the state's handling of the primary a "shameful demonstration."
    "From long lines and dramatic understaffing to longtime voters being forced to cast affidavit ballots and thousands of registered New Yorkers being dropped from the rolls, what's happening today is a disgrace," he said.
    Election Justice USA, a voter rights organization, told CNN it will go to Federal District Court in Brooklyn on Wednesday morning as part of an effort to have provisional ballots from voters disenfranchised by the Board of Elections counted before the primary results are certified.....New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Hillary Clinton supporter, called for major reforms to the Board of Elections as a series of snafus continued to bubble up, including reports of the errant "purge" in Brooklyn.
    "It has been reported to us from voters and voting rights monitors that the voting lists in Brooklyn contain numerous errors, including the purging of entire buildings and blocks of voters from the voting lists," de Blasio said in a statement Tuesday calling on the board to "reverse that purge."
    "The perception that numerous voters may have been disenfranchised undermines the integrity of the entire electoral process and must be fixed," he said








    Corn has gone over the top loco on this one :facepalm::madash My only comment is this thought: Maybe the church (universal church not a particular denomination) should be paid for all of its social services it has provided the community at large without strings attached for the past say 20 centuries. :dunno Schools, universities, hospitals, food pantries, soup kitchens, drug intervention programs, moral education, family crisis services, funeral and grieving care, disaster relief, counseling, a place for voting, community centers, mercy ministries of all kinds, helping the poor around the world, not to mention the socialization/culturalization role the church has in society etc and etc. I don't know of too many atheist or agnostic organizations starting these kinds of community outreaches.

    Yes corn and anyone else (including believers) can go the cheap route and call out charlatans & prosperity gospel teachers wt mega homes etc - but that isn't the church. Sometimes people bring up the huge cathedrals as an unneeded expenditure (and I for one am a more practical guy - lets spend the money on helping people and not a building- make the building as functional as possible) however, in centuries past these building were built to teach about the glory of God - to reflect his awesomeness. Most had built into stories from history and the Bible as a means of teaching. Architecture, like many other disciplines were to be conducted as a means of showing God's greatness. I think in the modern times we've gone more practical but that is how it was back then.


    Corn later says in a post that he isn't talking about the small local church but the large mega churches. However, one needs to look to 'economies of scale' in that discussion. While I think the small church provides the much needed 'fellowship' that we all need (Huskerboard provides a kind of fellowship also) the large church due to their size are able to pull together resources to help with huge disaster relief programs, drug programs, schools etc - the things I mentioned above. Just because it is mega, doesn't mean it is bad (I don't attend a mega church by the way but I have plenty in Tulsa that I'm familiar with). One mega church in Tulsa for example has a large community, outreach center in North Tulsa - poor part of town. Mostly African Americans live in that area. This center provides free dental, medical clinics, food and clothing pantries, (I've taught a job skills class there before), car care clinic, etc, etc. So again painting wt a broad brush never accomplishes anything good. I'll stand wt anyone against the Charlatans but I'll defend the church when broad strokes like this are made. Name any large institution that is free of charlatans - I bet Corn's socialistic loving gov't has one or two - you think?? :dunno


    Let's go wt John Lennon's song Imagine. Imagine the world wtout religion - immediately the agonistics and atheists jump on the 'war' issue. But imagine it without true religion - Biblical religion of caring for your fellow man. Go back 2000 years and Imagine the world without all of the services to mankind that the church has provided as a force of good.


    BTW - The Invoice for "Services Rendered" would be much higher than any 'tax liability'.

    Your hatred for those who don't share your outlook is noted but there are many charitable/aid organizations that provide help around the world that are not faith-based. Imagine trying to help your fellow man because its the right thing to do rather than for getting a gold star from your deity.


    You are way off base. None of that was said wt hatred. It was to point out the obvious - churches were doing good well before govt got involved in redistribution policies.- and wtout the need of a gold star- good grief - you have zero understanding of faith based compassion I didn't say there aren't any non-church based charitable organizations - that isn't the topic of both the thread or my post. And your last statement is wayyyyyy over the top. Your hatred for the church appears to be showing through your post. It is hard for you to acknowledge the good that the churches do because of your bias against them instead you go way off to left field.


    I don't hate any church...unlike you who made it obvious that 'true religion is bible-based'. Instead I don't care for the arrogant religious person who takes shots at those that don't share his faith because he is insecure about it.


