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Everything posted by StuckinCO

  1. Hell, we couldn’t even catch the Hail Mary and get a cheap pick.
  2. He has to bring extra pressure when they’re down wind. Can’t give him time to throw.
  3. WTF was Hartzog doing there? What’s he doing looking at the QB if he’s in man coverage.
  4. 44 yards into a 15 mph wind isn’t a chop shot. Probably 50/50 at best for a make.
  5. Looked like all 11 defenders were within a couple yards of the line of scrimmage. That play had zero chance.
  6. I’d punt it. Let’s flip the field for a change.
  7. Always. At least they’re incompetent our way today. So far.
  8. Can’t complain that the officials are against us today.
  9. If he can catch the snap at least he can run. IF. HH has gotten so tentative he’s not a run threat anymore.
  10. Our receivers are so shocked when one hits them in the hands they don’t know what to do.
  11. I’ll go back a while and mention Travis Turner.
  12. I don’t know if it matters or not, but the back judge got in his way while he was trying to run off. Might have made enough of a difference.
  13. I just can’t see us winning as long as HH is qb’ing. Unless our D can get a couple of scores.
  14. Take that pick all the way, don’t put our offense back on the field.
  15. And he hasn’t been exactly taking care of the ball either. It was worth a shot to give Sims one more chance considering how it was going.
  16. Hate to say it, but HH seems to be getting worse. He’s timid and extremely indecisive.
  17. And it was really, really ugly……and we’ll take it.
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