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Oklahoma Husker

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Posts posted by Oklahoma Husker

  1. Did you hear me specifically call you out? No you didn't so calm down and and don't try and insult me and call me out. Don't talk about paying tuition either because I have student loans coming out my a$$!



    sorry, everytime i see the word "you" directed at something that is a result of something someone posted, it seems to be directed at the person that posted it, no? just the way it works to me.. You said "support your team" wouldn't you then in fact mean to say, students should show up and support their team? or support their peers? or something to that effect? not something that says "your" that is directed at an individual :dunno

    If I didn't quote you then I wasn't talking to you specifically. The students as a whole need to show up and be fighting amongst one another for those tickets.



    gotcha. just a misunderstanding there then. but i agree completely on that.. nothing else i can do though....



    it gets kind of annoying see people do nothing but bash students. Our entire lives we've been talked down upon like we are nothing but little kids, no respect from authority. We're told that as soon as we graduate high school and turn 18 what we say will matter, and people will listen to us. But, still to no avail. Still some people fail to give respect where respect is due. Just because it's a different generation and a different time doesn't mean growing up is easy. Everything has its own difficulties. They may have not had the technology, but we don't have the simplicity and assumed innocence either. There are so many twists and turns to everything. some people actually do understand and respect students, but some just don't.....


    I completely disagree with that. I'm a college student and I don't feel that I deserve any respect from elders. They have put in their due and I have no problem with them thinking they are wiser than me and not always listening to what I have to say. Respect should be something earned over time not just automatically given out. Maybe people from my generation were just raised differently but I was raised more "old school" than most and absolutely hate when people my age think that they can do whatever they want and the way they always complain about the way older generations treat them. Not saying you personally but people from our generation in general.



    i can agree with that, but disagree at the same time. how are we supposed to gain respect if they don't listen to us? Our voice has to be heard some how. Look at it politically.... i saw a couple of state county maps for the election last week... i was very interested in things... college towns voted very very heavily for Obama while non-college towns didn't. just generalized there, not absolute. Thats one way our voice was heard. (not specifically mine either, not the place for that). But how else do we earn that respect? Another example i will use is from 4 years ago, those from lincoln may remember the worthless mayor we had.... she was invited to come and speak to the YLL group that year (40 of lincoln and surrounding areas brightest students and those who want to influence the area, etc.) and instead of going through anything political or what it's like to be in office, responsibility, what not, she decides to tell us stories about when she grew up. Uh... yea. Things like that, while it may be an extreme example, just shows me complete disrespect for our generation...


    Now, i have seen many people that are like "hey you dumb f**kin blue hair wtf do u think your doin you dumb f**kin stupid pile of s**t.." and yea, thats bs. Uncalled for, doesn't deserve respect... but i guess i just distinguish between that, as im sure you do.


    Yea I can see your point there about if they never listen we have no chance to gain respect. And to be honest I don't really have an answer. I guess I have never had a problem of gaining respect from older generations. And yes I have had older people not listen to my side of things just because I was younger but I just let it go and don't get worked up about it. It may not be right but it's something that I have learned to live with. On the other point about the disrespect for our generation I think it comes from a lot of people in our generation doing things to make all of us look bad. They may still be the minority but it does not take that many to give us a bad repuatation. Humans tend to lump people in groups and our age is one of those so when those people do things like you pointed out the perception is then slid over to cover all people our age.

  2. Did you hear me specifically call you out? No you didn't so calm down and and don't try and insult me and call me out. Don't talk about paying tuition either because I have student loans coming out my a$$!



    sorry, everytime i see the word "you" directed at something that is a result of something someone posted, it seems to be directed at the person that posted it, no? just the way it works to me.. You said "support your team" wouldn't you then in fact mean to say, students should show up and support their team? or support their peers? or something to that effect? not something that says "your" that is directed at an individual :dunno

    If I didn't quote you then I wasn't talking to you specifically. The students as a whole need to show up and be fighting amongst one another for those tickets.



    gotcha. just a misunderstanding there then. but i agree completely on that.. nothing else i can do though....



    it gets kind of annoying see people do nothing but bash students. Our entire lives we've been talked down upon like we are nothing but little kids, no respect from authority. We're told that as soon as we graduate high school and turn 18 what we say will matter, and people will listen to us. But, still to no avail. Still some people fail to give respect where respect is due. Just because it's a different generation and a different time doesn't mean growing up is easy. Everything has its own difficulties. They may have not had the technology, but we don't have the simplicity and assumed innocence either. There are so many twists and turns to everything. some people actually do understand and respect students, but some just don't.....


