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Omaha fan

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Posts posted by Omaha fan

  1. 31 minutes ago, Enhance said:

    In a perfect world where opportunities are equal and people are not discriminated against because of the color of their skin, whom they choose to take as a partner, what reproductive organ they were born with, etc., I would tend to agree.


    But, I don't really have to go into detail about how we don't live in the perfect world... right?


    This is a lazy and uninformed take. If one were to take the time to read the actual guidelines outlined by the academy, the 30 percent rule is only applied to ONE standard. A film must meet TWO of FOUR standards in order to be eligible for Best Picture. So, if meeting the 30 percent rule wouldn't apply to that movie's plot, they would simply need to meet one of the other standards.

    Great, they have to meet 2 of 4 quotas. 

    So best picture isn’t best picture anymore. It’s best picture who met 2 hiring quotas. 

    Yes tell me again how bad women have  it, they make up the majority of college students and graduates, live longer etc etc 

    • Plus1 2
  2. The reality of today’s workplace for most of the last  40 years I’ve been in business in corporate America and owning/ running several mid sized businesses  just do not meet The standards of what most describe as racism.


    Greedy ugly capitalism means I want to maximize profits. That means I hire purely based on merit. And good people are almost always in very high demand and hard to find. 

    When I was in the corporate world we were told to be very aggressive at the hiring shows we put booths at when it came to minorities. We were required to take any minority resume no matter how poorly they matched up with our requirements and pass along to our superior.

    They would do out of box thinking to try and figure out if we could find something they could do. Minorities were not discriminated against, they had a huge leg up. Black females are the triple crown and always got an interview. 


    Ask anyone in corporate hiring of who owns a descent sized business and ask them if they care a rats behind about race, sex, orientation. They don’t and it’s against the law to do so. 

    • Plus1 3
  3. So this is what I think the commissioner does at any large group consisting of those with a shared goal and deeply intertwined relationships but independent. 


    Ok people today we are voting on this, if you vote yes we are playing, if you vote no we are putting the season off until spring.


    no stating of pros or cons

    no scientific data presented

    no facilitation of discussion or ideas


    Yes and if a more detailed proposal is needed they just go around the table to kraft it. Each person gets to add one word so every 14th word is yours. That’s how it’s done 


     What a great gig. 



  4. 51 minutes ago, knapplc said:

    It's amazing how many experts on the exact duties of the Big Ten Commissioner just happen to post here.

    You’re right, there are lots here that seem to to very confident that he doesn’t do much at all. 


    He’s a $4,500,000 a year vote counter 

    great work if you can get it. I’m going to tell my 82 year old mom about that gig. she loves doing that in thE elections  for free and could use the extra cash. Hopefully Warren moves the the nfl and a spot opens up. 

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  5. So when there are disparities in numbers For a job differing from our national averages favoring non whites it is due to merit, culture and choices.? 

    But when let’s say something like high paying computer programming jobs, statisticians, scientists, physicists, mathematicians, engineers etc , those disparities favoring whites  are all about evil racism right?  

    Im all about merit. I’m a new big fan of the academy awards now where all the pictures that qualify must now have a certain percentage of minorities represented as main and minor characters and behind the scenes. Something  like 30 percent? Guess we won’t be seeing any Viking or Godfather movies anytime soon lol

    • Plus1 1
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  6. 1 hour ago, Huskers93-97 said:

    So if the season gets started on Oct. 17. Instead of now like the other conferences. Due to postponing based on bad data provided by some guy at Penn State. What kind of financial loss will each university incur due to losing roughly 4 games each due to incompetent leadership? Sounds like a lawsuit.

    The deal is the study information the penn state guy shared was just something he got verbally. He never saw the data or the report or how big the sample size was.

    its up the Kevin warren to vett the input. You can’t shut down a league over something someone “ heard about” with no concrete data. 

    Then when that data did come out it was immediately discredited by a dr at Michigan and of course later by the Mayo Clinic.. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, Toe said:


    None of which refutes the fact that Warren didn't make the decision. Also, do you have a source for your claim that Warren is the one who presented the myocarditis stuff to the presidents? To me it sounded like it was one of the presidents who brought it up (Michigan's?).