    And its not hard for me to acknowledge when a church does good, which is why I applauded how religion can get its followers to rally for a cause. But types like you can't see that because they are blinded by petty hatred for that what is different. Its unfortunate that you can't understand that many people do good works without needing religion or a God to guide/force them.


    You are way off base - I don't harbor any hatred and I fully acknowledge that non-religious, non-church based organizations and individuals do good work. I also didn't say true religion was Bible base - Christian Churches are but other religions are not. And other religions can do good works as well. That wasn't the subject however- you moving the ball so you can fix blame and label (hatred) anyone who wants to defend the church non-tax status. Keep your focus on the subject matter instead of rabbit trails that are falsely assumed. The subject of this thread was taxing churches and I'm only responding that churches provide a service to the community that far exceeds the benefit of taxing them. And taxing them would diminishes the funds to carry on those activities. So stop the hate name calling - it gets you know where. I have no 'petty' hatred for what is different. Check your own heart as it appears you think I'm different in my views - thus labeling as blinded by petty hatred when you know nothing of me. That seems pretty blinded to me. I've done a lot of volunteer work wt a lot of people far different than I - race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.


    Speaking of benefits, a famous guy once said that, "religion is the opiate of the masses..." Do you see this as a benefit?


    You mean The famous guy who's communist ideology lead to the slaughter of untold millions last century? Ok we won't get anywhere wt this discussion but finger point. These discussions evolve into shouting over each other and I don't have the time or desire to do so. It isn't my job to change your views and visa versa and throwing insults around like Moesker does is childish. Not playing that game. Have fun wt the rest of the thread.


    Yeah, well you're wrong, neither Marx nor his philosophy slaughtered anybody, dictators did/do, capitalists did/do, fascists did/do. Marxism is essentially a critique of capitalism, but you'd have to read Marx to know that. But I don't have time to go into that for the millionth time.


    Sure, various religious groups, at their best, do do valuable charitable work, w/o which, many folks in the capitalist system would go unserved and perhaps die. However, religions are also responsible for a great deal of mental abuse, especially of the young, just ask anybody who has escaped their religion.


    But the main point is, the religions have never done anything to question or contradict or expose the inherent causes of poverty that exist in the capitalistic system in the 1st place. And, the religions keep in place a hierarchical, theocratic ruling class of sorts. So, in that respect, Marx was right, religion helps keep the masses from throwing off their chains and overturning the exploitive system. They just keep "praying". That's what that's about. If and when religions fully embrace the cause of the masses, then they will actually be of full value.


    Pope Francis is perhaps the 1st Pope ever who is actually contradicting capitalism--good for him.





    Corn has gone over the top loco on this one :facepalm::madash My only comment is this thought: Maybe the church (universal church not a particular denomination) should be paid for all of its social services it has provided the community at large without strings attached for the past say 20 centuries. :dunno Schools, universities, hospitals, food pantries, soup kitchens, drug intervention programs, moral education, family crisis services, funeral and grieving care, disaster relief, counseling, a place for voting, community centers, mercy ministries of all kinds, helping the poor around the world, not to mention the socialization/culturalization role the church has in society etc and etc. I don't know of too many atheist or agnostic organizations starting these kinds of community outreaches.

    Yes corn and anyone else (including believers) can go the cheap route and call out charlatans & prosperity gospel teachers wt mega homes etc - but that isn't the church. Sometimes people bring up the huge cathedrals as an unneeded expenditure (and I for one am a more practical guy - lets spend the money on helping people and not a building- make the building as functional as possible) however, in centuries past these building were built to teach about the glory of God - to reflect his awesomeness. Most had built into stories from history and the Bible as a means of teaching. Architecture, like many other disciplines were to be conducted as a means of showing God's greatness. I think in the modern times we've gone more practical but that is how it was back then.