    I completely disagree with that. I'm a college student and I don't feel that I deserve any respect from elders. They have put in their due and I have no problem with them thinking they are wiser than me and not always listening to what I have to say. Respect should be something earned over time not just automatically given out. Maybe people from my generation were just raised differently but I was raised more "old school" than most and absolutely hate when people my age think that they can do whatever they want and the way they always complain about the way older generations treat them. Not saying you personally but people from our generation in general.

  3. I think one of the main reasons Bo gets more slack is that many of us like him more, as a person. The things he stands for: the hard work, never quitting, etc. And the fact that BC treated the media and fans like they were idiots that he had to waste time on. Many of us can relate to Bo more than Callahan. I think it's as simple as that.

  4. I was at that game. Immediately after the INT I fell over the seat I was in jumping up and down cheering. Then me and my buddy came to our senses to watch the Huskers run the clock out only to see TT lining up with the ball again.


    LeKevin Smith is a name that lives in infamy for diehards. FALL DOWN!!!!!!!! F&^*!!


    The only other game that compares to the heartbreak was Texas in 02 when Grixby takes the punt deep into Texas territory and all that we need is a FG to send it to OT and F'n Jamaal Lord chucks an INT to clinch the L.


    Fundamentals. Say that over and over again and maybe we'll eventually get them right. We as Husker fans don't ask for much. A hard days work and a winning football team. We're on the path back to having both of them again. GBR!


    NU 37 :restore

    ISU 17


    Groce maybe?


    There is no way you can do it everyday. At the most you could do it every other day, but you would probably be on the verge of overtraining. It doesn't say on any of the websites how many times you do it. :dunno



    that's what I figured. If anything it sounds like it needs to be treated as a weekly/monthly max out. Watching the video I think they said that the actual 300 workout was used at the end of the entire training months. Sort of a "final exam"

    Your exactly right there benny they did use this as a final test of sorts however, only one actor was willing to attempt it. I used it as a assessment to see where I was at and I am going to start doing this workout called crossfit. It is based off of the same principles only the workouts are high intensity/circuit traning workouts. It gets your heartrate up and gives you a cardio type of workout while sastisfying my need to lift weights at the same time. It's different checkout crossfit.com for the workouts. :thumbs


    I'm a crossfitter and swear by it. My bro is a Seal and turned me onto it and I do it in the offseason. Once I'm out of college and done with baseball I'll start doing it all the time as part of my training to join the Seals

  6. Thank you BuffsontheRise. Great post. I hope he is better than that. We will find out.


    Good grief HuskerTrucker. Why are you going off on me? So I asked for Buff fans' opinions. Big deal. They are Americans like anyone else. Come on. Why do some people get so worked up and hate others over a game of football. It's just football! You act like it's a crime to talk to other fans. Lighten up Dude.


    That dude (HT) obviously has an opinion about everything and must voice it. That's a pretty incredible amount of posts/per day.


    Aye Carumba, indeed.


    Am I the only one that sees the "insert sarcasm here" icon at the end of his post?

  7. It is alot differt than a regular pushup and believe me I was Infantry and did plenty of pushups, using these devises balance comes in to play and the turning movement gives that cut look.

    If you want a pushup that makes your whole body hurt I have one for you. Get one of those exercise balls and put your feet up on that. Then have two 3 or 4 pound medicine balls and put one under each one of your hands so you are balanced on all of them. Then try to do 5 to 10 pushups!!!! Those are the hardest pushups I've ever done in my life!!!!

    well BRI the next time you go to the gym you need to try this one.


    get 2 20lb dumbbells and something to elevate your feet on. place your hands on the dumb bells and assume the elevated feet push up position. do 1 pushup then lift one of the dumb bells up to your chest in a rowing motion, then do another pushup and repeat the rowing with the other arm. that is 1 repitition. now try and complete 10 of those.


    Yea these are really good..it helps to get chest and back work in the same exercise. Works real well. Another one we do is get two aerobic steps, put them about a foot and half apart, and do one push up with your hands between them and push up and put your hands on the steps and do another. That's one rep and 10 of them really burn the chest and arms.

