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Oklahoma Husker

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Posts posted by Oklahoma Husker

  1. Really, both Dailey and his HS coach said that he ran an offense similar to the WCO in high school. If you watch what Cotton does at ISU (remember, NU's previous O coord??) it surely doesnt look like option left, option right, qb draw.

    do you really believe that barney cotton was calling the plays in '03? frank solich just gave him the title to quiet people down...it was obvious that frank was still calling plays b/c it was the same offense he had been running for the past 5 years.

  2. I have to admit that ou fans aren't very good..i remember in the 90's when they were terrible noone was a fan..i wouldn't hear anything about the team..but now that they have 4 good seasons everyone in my town has been fans for their entire lives..and at their games at the end of the star spangled banner they say "home of the sooners" instead of home of the brave..very disrespectful to change the star spangled banner imo.

  3. Great game by both sides..but people that are blaming it on le kevin need to stop..i know he did fumble the ball..but he did get the interception..if he doesn't get that interception who's to say that they don't drive down there and score anyway..don't blame this on him he was doing what any person would do in that situation..if your out there your not gonna think about falling down when you pick one off..it's just not going through your head especially a dlineman

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