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maryland husker

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Posts posted by maryland husker

  1. I would say that Colorado team might have been one of the best Colorado teams ever. The Big Eight probably had the best 3 teams playing that year.


    I gotta disagree with that one. I think it was 1971 when us, OU, and CU were 1-2-3 in the country. That CU team was the best I've seen in my 50 years.


    But back on the subject of worst NC since 1992:


    1997 Michigan - 1st in total defense but 44th (!) in offense, and barely beat a weak Ryan Leaf led Wazzu team. Every computer game (such as they were back then) that matched us and them had us crushing Blue


    Nebraska is Hated around here so much, it's very very hard being a big red fan in PA but i wouldn't have any other way



    I got to witness this first hand in "happy" valley in 2002. Spit on, shoved to the ground "by accident", cursed at, and having to look at F**K Nebraska t-shirts throughout the stadium. Youz'nz weren't very nice that night!




    (from just south of the mason-dixon line)

  2. If you look at the respective rest of the schedules, Oregon isn't going to impress anyone even if they win out - unless they crush everyone. OU has two teams with winning records left on their schedule, one of them will be higher in the BCS rankings. Win both of them, and OU jumps Oregon into the NC game. Probably OU/LSU in the NC game, Oregon goes to the Rose, and KU/MU winner (whoever loses to OU in the title game) goes to the Fiesta as an at large

  3. Good to see Western Nebraska is well represented on here. I'm originally from 68 county, but now live in Eastern Iowa. Had to go where I could find a job.




    Sandhillers rule! 7-6 county, baby. We used to go to Bridgeport to get our asses handed to us every year. That was a looooong ride home. Much of my family is still in the Gering, Morrill, Mitchell, and Torrington area. Poor Dicks were the way to entertain us kids on the way up to family reunions! And my grandparents are buried in Ash Hollow cemetary, right on the Oregon Trail.




    Anyway, back on topic. Locally when the Ravens got Koch and Ross (then cut Cory, then resigned him) I was happy because it gave me more reason to root for the local team. Even went and had a Ravens #4 jersey made custom - givin' some love to the punter!




    But I've always rooted hard for the Panthers because of the "Mike and Mike" show in the secondary. But now that it is down to one, I have high hopes for the Texans and Saints.

  4. Someone is really hoping for KU to be in the NC game. I'm not so sure thats gonna happen. OU will beat KU and then It'll be Oregon and LSU for the Championship.




    Oregon won't be in the championship game vs LSU if OU goes 12-1. They will get an at large bid, but the computers (and voters) will put OU in there

    I dont think so. Current Computer Rankings:


    1. LSU

    2. KU

    3. Oregon

    4. ASU

    5. Mizzou

    6. OSU

    7. OU


    Not to mention, Oregon Will not get left out 2 years in a row if there are no Undefeated teams.




    You have to look at the rest of the schedule. Oregon has Arizona, UCLA, and Oregon State, and no conference championship game (one team with a winning record right now). OU has Tech and the winner of the Mizzou/KU game, a higher ranked team than they are right now. Both have winning records, and beating a BCS ranked 2/3/4 team will vault them over Oregon

  5. Let's assume OU wins the Big 12 . . .


    Fiesta: OU

    Sugar/Orange: Texas (at-large)

    Gator: Kansas

    Cotton: Mizzou

    Holiday (forgot about this one): Texas Tech


    And that leaves NU/CU, Texas A&M, and probably Okie State. Here are the order of picks after the Holiday:




    Independence (forgot about this one, too)



    Between the three choices, I think the Alamo Bowl would be more likely to choose us than the other two. If CU wins, then I bet the Alamo would take A&M (for proximity). But the Alamo Bowl loves NU. And NU loves the Alamodome (never lost a game there, after all).


    ^^So VA Husker, you're right, it doesn't apply. :P I out-thought myself. Plus, I remembered the Holiday Bowl.


