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I See Red People

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Everything posted by I See Red People

  1. Others suggested that USC doesn't deserve the "dynasty" label like Nebraska does because the USC home attendance in the past (5-15 years ago) has been somewhat less than Nebraska's home attendance. So here's my question for "California Husker" and others. . . . . . How many more beatdowns do the Trojans have to administer to Nebraska before Nebraska fans will acknowledge that USC has every bit as good a football program as the Cornhuskers do? Now please note -- I'm not trying to claim that USC has a superior football team/tradition than Nebraska -- I'm just trying to get Cornhusker fans to acknowledge that at least in a football sense, USC is at least equal to the storied Cornhusker program. And while I may be myopic as a USC fan, at least I do see well enough to recognize that USC football players seem to block and tackle a whole lot better than the Nebraska Cornhusker football team does. Okay little trojan man, I'll take the bait. First, what made Nebraska a true football dynasty is that for a span of over 30 years we played for 9 national championships winning five of them. During that span, we never won fewer than 9 games in a season. During that span we averaged...AVERAGED...10 wins a season. During that span we never...NEVER...lost more than three games in one year. During that span we had five...FIVE...undefeated seasons. Now, USC has had a great run over the last five years. I can't deny that. However, you are 60-6 which is not as good as Nebraska's 60-3 from `93-`97. During the last five years you played for two national championships and only won one of them. (I don't count the time you missed the championship game but the spoiled sports writers threw a little fit and gave you guys their biased recognition), and you only had one undefeated season. During our five year run from `93-`97 we played in the recognized championship game three times and won all three and had three undefeated seasons. Sure SC is better right now than Nebraska right now. But you are asking about dynasty. I am not as myopic as some sports fans and media types who think a dynasty is a three-to-four year stretch. That is why Nebraska from 1970-2001 is a true dynasty, and why USC will need another 7-10 years of nine-to-ten win seasons, and a couple more undefeated seasons, and a couple more legit national championships, to really be a dynasty. Oh, and by the way...no matter what your media guide says...you don't have 11 national championships. Sorry but, no matter how much you want to, you can't count the Dunkel, Matthews, and Sagarin polls as championships.
  2. I'd say hats off to all receivers of the football, well done.
  3. First of all, I believe that it is the players that ultimately win or lose the game. Having said that it would be nice to see some different schemes once they blew the running lanes open. If we packed more in the box and relied more on the dbs coverage, maybe we would have forced them to change. Instead, they didn't have to change because it always worked. Just my 2 cents.
  4. yes the holes were big but I never thought of it that way
  5. It will be OK. Just think if we win the next 9 games by an average of 35 points. People will be saying BRING ON OU! I'm not saying I think this will happen, just tryin to say that you never know. I do know that Keller and these Seniors are not going to feel doomed after losing to USC.
  6. Sounds like most of Osborne's teams his whole career and he didn't even have to face the 85 scholarship limit. Osborne's teams played three quality teams a year and usually lost. This just goes to show that all it takes is that success to make the past failures disappear. Championships are just not given out. Just ask T.O.
  7. I was proud of our receivers and how we played well in the latter parts of the game. Purify showed me some good things with toughness holding onto the ball and averaging over 10 yards per reception. We couldn't afford to have any breaks go their way and as soon as they picked up their own fumble and went half the field, I knew it wasn't going to be our night.
  8. We were fooled by the motion up the middle plays. Second half should have been BIG ADJUSTMENTS.
  9. Looks like we ran over your second and third stringers. They kinda are to blame for the "comeback". Good luck when the golden boys leave.
  10. I think I even heard Musberger refer to Carroll as "our guy".
  11. Stadium is EMPTY. If I had paid that much to see this game, I would watch it all.
  12. Hold em' One more TD, 49-32 not embarassing, but i guess it doesnt matter.
  13. Good job for not giving up offense. If only a defense showed up tonight.
  14. Not to flame, but I'm tired of saying, "we're just not there yet" or "next year" or "it wasn't our day" How long does it take? Cally has had 4 full seasons of recruits and time to produce. I'm not calling for anyones head, but some of the basic fundamentals aren't being instilled, like blocking and tackling. Credit to USC, they are the top team in the land. If only we knew how long it took. Ask Tom Osborne how long it takes.
  15. Yeah i think being a fan involves watching your team get thumped. It's a part of life.
  16. Here's to hoping this is NU's only loss and USC wins many if not all of their games.
  17. I think we will be back to a competitive level soon, but not that soon. We just haven't reached the top 10 yet. I have a feeling it is going to be a tough battle back to the top.
  18. C'MON, Let's not totally crap the bed here. We still have a whole quarter left. Let's HOLD OUR OWN AT HOME.
  19. Speed is a huge factor. It seems like USC is running right by a backfield tackle.
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