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Posts posted by treeeman

  1. Frazier came in as a freshman and played his hand. I'm sure had Grant been playing lights out Frazier wouldn't have started the rest of the year and would have transferred. I can see the same thing happening this year. If Lee goes out there and plays sub par like Grant did, Green could play his hand or force his hand. At the end of the day, it's quite simple. These are college kids. If they think they're ready and willing to give up their redshirt year, there's little the coaches can do about it. If Green is willing to burn his shirt for mop up duty or whatever, then that's probably what will happen. Just as it was already pointed out. It will really suck if he redshirts and then leaves after his redshirt sophomore year for the NFL.

    Mike Grant got hurt, some kind of shoulder injury I believe. That's why Tommie Frazier was able to step in. And, if I recall correctly TO had Coach Gill lobbying for Frazier-which never hurts.


    Did Frazier threaten to transfer? Don't know and don't care.


    The part in green...players do not run the team. The coaches do. And, the fastest way for a coach to lose control of his team is to let the players make the decisions.

    The way Mike Grant threw the ball, it wouldn't surprise me if he was injured his entire Husker career. After the 3rd game of the season, Frazier went to TO and said play me or I'm transferring. I think we know the rest of the story.


    The discussion here has nothing to do with players running the team. The discussion here is about a players right to decide whether or not they redshirt. Coaches sometimes have to make a difficult decision to pull a redshirt because of an injury. Coaches sometimes also have to make a difficult decision with regards to playing time when a player decides they do not want to redshirt. TO didn't redshirt Bobby Newcombe. Newcombe wasn't even a huge contributor as a true freshman, but TO had to find a way to get him on the field so that it wasn't just a wasted year of eligibility.

    Frasier took over QB at half time because the fans were booing the huskers at half time.

  2. I thought there was no way he could even sniff the field this year, until I talked to a couple grad assistants.


    In talking to them, I could tell they were holding back their real thoughts, but they were very very high on cody green.


    Wouldn't suprise me if he is the starting qb at the end of the year.

  3. I don't think you can acurately judge any player who played under Callahan's system for three years. If Marlon had played under a coach like Pelini his entire college carreer I think he'd a had a chance to re-write some record books at Nebraska. As it is he was far, far, from being a bust. I wish nothing but the best for Marlon as he moves on and am thankful he played here.


    Did anyone notice that as the year went on, his playing time kept being reduced??? I'm not so sure Pelini is a big fan of lucky

  4. if the rape rumors were true and it was infact reported to the coaches, would he more than likely not only be off the team but kicked out of school?


    He would also be in jail. Rape rumors are bs. No coach would ever look past such a crime. If a coach tried to cover up a rape, he would be fired immediately and possibly charge with aiding and abetting.

  5. Is is strange that nobody has called for the head of the attorney who reviewed and recommended that Perlman sign the peterson and callahhan contracts?


    Bo has a mitigation clause in his contract, that is pretty much STANDARD in these types of contracts.

  6. ok,ok,ok. It was a class act following up and getting to book to you.

    But I'm a little sick of everyone in Nebraska bending over for JR. It's been 37 years, and he is still living off his past. This is the person who held up a gas station. He ponded his heisman, then sign autographs and got some boosters to give him money to get it back. What has he really done with his life or for Husker football after his career ended?

  7. He would benefit from another year here. However, it's definitely true that Lucky's biggest problem last year was not having any holes to run through.


    In the NFL, backs don't get holes, they get seams. Lucky hasn't shown the strength to get through the line and into the secondary.


    He'll be back

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