    So in short, yeah, I'd really like us to go to a bowl. The Alamo Bowl, if we can swing it. :P




    The conference is almost assured of getting an at-large BCS bid, so remove OU (NC game - they will pick OU over a 12-1 Oregon) and Mizzou/KU. The pecking order for Big XII tie-ins - other than BCS - is


    Cotton (conference #2) Mizzou/KU - whoever doesn't get the at-large BCS


    Holiday (conference #3) Texas


    Gator (option to take the #4 team) OSU


    Alamo (#4/#5) OSU if the Gator doesn't take the #4, Tech if they do


    Insight (#6) Tech if the Gator doesn't pick, A&M if they do (A&M has the tie-breaker over us amongst 3-5 conference teams)


    Independence (#7) A&M if the Gator doesn't pick from our conference - us if they do


    Texas (#8) us if the Gator doesn't take OSU, otherwise this could be left open because if we become bowl eligible, that means that CU isn't, and KSU won't win another game this year, so they are out. With 8 bowl eligible teams, and the BCS taking two, that leaves 6 to fill 7 tie-ins


    Sun (#?) this bowl also has the option to pick from the Bix XII - doubtful since we will either fill our max or leave one empty

  6. Someone is really hoping for KU to be in the NC game. I'm not so sure thats gonna happen. OU will beat KU and then It'll be Oregon and LSU for the Championship.




    Oregon won't be in the championship game vs LSU if OU goes 12-1. They will get an at large bid, but the computers (and voters) will put OU in there

  7. ACC - Virginia over BC


    SEC - LSU over UGA


    Big XII - OU over KU (who take an at large bid to a BCS bowl)


    Big 10 - Michigan over Ohio St (Lloyd Carr saves his job - again; lose and I think he is gone)


    Pac 10 - Oregon over ASU (who take another at large bid)


    Big East - Cincy over WVU


    WAC - Boise State over Hawaii




    ...and I'll throw another "one more" out there. Chadron State over Valdosta in Div II (it's a shame both UNO and Chad State are in the same bracket!) GO CHAD!




    ...and as a bonus, this weekend's game with Duke at ND - Duke wins!


    For Maryland guy, you can try an discredit our title all you want, but if you really look into that year let's disuss the your team's defensive collapse in the 4th Quarter where Bienemy dominated the game. The situation could have easily been dealt with right there but your school failed, don't try and hang your coat on some other school, take care of the business at hand.




    whoa there, partner. i never said anything about our performance (or lack thereof) that year, nor am I "hanging my coat" on some other school. We had the same situation (shared title due to an officiating blunder) in 1997, but my point is THAT ISN'T OUR ONLY title. Yours is, and it was based on not one, but TWO missteps by the zebras, and the other poster is defending that.




    BTW, what is it exactly with all you Buffs over here on OUR board? gtfoslap.gif

  9. Hmmm. Interesting, since I just saw a breakdown of that very play today when they were saying goodbye to the Orange Bowl. The PROFESSIONAL analysts broke it down from every angle, and there was no "obvious" clip. You have the DVD? Tell me the exact time/location of the clip, the offending player's number, and on whom, and I'll check it out for myself. Otherwise, you are a lone voice whimpering amongst a sea of professional sports analysts who all say the same thing - no clip, Notre Dame wins.




    Your second point just backed up my assertion that the officiating assisted you in that game. Your speculation about winning or losing is just that. You won, and you won because of that mistake. Period




    You have one thing correct in your last paragraph - CU played the toughest schedule that year. That is the only thing you have right. One of the toughest schedules of all time? No way. Your opponent's .628 winning percentage that year is far overshadowed by no less than 29 other teams in the period 1977-1995, some with opponent's winning percentage well over .700. You aren't even in the ballpark for "all time".




