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Sgt Red

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Posts posted by Sgt Red

  1. 7 hours ago, Decoy73 said:

    I’m no detective , but I’d start with any contractor or subcontractor workers.  My gut reaction when I just read about this is that the perpetrator knew who’s house it was, no one would be home and which door would be unlocked.  

    That is where I would start too.  I worked over 12 years in law enforcement and solved more than a few of these.  Got to talk to every neighbor as well.  Many times neighboring houses or nearby businesses have video equipment.   They may also have seen a person or vehicle around the time of the break in. 


    If the thief is dumb enough to try and pawn something it would likely not be in the state of Nebraska.  He or she would probably take it to one of the surrounding states.  If they try to sell to Husker fans they will likely get turned in because every Husker fan is going to hear about this.


    No matter what I pray they catch the thief and they spend a lot of time in jail!!

  2. 5 hours ago, Making Chimichangas said:


    I know far more about the bible than you could even imagine.  As an atheist I study and read the bible probably far more than 80% of christians do.  


    Simply stated, and this is all I am going to say: You cannot use the bible as justification for bigotry and/or discrimination if you're going to selectively pick and choose which things to rail against.


    The point here: if you believe being LBGTQIA is an abomination, worthy of being sent to hell for, then you better rail against the godless heathens who eat pulled pork and shrimp; because god clearly calls them detestable and an abomination as well. 


    To the point of Ron Brown, yes he (as well as you, me, or anyone else) we all pretty much have to check our political and religious beliefs at the door when we are at work.  There is no law requiring that, but given the intensity with which those subjects can be discussed, in a work environment it is generally best to keep those types of topics out of the realm of discussion.


    As an employee of the University of Nebraska, Ron Brown's views on certain subjects runs contrary to the policies of his employer.  Therefore, prudence would be to err on the side of caution and say nothing.


    If Ron Brown doesn't like that, then he should return to Liberty where rampant bigotry and ignorance are not only allowed, but encouraged.


    So f'ing done with this....I am so tired of certain religious people acting like their right to be a bigot supercedes my right to exist.






    I can appreciate a person reading the Bible and glad to know you have done so.  I would only ask if it was to read it to argue with somebody or read it to learn.  There is a big difference in the heart regarding the two ways of reading. 


    Due to reading it you may know the reference to Leviticus and the cutting of hair was only for the Levites to set them apart for the priesthood.  Also that this was a type and shadow of how God was setting his people apart from others and training them to be able to recognize Jesus when he came.  Thousands were converted directly after Pentecost because they were able to see how Jesus fulfilled all the Old Testament.  This of coarse causes the other people of the world to hate those who have been set apart.  A complaint is that a Christian is arrogant to claim to be saved and yet to this day is a sinner themselves.  You said a Christian uses the Bible for bigotry and hate against the alphabet soup of the sexual proclivities/genitalia identification population which is certainly not the case for a true Christian.  I recognize ignorant Christians if they are Christian at all due use the Bible as a hammer.  I hope the following will help show what should be done.


    I wish people for all sides could understand that a real Christian points out sin because they love the persons soul.  A Christian is duty bound to point out sin in the life of another Christian as a way to help them.  They also point out sin in others as a way to show the need of Christ.  The example of a Christian helping another Christian is one of the things I have experienced before.  The love that was shown to me was that a Christian not only pointed out the sin in my life but helped me out of it.  That is where most Christians probably fail.  Many times a Christian and an unbeliever only feels an attack.


    I had a different Christian prior to this incident point out the same sin but it was not done in a loving way.  I felt guilty about the sin but done nothing about the problem. That person only pointed out the sin and offered no remedy.  I was living with my girlfriend giving the appearance of marriage and sex before marriage even though there was not out of an agreement my now wife and I had at the time.  The loving Christian first identified several people one of us could live with and then came to me pointing out the sin and making the offer. We accepted the loving offer and lived apart for the next few months until married.  It was a true blessing because it made marriage more than just living together!  It was now a God honoring covenant between the two of us.  Many only see this type of help as an attack but the pointing out of sin is so the person will recognize sin and turn away from it.


    The experience with the loving Christian who was bold enough to point out the sin and also offer help motivated me.  I got a bachelors degree and began studying for a Master of Divinity with original biblical languages.  I was tired of having to rely on what others thought of the Bible from its origins to the present.  I now have a Masters degree and know it for myself.  With true study, the Bible has a reasonable argument for every objection I have ever had or heard of.  Yet some of those reasonable arguments are hard for some to come to grips with such as why would a loving God allow a baby to die of cancer etc....


    I don't plan on making further replies but I hope you now understand my position on such issues.

    • Plus1 4
  3. 22 minutes ago, Cdog923 said:


    This thread is quickly going to the Lounge (or the Shed), but this misses the point by a wide margin. 


    Ron Brown isn't being attacked by anyone. He's, by and large, going to be accepted into this role by the fanbase because of his history with the program. But, there is an issue with him working at a publicly funded university and using it as a bully pulpit to espouse a viewpoint that is, by and large, seen as discriminatory in today's society. 


    As a Christian, I subscribe to John 13:34 - "Love one another. As I have loved you, so also must you love one another". It's not based on sex, gender, race or orientation. As a result, I utterly reject Coach Brown's assertions and viewpoints on LGBTQ rights. Equal treatment and protection under the law is not based on scripture, and it extends not to some, but to all. 