    Corn later says in a post that he isn't talking about the small local church but the large mega churches. However, one needs to look to 'economies of scale' in that discussion. While I think the small church provides the much needed 'fellowship' that we all need (Huskerboard provides a kind of fellowship also) the large church due to their size are able to pull together resources to help with huge disaster relief programs, drug programs, schools etc - the things I mentioned above. Just because it is mega, doesn't mean it is bad (I don't attend a mega church by the way but I have plenty in Tulsa that I'm familiar with). One mega church in Tulsa for example has a large community, outreach center in North Tulsa - poor part of town. Mostly African Americans live in that area. This center provides free dental, medical clinics, food and clothing pantries, (I've taught a job skills class there before), car care clinic, etc, etc. So again painting wt a broad brush never accomplishes anything good. I'll stand wt anyone against the Charlatans but I'll defend the church when broad strokes like this are made. Name any large institution that is free of charlatans - I bet Corn's socialistic loving gov't has one or two - you think?? :dunno


    Let's go wt John Lennon's song Imagine. Imagine the world wtout religion - immediately the agonistics and atheists jump on the 'war' issue. But imagine it without true religion - Biblical religion of caring for your fellow man. Go back 2000 years and Imagine the world without all of the services to mankind that the church has provided as a force of good.


    BTW - The Invoice for "Services Rendered" would be much higher than any 'tax liability'.

    Your hatred for those who don't share your outlook is noted but there are many charitable/aid organizations that provide help around the world that are not faith-based. Imagine trying to help your fellow man because its the right thing to do rather than for getting a gold star from your deity.


    You are way off base. None of that was said wt hatred. It was to point out the obvious - churches were doing good well before govt got involved in redistribution policies.- and wtout the need of a gold star- good grief - you have zero understanding of faith based compassion I didn't say there aren't any non-church based charitable organizations - that isn't the topic of both the thread or my post. And your last statement is wayyyyyy over the top. Your hatred for the church appears to be showing through your post. It is hard for you to acknowledge the good that the churches do because of your bias against them instead you go way off to left field.


    I don't hate any church...unlike you who made it obvious that 'true religion is bible-based'. Instead I don't care for the arrogant religious person who takes shots at those that don't share his faith because he is insecure about it.


    And its not hard for me to acknowledge when a church does good, which is why I applauded how religion can get its followers to rally for a cause. But types like you can't see that because they are blinded by petty hatred for that what is different. Its unfortunate that you can't understand that many people do good works without needing religion or a God to guide/force them.


    You are way off base - I don't harbor any hatred and I fully acknowledge that non-religious, non-church based organizations and individuals do good work. I also didn't say true religion was Bible base - Christian Churches are but other religions are not. And other religions can do good works as well. That wasn't the subject however- you moving the ball so you can fix blame and label (hatred) anyone who wants to defend the church non-tax status. Keep your focus on the subject matter instead of rabbit trails that are falsely assumed. The subject of this thread was taxing churches and I'm only responding that churches provide a service to the community that far exceeds the benefit of taxing them. And taxing them would diminishes the funds to carry on those activities. So stop the hate name calling - it gets you know where. I have no 'petty' hatred for what is different. Check your own heart as it appears you think I'm different in my views - thus labeling as blinded by petty hatred when you know nothing of me. That seems pretty blinded to me. I've done a lot of volunteer work wt a lot of people far different than I - race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.


    Speaking of benefits, a famous guy once said that, "religion is the opiate of the masses..." Do you see this as a benefit?




    Most those "names" look like your above logo ^^^.

    Now that's quick, corno. Have you always been this quick, or is this something new?




    Roll out of your coffin this morning? Good for you. Your GF is kinda homely, if I may say....


    Yeah, guess I'm a bit slow to the Metal culture and memes, since I hate the stuff and never follow it. Prlly end up putting all the MetalHeaders on iggy when it's all said and done, can't take the derp.







    So you break their stuff? You sound pretty metal to me. Well. The way you describe metal anyway.


    You get in in faces...you tell them they are wrong. ,you tell them what they like is sh#t...and you break the stuff.


    So you do all the sh#t you say metal fans do...you sir...are pure metal

    Nice try.


    All self defense, and psyche preservation. They are the perps.


    BTW, can someone splain to me the "lawn" reference?



    noun: lawn; plural noun: lawns
    1. an area of short, mown grass in a yard, garden, or park.
      synonyms: grass, yard, front yard, backyard, dooryard
      "mowing the lawn"
    mid 16th century: alteration of dialect laund ‘glade, pasture,’ from Old French launde ‘wooded district, heath,’ of Celtic origin. The current sense dates from the mid 18th century.