    Finally, I'm assuming that you are considering the CNN/USA Today poll as contributing to your 2/3 trophy (which I'm having a hard time figuring out why you are so proud of that accomplishment?)? Yes, they also selected CU as NC, but if you are going to go outside the true 2 NC selection polls, AP and UPI, then Miami was also the NC that year, since the NY Times selected them. I guess that takes back the 1/3 you added, so you are down from 1/2 to 1/3 now.




    So like I said in my original post (now modified for the corrected amount of NC you own) - take your 1/3 NC trophy that you are so proud of (still can't get my mind around that one) and start climbing until you run out of air

  10. Nobody likes to see a game determined by a ref.




    Or a national championship, as it was 1/1/91 when a ref called the phantom block in the back against ND that handed CU a share of the championship. So in one year, it take a 5th down AND a penalty call that really wasn't to get 1/2 a trophy to Boulder. Big F'n whoop

  11. Obviously, if we beat Colorado, it muddies this topic. I think a lot may depend on Callahan's attitude.


    Osborne may NOT fire Callahan if we beat CU and win the Buttsteak Bowl.


    If CU lost to NU, and that led to Callahan being kept on for another year... well, that'd just be the ultimate in cold comfort for me :lol:




    Do you go away after 11/23 either way? Aren't there any fans of CU interested enough to start their own fan board? Or are you just another Husker "wannabe"? Take your one (shared) NC - thanks to the "5th down" AND the "phantom block in the back call" - and haul it up one of your mountains until you run out of oxygen.

  12. People on here in this thread question some folks' attachment to future coaches with a Nebraska pedigree. The reason we look in that direction first is because Nebraska football is like no other in the country, and as we have seen, and outsider most likely will not "get it". Therefore, my list is necessarily top-heavy with names with a direct connection to our way of life....




    1. Monte Kiffin :thumbs


    2. Lane Kiffin :thumbs:thumbs


    3. Norm Chow (never should have gone to the pros - is a college coach through and through)


    4. Turner Gill


    5. Joe Glenn


    6. Brian Peterson


    7. Paul Johnson

  13. Ok, so get rid of everybody and start over. Isn't that what everyone wanted when Solich was around? Let's say you do clean house and start over, how much time are you willing to give the new coaching staff to produce a national championship team? 3 years? 5 years? 8 years? Anyone who thinks it can be done in less than 5 years is just fooling themselves.


    Stoops didn't get that memo.


    ...or the Urbanites in Gatorville (although, to be fair, he did it with the Zookers recruits - Stoops really did it more from scratch)

  14. Great job, Joey! What we witnessed today was the kind of frustration dumping that we were the victim of last week. Finally, our QB AND the receivers got it all together. Keller had the skills to do the same thing, but when he was spot on, our receivers were wearing oven mitts. When they found catching skills, Sam would be off the mark. It all came together today, and Joey and the receivers proved that they have the ability to lead a very good team a long way next year.


    Now excuse me while I watch the last of the BCS undefeateds go down. See ya Ohio State! And if OSU doesnt do it to KU Oklahoma sure will

  15. who said he would come there. if you haven't noticed it is not the job it was 10 years ago. lack of talent, lack of speed and other programs have caught up with you. you may not be able to get who ever you want. your former AD kind of gave the program a bad name after the last hire. hopefully, as a college football fan, you can get someone to restore neb back to the osborne days. just tighten the standards and get quality guys like lawrence phillips, the peter brothers etc. i hear florida state has some extra criminoles that are looking to transfer. at least then you would have some speed on D.



    I think you are right. We need to find a coach who has a daughter who will spread 'em for anyone on the team (and recruits, too!). Excuse me while I go research coaches who have slut daughters, and then revamp my future coach wish list....

  16. Ill agree that we could have pulled on the reins and held off but we only had 11 pass attempts in the second half and don't forget how gay the bcs is. Mangino knows for us to get into a bcs game we need to beat teams to the best of our ability.



