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Oklahoma Husker

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Posts posted by Oklahoma Husker

  1. Anybody remember the Mizzou game last year? It was homecoming and we hadn't been playing very well at the time. The '94 championship team came back for their reunion. Well my point is when we came out of the tunnel, bill callahan led the team sprinting down the tunnel instead of the normal walk down the tunnel and we came out and dominated that game 24-3. Our intesity that game was the highest i saw the entire year and i was just wondering why we don't do that every game and get our intensity in the red. I really wish that our team would do those little things to really get an edge up on the opponent. Any thoughts?

  2. Anyone heard about an AD suspension? there's been some talk down here that he was skipping classes and instead of suspending him for a game the coaching staff decided to suspend him for 2 practices! anyone hear about this?

  3. Out of Staters:

    Where do you currently live? Blair, OK (about 3 hours from OKC)

    Where have you lived the longest? Lived here my entire life

    Where has been your favorite place to live/visit? Best place to visit is Hawaii...it's absolutely perfect there

    Where is your ideal place to live? Lincoln, Nebraska...to watch every home game



    What is your current occupation? I lifeguard and I clean pools...yea i'm the pool boy

    What has been your best job ever? Detailing cars was my best job ever...for some reason i enjoyed it



    What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Baseball...year round...me and a few of my teamates train for it all year

  4. We play Ardmore on Nov. 4...Me and a couple of my friends are tryin to go to that game...but its at ardmore and that's about 5 hours from where we live so i don't know if we'll make it up there...but if i do i'll let you guys know how good he looks this year

  5. I just saw the field in person today...i was taken up to the media portion of the press box so i could get a good view of the whole thing...it looks great and the two shades of green isn't as contrasting in person...there's still some work to do on the N in the middle and white sidelines but it's coming along nicely

  6. Oh, I'm getting 5 stars left and right but none of them want to progress. They're all hovering right around 80 and only getting 1 or 2 points a year.

    Yeah the same thing happens to me...but i just signed an athlete who was a 94 at FB as a freshman...i haven't gotten to his soph year to see how much better he gets but he is by far my highest rated recruit so far

  7. depends. if you buy a pre-modded one they can get pretty expensive but the install and everything will be professional. if you decide to do it yourself it won't be very much but the chance of ruining your xbox is pretty high. you can get harddrives for under $100 and good modchips for about $35. you can find guides on how to mod at xbox-scene.com

  8. mine never went in slow motion...everybody talked about that but I never had that problem...but that could be because my xbox has had a lot of work done to it and it's better then your normal xbox....I just think that '06 took a step backwards as far as looking like real life...I think they used to much resource in the Heisman race and Dynasty modes

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