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The Cornfather

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Posts posted by The Cornfather

  1. Frost is a competitor, he wants to win and compete NOW but I think he needs to face the fact that we are just and absolutely awful team right now and that he needs to accept that this IS a rebuilding year. The entire foundation is rotten and it's built on top of a swamp to boot and the only way were going to get back to the glory days of old is to tear down this S*** show and start over from scratch... Luckily I think Frost is just the guy to do that and we all just have to have patience and persevere.

    • Plus1 1
  2. 1 hour ago, lo country said:

    Agree^ Frost has commented time and again you have to be tough to play QB at NU.  Not stupid.....I think Frost will do what is in the best interest of the player and not look for a quick fix that turns into a longterm issue.  I agree Martinez is the future.  If he gets hurt worse, that sets the process back that much more.  


    I just think he wouldn't see the field unless he is 100%.  However, if it truly is an issue that playing will not make worse or create more damage (more painful that hurt), Martinez might play.  Unsure how close AM and TG really were, but it would appear the gap between the two of them and AB was rather large.  Hoping if AB does start, the staff really develops an effective sheme around him that he can execute.  Not the vanilla we saw Sat....

    I was thinking about this earlier like wouldn't it be better to hold AM out until he's 100% and maybe if it lingers enough he ends up getting a redshirt? Like that means this season is pretty much a wash but if it means getting another year out of him...? 

  3. 1 hour ago, Toe said:


    Right, like how is this not considered a form of targeting? Are they only concerned with concussions, to the point that they don't really care about stuff like being able to walk?

    In fact this is even worse than targeting imo. Sometimes sure targeting is obviously deliberate and other times it's more of an unfortunate accident, but in this case with Colorado I'm pretty sure we can all agree that it's 100% deliberate, especially given Colorado's history with such type of dirty play. 


    I just think it's dumb that the one type of play that can't really be policed 100% accurately 100% of the time is what they make such a stink over and then we get "oh Nebraska is just trying to make excuses for why they lost" when we have solid proof of ill intent. Yet another example of us getting the shaft from the refs and media types.

  4. 54 minutes ago, 4skers89 said:

    I don't hear "We need to get rid of dirty play" so much.  I think it goes without saying unless there is an incident (except this one apparently).  The rule changes are hypocritical if they aren't going to do anything about this.  

    You must never have heard any of Ed Cunningham's color commentary then lol... Lucky!

    • Haha 1
  5. The thing that gets me is all the talk I hear about "We need to make the game safer!" Or "We need to get rid of dirty play!" Which is why we now have such BS targeting rules (think Nate Gerry from a couple years ago.) And yet here we have demonstrable video evidence of a dirty play that resulted in a player's injury and the guys on the BTN segment are like "meh... S*** happens." Isn't that just a bit hypocritical?

    • Plus1 6
  6. 5 hours ago, The Murphinator said:

    Look at this BS from a BTN guy. You think they would be clamoring for Nebraska to be in the tournament but...


    Wasn't that a big storyline all year with NW and their tourney appearance last year? I don't really follow basketball all that much but aren't we one of the few teams remaining that haven't won a tourney game yet? So you'd think that us getting off the schneid would be kind of a big deal wouldn't you?

  7. 17 hours ago, ZRod said:

    Last home game with Kansas was pretty freaking cold.  Only in the low 30s but there was a breeze the wholetime that made it feel way worse. My feet were numb by the end of the game.


    They ran out of hot chocolate at halftime of that game IIRC which was a major bummer. I also went to the Kstate game (@ Manhattan) that year and that was even colder. On the flip side I went to a couple of home Colorado games (One year I think was the year of Henery's kick) where the weather was pretty nice and fairly balmy.

  8. 2 minutes ago, 614Husker said:

    No, I was right.  I saw the product on the field was horrendous and a fluke win of that magnitude would send a false sense of security in a terrible on field product.


    and let’s think about...a good coach would build off such a win.  But that clown staff wouldn’t know a good thing if it happened by accident...which it did.  That win culminated in the embarrassment of this season, bc sure we beat Michigan st, but people seemed to forget this was the same staff that lost to Illinois and Purdue in such epic fashion.

    Not trying to rip on you or anything but how about we put the past behind us and focus on the future? This should be a day of celebration and reading this post was (no offense) really killing my buzz. GBR!

    • Plus1 2
  9. 59 minutes ago, shyndy said:

    I think the Better analogy would have been if Osborne was going to the Broncos and people wore broncos jerseys.  I would have just laughed I guess

    I hope I would be able to say that I understood their excitement in getting a spectacular coach. Would I be pissed? Yeah prbly I mean who wouldn't in that position? But what I most definitely would not do would be to insult their fanbase and their state the way I have been seeing the UCF boards do. I really wanted to be a fan of the team but their fans reaction has really turned me off to them. After today, like Pontius Pilate, I will gladly wash my hands of them. GBR

  10. 23 minutes ago, Excel said:

    Who do you guys want as Defensive Coordinator? 


    UCF-USF was the first UCF game I've watched but I've seen the box scores from the other games and how he turned around that program. Frost looks downright scary and if he can get the recruits he'd need I think he'd do extremely well in Lincoln...but I'm curious about the Defense. One thing I've always admired about you guys is the blackshirt tradition, it would be cool to see that make a come back.

    Disclaimer: The only UCF game I've watched this year is the UCF-USF game on Friday. From looking at the seasons box scores and what I saw of their defense the other day I'll be quite content if their DC stays and gets promoted to interim HC.

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