    For many years we have been involved in great discussions on topics like this.  You know my position pretty well.  True love tells a person to get out of a burning building instead of just saying hey I love you despite the situation you are in regarding the burning building.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Ulty said:


    If I may, let's compare Tom Osborne to Ron Brown. Tom Osborne has long worn his Christian faith on his sleeve and was never shy about using Christianity in his coaching or in his public speaking. I recall as a freshman at UNL, Dr. Tom gave a speech at the Lied Center to the incoming students, and there was quite a bit pf preachiness about morality and such, but he did not cross the line into marginalizing or excluding people based on a certain demographic. 


    If I were a betting man, knowing that Tom Osborne is an older, conservative, devout Christian, I would bet that perhaps he shares some of Ron Brown's views on homosexuality. But Tom Osborne is a smart man who practices good judgment and takes care not to make controversial statements or to single out entire classes of people. I, and many others, are quite tolerant of Tom Osborne's religion and his politics, even if there are things that I might disagree with. 


    Ron Brown on the other hand, said what he said out loud, in public, using the weight of his public persona, and did not apologize. He can believe what he wants, and once again has done plenty of great things on and off the football field.


    Nobody wants Christians segregated, vocal or not. That is simply dramatic hyperbole. But vocal Christians certainly have avenues to express their faith without stomping on the rights of others.

    All Christians have different roles as part of the body of Christ.  Some are more bold than others.  Paul and Peter of the Bible were bold.  Timothy not so much.  Each completed the role God had for them.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Enhance said:

    No, it's not.


    The conversation surrounding the Bible is a small portion of this thread. Whittling down three pages of conversation into sarcastic remarks like 'Ron Brown believes in the bible. Shame on him' is disingenuous.




    That has absolutely nothing to do with equal protection under the law.




    If you want to have a discussion on people's views on Christianity, please take it to P&R. This line of discussion is getting too close to going off topic.

    We have people saying that RB hates the rule of law because he disagrees with the ruling of some legislators.  That this position makes the Bible a small portion of the conversation and somehow it is acceptable to segregate Christians off into their own schools or locations.  Does it make things all better when you don't have to see and hear a Christian in your public space?  Somehow, a Christian cannot disagree with the local, state, or federal laws without being an evil person.  People say he is pushing his view onto people.  Well how about the pushing of the homosexual agenda onto Christians.  You cannot watch a TV show, a movie, read a magazine without homosexuality being pushed and glorified.  But a Christian must be silenced.

    • Plus1 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Keeping in mind that Ron Brown wants to tell tens of millions of people who they are legally allowed to love, based on the Bible, and that they will be burning in hell regardless.


    Pretty odd to see Ron Brown as the victim here. 


    And it's not that people tried to shut him up. Ron Brown spoke his mind, and that's how we got our opinion of him. 


    Then Ron found a good home for his selective tolerance: Liberty University.


    So, you want vocal Christians segregated.

    • Plus1 1
  7. Just now, Enhance said:

    Do you also find it pitiful that he showed a lack of tolerance in his 2012 testimony?


    Fundamentally speaking, this is why some people have concerns about Ron Brown. He advocated for love, fairness, treating all players/people the same, etc., while simultaneously saying LGBTQ citizens were undeserving of equal protection under the law. Perhaps his views on this have changed but that's what he said at the time.

    I do not find it pitiful.  A Christians true love for fellow sinners is to warn of the danger to come at Judgement Day. 

    • Plus1 5
  8. 1 hour ago, Enhance said:

    This is a disingenuous and gross misrepresentation of the conversation in this thread.

    No, it is spot on.  The only reason RB is being attacked is for his adherence to the God of the Bible.  The argument is always the same and their ignorance of Scripture such as Leviticus 19:27 is never researched in context or as part of Scripture as a whole.  Attackers do not care about anything other than trying to shame people into silence as if it is shameful to believe the things Ron Brown believes in.

    • Plus1 2
  9. 12 hours ago, Making Chimichangas said:

    I sincerely DO NOT like this hire.  I think Coach Frost could have done much, much better.


    And all I am going to say about this topic is this:


    Ron Brown's stance that he's simply against LBGTQIA people because it is a "sin" against god is ludicrous.  You know what's also a "sin", an "abomination" and "disgusting" to god?  


    *Eating pork, rabbit, and anything in the water that doesn't have fins and scales: shrimp, clams, mussels, lobster, crawfish, etc.

    *Wearing mixed fabric clothing

    *Shaving your head (Leviticus 19:27)


    I'd love to tell Ron Brown where he can put his selective "I'm against ____ because it is against god's will" thinking.  Because if he was consistent, he'd be anti a lot more than just LBGTQIA.




    As I said, I don't like this hire, but there's nothing I can do about it, so... :snacks:

    By making this statement you show how much you do not know about the Bible.

    It kills me that people want Christians to "check their baggage" at the door or to shut up at work or in public. I don't mind that people disagree because it is part of our God given freedoms articulated in the Constitution.  I find it pitiful that there is no tolerance for the 10's of millions of guys like Ron Brown. I'm sure he would not tell you how much he would "love to tell you where to put your selective tolerance". 

    • Plus1 5
  10. If there could be one thing that I would want people to take away from the Spring Game is that Nebraska fans take football practice seriously and so should the players.  The players have clearly decided practice and hard work in the weight room is where wins come from.  I'm very happy so many fans went to the practice to help support the hard work the players and coaches have put in so far!

    • Plus1 1
  11. Frosts staff followed him here to Nebraska because of his leadership and integrity. His staff chose to come here. They were not forced and neither are any players who come. The staff got a promotion to the big leagues of NCAA football as well as any player who comes here.  I simply cannot understand why UCF fans don't recognise that!  The staff should be thanked and the fans need to move on. 

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