    I give up


    this thread is officially hijacked.




    wow! that's an old pic! the Nimitz undergoing sea trails would have been.... late 70s? can't remember exactly when she went in service. i'll have to look that up

  17. Nebraska 84 - Minnesota 13 (1983)



    Nebraska 77 ASU 28 (1995)


    ...and they paid us back the next year by breaking our winning streak.


    Here are two points to ponder...


    KU scored more points in one game yesterday than we allowed them to score on us the entire decade of the 80s. They totalled 67 points from 1980 to 1989. As as many times as we opened up a can of whup a@@ on them in the past, they deserved to get as many points against us as our defense would allow - using starters or not. Poor sportsmanship? Maybe. Years of pent up frustration? Definitely


    KU's shot at a conference title is partially a result of favorable scheduling - and temporary in nature. Who else in the north removes OU, Texas, and TT from their schedule every two years? No one but KU. Enjoy it while it lasts

  18. The KU MU game in arrowhead is going to get ugly between the two fan bases. I hope they are bringing in extra security.



    Too bad you've never been to Boulder. Go experience Folsom Prison.... er, eh, Folsom Field some time. Being from the Sandhills, it was actually closer for us to go there than to Lincoln. you'll learn a new level of poor fan behavior. And if we ever renew our series with Penn State, there's where the ultimate in foul behavior will be experienced.

  19. Oklahoma had some bad times, Syracuse...yeah, Notre Dame, Colorado...and what about Penn State?


    Depends on if this thread is about football powers that have fallen, or just ordinary BCS-level schools. If it is the former, then throw out CU and Syracuse. Never been consistent powers. CU has a shared NC, that's all - and only due to the 5-down game against Mizzou.


    ND wins hands down, but we aren't too far behind. Alabama's back finally, but their fall was hard a few years ago. Penn State is another that flatlined a couple of years ago, but has recovered somewhat. FSU hasn't fallen as far or as hard, but that is another program that is having big problems (other than their annual "signature" win yesterday). If I remember correctly, even OU managed 5 wins at the depth of their 90s freefall.


    The non-"powers" list is headed by the 'Cuse, Pitt, CU (which is recovering), KSU, Northwestern, Iowa, and Maryland (3 10 win seasons in a row and the Fridge is unplugged now)

  20. forget TOs word....its about the program...not firing or 'resigning' any later than this Monday is a blow to recruiting.....


    the Huskers have already lost 2 solid recruits......an announcement needs made by Monday, and a second announcement that NU will go after the top coaches in the country to restore order....

    I have to agree here. TO is a man of his word, but the Husker Nation and the rest of the nation would be very forgiving if he were to see that under the current circumstances he needs to go back on that word and act now. A collective cheer from coast to coast would be heard.

  21. Being in the area and a retired Navy officer, I would like add some perspective to this thread now that we've reached a commonality between my two loves - Nebraska and Navy. PJ is a great coach with the talent he is provided. Remember, they do not recruit 5 star atheletes. These are future Navy Officers who just happen to have some football skills. From that meager pool of talent, he has done very well in bringing the Commanders Trophy back to Annapolis on a regular basis again - but all that means is that you are able to dominate the OTHER service academies that are in the same situation.


    Unfortunately, his system would not work in the Big XII or any other major conference, even with the expected increase in talent. It is simple and predictable. The fact that he ended college football's longest losing streak has me as giddy today as I am distraught about getting hammered in Lawrence yesterday, but he (and his system) is not the answer to the Cornhuskers regaining prominence in the country.


    Don't latch on to PJ because he reminds us of our domination roots from years ago with the option any more than you would suggest Fisher DeBerry from the Wing Nut Academy. It is time to build a program that embraces new schemes and flexibility - without being the size of the Omaha phone book. Something that someone like Norm Chow would bring, and Peterson as mentioned elsewhere on this board. I'm on the fence about Pellini. I get the sense that he is a powder keg ready to explode at a moment's notice and might bring more negative publicity to our program than he is worth. Just a gut feeling I have.

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