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Everything posted by Bornhusker

  1. lol, nice.. although huskerboard isn't a free market, it is well regulated, or is supposed to be. The citizens do not get to dictate what is or isn't ok to post.
  2. I have zero problem with your thread title, but according to others it doesn't promote civil discussion.. .
  3. I 100% agree. it was absolutely stupid.. no ignorant for him to use that term, especially in the company he was in. My point was, democrats/liberals, especially democratic/liberal media, are all about controversy
  4. here is their utopia.. I hate using Fox, but once in a while it has to be done.
  5. Oh, so creating a thread about the Republican Utopia is about discussion? How about Trumps America, or "A man you can bait" or "Trump is a Racist" ? Are all those about discussion? Do you really foster discussion, or just what you view as suitable? My thread and the posts I have made are no different than everyone elses. I never complained about being attacked, I said some have made posts about me, which they have, and I said I would like it to stop. I never complained to anyone!
  6. will immigration know where I live (she is speaking as if she was one of the groups she listed), will they come for my family, will they deport us? Obama says "when you vote you are a citizen yourself" Well, that is not 100% true.. just voting doesn't make you a citizen. You most assuredly can vote illegally, and not as a citizen. he did NOT at any time clarify his statement by saying illegals can not vote. He did says by voting you are a citizen, which is what she was saying in her opening statement.. she called them citizens.
  7. So every undocumented is from being born in this country? Nice try, though, and no it isn't the same reason I am a citizen.
  8. once again, stop making posts about me. You and a couple others have done this a few times now. I will ask you to please stop. I am not a republican or a democrat. I think they both are killing this nation. I also think Trump says the dumbest things, but I also think he is doing some good things.
  9. No, he didn't. At no time did Trump even make such a claim. he did say something about "he would be dating her". That does not mean he wants to have sex with his daughter. Put your hate away for a minute. Like I said.. creepy, very much so, but doesn't mean what brb said Trump said.. which is he wants to F his daughter.
  10. sorry, but what is being said is very clear. Go by the words they are saying and you will see.. This is how things started.. it is very clear she includes illegals, the difference is she considers them citizens.. That is a key part of her statement! Deny it all you want, but you would be wrong!
  11. You made a very specific claim and you are wrong. Please tell me you really understood the "sex" comment and that you are not just blinded by hate?
  12. considering that is what they talk about, it very much DOES prove my point. You are reading into it what you want to see/believe.
  13. huh? because I called out democrats you came up with this? This must be another one of those posts that are backed with facts? I am starting to see who the angry people really are.. two posts by two different posters about me, or directed towards me.
  14. Like I said hypoerbolic crap, perhaps I would be dating her does not mean what you said at all... and the second video doesn't prove your comment at all.
  15. is this the posts of substance that others were not doing? I am not the least bit angry. Why are you making claims about me when you have no possible way of knowing if I am or not?
  16. Maybe YOU need to listen to what is actually being said.. She starts off saying.. Many of the millennials, dreamers, undocumented citizens, she calls them citizens blah blah, are fearful of voting.
  17. I want you to prove he said this.. without you adding what you think he meant.
  18. lol, I told that poster that because I wasn't expecting that poster to respond at all. I never expect anyone to respond to something I post.. That doesn't mean they can't, nor does it mean I won't respond back to them.. it doesn't matter if it has declined or not, it is still happening. Whether it is 11.3 million or 11.0, that is still a large amount of illegals in this country. The affects are the same regardless. ok, prove it! You are making these claims.. prove it!
  19. BRB, I didn't know you dealt in hyperbolic crap. I have seen the comments about his daughter and that is not what was meant.. was it creepy to say.. YES, but it isn't at all what you are claiming, or maybe you have some other facts to show for your above claims?
  20. Would you like some of the democrats social media posts? how about a democrat coming out afterwards and talking about what was said in a private meeting? Oh, no, the dems are not trying to derail anything.. it is all Trump.
  21. chuckle, right.. instead of doing there job's they would rather make things worse.. Nice way of looking at things! OR they found a voter base!
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