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Everything posted by MVPujols

  1. some dude just PMd me and i dont know how to reply
  2. Coming in i assumed this would be an all out shootout.. after seeing OSU whoop up on this D last wk , i assumed that Mizzou would do that to us even with any croud noise.. But these guys proved me wrong.. i still say this is a verrry shaky defense, mostly just pass D, but overall good game by them...
  3. Losing to texas isn't that bad.. Espically when we could have won it easily. .but this.. this is.. wow.. just.. wow... thats all i can say
  4. no way we win this... not with the way we're playing.. no way.. we arent going to win, nor do we deserve to win
  5. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD DAMNIT ALL TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS BS.. THIS IS BS.. THIS IS THE BIGGEST AMOUNT OF BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. come on offense... what the hell.. good lord.. playing you dont even give a damn about htis whole game...
  7. why does this happen to us? why do teams play like its the freaking national championship against us?
  8. what the heck is happening? Kansas all over again.. Good lord..
  9. i cant believe this crap.. we had this game.. we so had it..
  10. id rather see a close game.. not too close.. 2 scores up at all times , but we pull it off.. Close games scare me , so 2 scores is good..
  11. i just read an article where zac said he wants it the loud'st its ever been on Saturday... grant his wish , please!!!! I wont be going to the game , so i cant.... And, Texas's coach said the croud will not be a factor.. PROVE HIM WRONG!!!!!
  12. one more day!!!!!!! Gosh, i hate these cocky texas fans! they act like their team can come into NU and KILL us.. Even though their freshamn QB hasn't played a game out of texas... Geez.. I HOPE WE WIN!
  13. i hope franks team finds a way to win this one.. im still a big fan of his , and hope he leads ohio to bowl game... although, i DONT want him back at NU...
  14. let me start out by saying i feel really good about this game. Coming into the USC game, i wasnt to confident in the team, i hoped we would win but i really didnt feel like we would. Today i feel as though we have a very good chance to beat texas, and in doing so shut the kids mouths at my school who say NU sucks no matter which stats i can throw at them If we do beat them, then i think we can take anyone left on our schedule, and, depending on how the game is won, think we can beat them in the title game. It really just depends how we play.. if we get killed , then i think we win 9 regular season games.... we beat them in an ugly lucky game , i say we win 10 regular season games and 11 total.. But if we go out there, put very good effort and beat them then ill say we have a very good chance at 13-1 or 12-2.. Just IMO..
  15. i will be , believe me... i do talk on a few other boards.. but i will probably be here a lot.. get used to seeing me around.. Later all.. headin to sleep
  16. i know.. and finally im like , screw this , im going to a husker board where i dont have to talk to complete idiots... so i went to google and typed in "nebraska fan forum" and u guys poped up!
  17. i have no clue what records , they just said "mark my words, by the time callahan is done in NU all your history and records will be wrecked"
  18. yup.. thats what i keep telling them. but they even say they can come into Lincoln (where we have only lost 12 of our last 117 i think) and blow us out.. not only win , but blow us out..... retards...
  19. hey guys, as you can tell from the topic title, i am new here! (yea yea, no picking on the newbie though) anyway... As my first post i would like to dedicate this to completely retarded Missouri fans on the Chiefs board that i post on. They say that by the time Billy C. leaves NU , all the records etc will be killed.. i argue that he is on his way up but they dont listen.. One of them said we will get killed by Texas, and i brought up the fact that we rank better then them in every offencive category, plus home field.. and still , refuse to listen... Yeah, just had to ramble about that , lol..
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