    Oh, so it doesn't mean anything, thanks ;)


    About as much as your incoherent rant about your perception of music.rockon.gif


    Haha, good one, you "gotcha" me, eh? Metal is basically semi-skilled noise production, I don't consider it as music.


    Howsa 'bout we test your "Metal", your commitment to the :horns with a hypothetical. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that there is a Gawd and there is an afterlife. And let's also say, Mr. Moesker Metalhead Truther, that when it comes time for you to throw off this mortal coil you are faced with a choice: do you want Heaven or Hell? Heaven is run by this guy named Jesus and his Dad and Hell is managed by a guy named Lucifer.


    In Heaven, your comrades will include the likes of former stellar figures like Plato, Aristotle, Michaelangelo, Monet, Galileo, Shakespeare, Thoreau, Emerson, Twain, Steinbeck,etc, with the music of Chopin, Bach, Schumann, Mozart and the like and even the newer hipster sounds of the likes of Glenn Frye, Donald Fagan, Chick Corea, Charlie Byrd, Marvin Gaye, EW&F, David Gilmore, Roger Waters, etc. And don't forget the voluptuous babes. Only problem in Heaven: absolutely no Metal allowed!


    Not to worry, though, buddy o' pal, since in Hell, along with the Eternal Fire and gnashing of teeths and general lack of clothing and edible food, your comrades will exist exclusively of every baby butchering Metal rocker of every Metalhead band that ever existed, and blaring, scratching, thrashing, writhing Metal is the only noise allowed in Hell.


    So, which door do you choose when your Maker comes calling? Will it be the Metal free zone called Heaven, or the Metal saturated underworld called Hell?


    Take all the time you need.


    What an hysterical rant. Metalhead truther? What does that even mean in your crazy little world? You sound like someone who has gone off his meds and the paranoia is creeping in. Even worse you design a absurd hypothetical that really doesn't have any rationality to it.


    Donald Fagan? LMFAO!!!!


    That's what I thought, backed you into a corner.


    Also figured you wouldn't recognize real musical genius, ok, on to iggy.....

  9. The Adidas shelltoe (which is pictured above) never really left. Yes, it has it's roots in the 70s and 80s, but it's been a pretty popular casual shoe/sneaker for the past 25 years.

    Yeah, it kind of goes "underground" a bit in popularity, depending. Well, since I was there to witness the onset of the various brands of shoes and sports gear, First it was Converse canvass Chuck Taylors, then it kinda went to roundball Pro Keds, which, at the time were all the rage, but were suede and heavy and clunky as hell. Then Puma and Adidas came along with similarly heavy clunky roundball shoes, including the "shelltoe", but their logos were cool, so they too became the rage. Then Nike came along with the Portland Trailblazers and I though it was stupid because it looked like an inverted Puma logo. However, their shoes were more streamlined and lighter, using more finished leather which was used ever since, so Nike just kept going and going until they, with the help of MJ, got yuge.


    Still not a Nike fan, personally, and also not a fan of the retro, throwback clunky styles of my youth that are recycled in popularity. I used to wear 'em to play roundball--way too heavy.


    My fav shoes that Adidas ever came out with were the Adi Racer a few years back, ttly cool:








    That Adidas sneaker above is just a throwback to one of their earliest designs, and it's been back around for at least a few years now. What's the big deal?



    If I'm not wearing my chucks, I'll throw on my red or black addias pair you've pictured above

    That style was cool, back in about 1970. I think it's really clunky looking today.

    They were popular like in 03 as well...but the kids now don't know because they were what...5 years old?


    LOL, i know, right? Well, being an "old" guy, I've seen the fashion industry recycle alotta the same handful of styles about every 10 years or so. Only so many options, I guess.


    Dang you Billary! The Bern needed to do better in NY, thought he would. Still, he got 108 of the pledged delegates which, I suppose, barely keeps him in the race. Super delegates and closed primaries are killing him though. The system's rigged!


    So when Trump gets screwed by the system, you tell him to suck it up. But when Bernie gets screwed by the system, you admit it's rigged...


    It's rigged on the Pub side too, I've never denied it. The difference is, and maybe I haven't made it clear enough, that Drumpf is a big time pc o' sh#t that I was hoping would lose and Bernie is awesome. Guess the People's Revolution will have to continue on from the grassroots up apart from the Dem And Pub Parties. Probably better that way.


    Hope that clarifies things.

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