    Alluded to other, no actual quotes.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Hilltop said:

    It appears Nebraska is ending state imposed mandates next week.  





    If we do end up with football, looks like we will have the ability to have fans.  Without restrictions, I do think we will have a hard time selling all the seats though.  KC struggled to sell 16k for their game last night.  



     But I was in western Nebraska last weekend and no one was wearing masks anywhere we went minus a couple of waitresses.


    however we do have our share of older fans. I’m guessing we could get north of 20,000

    • Plus1 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:

    The NFL debuted last night. It looked and sounded like football. Worked for me. 


    Again, I don't see how you can have football on TV four nights a week, and on high school fields every Friday, and the Big 10 sitting on the sidelines insisting they made the right call. Again, I think the call was defensible in the moment. But everyone else on Earth is working overtime to adapt as things change, and it's not a bad quality. 

    Unfortunately some people would rather go down with their ship, Ignore new and better data, make excuses and root like hell for hiccups.

    Then blow the hiccups Up to be much more than they are so you can be right about canceling football? Are they all really that dumb? are they just doubling down and doing the never admit you’re wrong thing? Or are there other motives ? 


    • Plus1 1
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  10. 16 minutes ago, Undone said:


    Honestly I think it would be pretty awesome to just watch them sit out. Who really GAF?

    The first year we hosted Michigan State had several of their fans tailgate with us. Their mantra was that we should hate Michigan lol. On and on about the Michigan man thing, snobs, elitists, some of it was pretty vile and the worst was from a 70 year old woman lol. Every group had the same thing to say. 

    Spent a ton of time in Michigan last 3 years, one of my kids in school there. Grand Rapids, east Lansing, much much different vibe than Ann Arbor, night and day. Like their coach, not the school or President. 

    • Plus1 2
  11. This can be laid squarely at the feet of Kevin Warren and mark Schlissel. 

    One is in over his head and trying to be a Thought leader national hero in getting college football cancelled with terrible data, little to no input and a ridiculous understAnding of time. He wanted to be first and have everyone follow, patting him on the back until he takes over the nfl.

    Mr Schlissel, sure brilliant man and stodgy blue blood Michigan man elitist. He could care less about sports and is all about making Michigan and the big 10 more Ivy League like.


    I knew his pic would look like before I even looked it up. Only thing missing are those stupid patch things on his elbows


    Of course he is from New York and educated at princeton and worked at brown before Michigan.  He may have never touched a football, let alone watched a game. Typical Elitest regular guy hater. Under his direction. Michigan now has the highest tuition of any public university- yes they want that elite snob tag and proudly wear it. 





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  12. So nationwide we have no student hospitalizations

    We have no student deaths

    The big bogeyman of myocarditis has been proven to be a fraud

    High School football being played here

    College football being played here


    With all the money and resources the Big10 has and somehow they can’t pull off football? 

  13. Penn State health guy who Warren relied heavily on in his decision to cancel our season Is shown to be very sketchy. 

    The  “study” on myocarditis the penn state guy quoted was just something he had heard about verbally. The numbers he quoted of 30-35 percent  infection rate were more than double what the study stated. Turns out the study was flawed as well and there are zero cases of myocarditis being reported in football players anywhere at any level nationwide. 

    How does warren put so much faith into a study that has so few details? A verbal account is somehow not vetted at all? The myocarditis is supposedly the thing that put warren over the top in canceling the season-wow. 


    • Plus1 2
  14. 4 minutes ago, Crusader Husker said:

    The president or Harbaugh?  LOL!!  Sorry I couldn't resist!

    Harbaugh is a great guy, he’s good for the game and he loves football. I’ve met him, he took time out of what he was doing on the fly, jumped in and helped a bunch of coaches there on a Saturday, ran drills with our kids and gave us a tour of the locker room and cafeteria. Modest and unassuming regular guy. 

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