  8. It is alot differt than a regular pushup and believe me I was Infantry and did plenty of pushups, using these devises balance comes in to play and the turning movement gives that cut look.


    The things swivel and you need to have control so they dont move until you want them to.


    Alright I can see that..how easy do they swivel? I guess I need to try them before I can completely understand

  9. Although I've never tried them I think they are kind of pointless..regular pushups have worked for a long time and as long as you concentrate on proper form then they'll work just fine


    And as for the developed by a Navy SEaL part..my brother is a SEaL and I asked him about them and he says it's a waste of money as well

  10. 97 Michigan Wolverines - 34

    97 Nebraska Huskers - 13





    1997 Nebraska Cornhuskers - 19

    1997 Tennessee Volunteers - 54





    Just played the 97 mich vs nebraska


    mich - 6

    Nu - 10


    The funny thing is that this is 2nd game that Eric Warfield has had at least 6 sack and named player of the game. Did Eric put in the stats? :)


    Yea Warfield had 7 sacks in my '97 vs '07 game..and was the only player with any sacks

  11. Husker Trucker.... I sure hope so...... I would be very happy to have Watson on staff....plus, he keeps the "link" we have with some of the very high recruits.....as soon as Bo announces Watson is N...let's go get some of these guys back, or guys better than the one's we lost....



    I think he's exactly right. we didnt have problems scoring with ganz. why change that? I think we do need to run more. and I think bo intensity and changes in practice will get our line were they can block better.


    In regard to the need to run more you have to remember that Watson was the OC of CU when they ran all over us in '01 so I think that we will definately run more with Callahan gone

  12. i can't remember my first game. i was just a little sh#t.


    Same here..was lucky enough to be born into it and couldn't really tell when it was..I remember some cold games against CU in the early 90's but the first game I can remember the actual score was the '94 NC against Miami

  13. Ok uh idk if anyone of u listened to the game, but Watson was doing the play calling today, so lets put two and two together, the coaching staff is atleast trying to find a solution, maybe its the players not making the plays, did we ever think of that, I bet if the players did atleast half of what they are supposed to we would be 6-2 at the most, the coaches cant be on the field for them doing the players jobs.



    Either that or Callahan is calculated. He puts Watson in there to make it look like they are just bad, not that he's trying to lose intentionally to get fired.


    Yes but Callahan took over before halftime and we scored 0 from when he took over

  14. i hope this is true but i hope they do look around some....pelini may be a good choice but i think someone like zook or another good recruiter would be a good choice....what type of connections does pelini have out there for recruiting??? who would he bring in??

    Pelini has all kinds of connections, he possibly could bring in Mike Stoops as DC, he will looking for a job. Pelini has connection is the professional ranks, college ranks and is a players coach. As a recruiter, he is one of the best, who wouldn't want to play for him, he is young, energetic, and know how to motivate. GREAT CHOICE.

  15. i hope this is true but i hope they do look around some....pelini may be a good choice but i think someone like zook or another good recruiter would be a good choice....what type of connections does pelini have out there for recruiting??? who would he bring in??

    Pelini has all kinds of connections, he possibly could bring in Mike Stoops as DC, he will looking for a job. Pelini has connection is the professional ranks, college ranks and is a players coach. As a recruiter, he is one of the best, who wouldn't want to play for him, he is young, energetic, and know how to motivate. GREAT CHOICE.

  16. I got a text message about half an hour ago from a friend who goes to UNL and this is what it said: Pedersen is gone! Tom Osborn will take over as interim AD. 2-4 assistants gone and Callihan will be gone at seasons end. This is probably just a rumor but who knows!


    I just heard that Callahan is gone as well with Watson taking over as interim HC. Word is $40 million was given to the university to make it all happen and is supposed to be announced tomorrow. Guess we'll see if any of these rumors have truth to them.


    Did you get this rumor from this board, by chance?


    Is it already on here? If it is my bad. If not then no I didn't get it from here.

  17. I got a text message about half an hour ago from a friend who goes to UNL and this is what it said: Pedersen is gone! Tom Osborn will take over as interim AD. 2-4 assistants gone and Callihan will be gone at seasons end. This is probably just a rumor but who knows!


    I just heard that Callahan is gone as well with Watson taking over as interim HC. Word is $40 million was given to the university to make it all happen and is supposed to be announced tomorrow. Guess we'll see if any of these rumors have truth to them.

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