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Everything posted by gratefulhusker

  1. My bro and i were talking about this during the game. We could think of ASU. Can't remember if Solich went td'less during ksu or mu during his "torrent run". Wait, i think we lost to OU in 04 30-3 w/ a last sec. fg. correct me if i am wrong. You are correct. However....was it the SHEEELLACKIIIING that I witnessed tonight? Nope. I was always under the impression that the WCO was a SCORING offense. I'd give it all up, right now, to win 14-3 if Nebraska were to, only, control the clock.
  2. If you look at my posts I am one of the guys biggest supporters. I have backed cally from the start. but he has to have us pointed in the right direct SOON. we had better be playing much better by the end of the year or he needs to go then. and I tell you another thing, his contract is a mess for us. for that pederson needs to be gone asap No disrespect (Parcels annotation), but if this game didn't raise your flags...you need to open your eyes. And I SWEAR, if someone tries to use MU's offense as an excuse for this...you should be flogged with rubber hoses. LOSSES LIKE THIS ARE UNACCEPTABLE!!! If you can accept tonight's loss...well, wow.
  3. I agree. This is the ONE tradition we have going. Although, I really can't imagine going to the game next weekend. If I were to hear Mickey Bo's s*%! in person after this, I would projectile vomit. Big time.
  4. How is this not about him? I can't blame BC for taking the job. He just didn't know, exactly, what being the head coach for Nebraska meant. STEVE-- You bluffed, and your bluff was CALLED. Steve, you really need to carry one of those little tape recorders around. You know, the ones that you can say, "Note to self, stop being pompous." Or, "I F*@%#& up!!!!!!!" If I hear the word parity, just one time, in BC's Sunday show....I'm going to flog my baby seal. REAP THE REPERCUSSIONS, STEVE.
  5. This is the first time, since the Texas Tech game of 70-10, that I have actually felt sick to my stomach. No, my nausea had nothing to do with alcohol. I've never been so ashamed of a NE performance. At least, in 2003, we weren't supposed to be that good, nor did we have BC's talent. This is Callahan's 4th year. This is his 3rd year of recruits. This guy (Callahan) is making serious bank, all while running our football team into the ground. If there is one person that can argue that Nebraska not scoring a touchdown is justified; I'm all ears. I want to like BC, but my god... I'm afraid it's time folks. People need to be held accountable for their actions -- STEVE PEDERSON. "I refuse to let this program gravitate into mediocrity" - Steve Pederson. Welcome to real life, Steve. You want this hot-air machine? You carry it. (Spaceballs) I'm dead serious. Steve Pederson better not sleep at all, let alone anyone in the state of Nebraska. There is, literally, no excuse for how our ENTIRE football team played tonight. I still love Sam Keller, the only person (and we had to import him, and maybe Bowman) that seems to have fire. I know that people are going to come in an say, "There are still a lot of games to be played." Sunshine pumping is over. It should be. I can not, honestly think of a way to defend our team.
  6. The kicking game has been a disapointment especially after all of the preseason hype about how good it was going to be. Outside of the Defense, it is probably the thing that scares me the most about this game. I agree that penalties, turnovers and field position are going to decide this. I hope Wolfert really finds himself. The thing I love about Maclin outside of his abilities is his whole story. Stories like his make me proud of our program no matter how many games we win. Just a brief apology to Truman. I guess all the smack-talking at TB led to my starting this thread. It was uncalled for and downright pathetic. I was going to attempt to delete it, but I see there is some good discussion going on. I don't know if I also subconsciously started this due to all the naysayin' NE "fans" or what. Looking forward to the game tomorrow. GL Long story short, I apologize for acting like an ass.
  7. I'm speaking of MU's performance in "big" games. Their boards are listing this game as one of the biggest in the last 25 years. For the love of sam, look at their past records! Also, I don't drink. What's your excuse, "Johnny I'm Up At the Same Time I Judge Thee"?
  8. I've respected every post prior to his mocking on Tigerboard.com. I still respect him, depending on how he responds. Tigerboard.com is an absolute joke for Husker fans. I've been posting and hanging around there for over a week, and watched numerous NU fans get booted for making OBJECTIVE observations...essentially observations that challenge the MU fans stances. They're the typical, we deal it out...can't take it in return crowd. Observe their board, and tell me that NU posts are out of line. In fact, my posts have been congenial compared to the S&*% spewed here by many MU fans.... Long story short, I know TrumanBD reads this board, as he has repeatedly posted our threads on TB. It's just fun to hear what "MIZZOU" fans have to say when there isn't a "mob anger" factor tabulated into it. On TB, Mob Anger is the method in which one rids posters that conflict the "accepted" view. Or in this case, the "MIZZOU" view.
  9. Nebraska Will Prevail. Missouri always plays the big NU v MU game as if it is their National Championship game, and they choke. Just a little taste of what's to come.... You see, we don't have crappy compilation videos with Phil Collins soundtracks, i.e. 1997-2003 (see youtube).... NU actually has an audio/visual department for our football program.... Tigerboard is biased...and so am I.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKFDXQ-AHn8 And, we actually have a tradition and team worth a compilation video... Tell your fellow "MIZZOU" fans to stop heckling a program that has, many times, achieved what Misery never will. RESURGENCE!!! *I've been hanging around Tigerboard too much
  10. For me, I think it's more the fact that we'll never know if he is "better than what we have." I tried to allude to Darren Sproles, one of KSU's best backs in their history, showing that size should have nothing to do with it. Sproles made KSU's season in 2003/2004. He is now a kick returner for the Chargers. We gave Thunder Collins a chance....Danny Woodhead...we didn't. That's the difference.
  11. Does anyone here remember Darren Sproles? KSU? 5'6" 180 lbs. I can't believe we didn't give Danny Woodhead some sort of a shot. I know I am here, but seriously. Cool video on him: http://www.cstv.com/video/?vid=5054
  12. Apparently, just disregard what I have said.
  13. KU is looking good this year, no doubt. People also tend to heavily weigh the stats at this time of year. This is obviously because the "tough" portion of most team's schedules haven't been played. I haven't read much about KU on this board, but I'm assuming you are referring to the strength of schedule argument. All I've heard is that KU's SOS is approximately 171st in the nation. Nebraska is 33rd, according to strength of schedule. Here's the link: http://www.kiva.net/~jsagarin/sports/cfsend.htm JHawk--win this weekend...and the respect will come.
  14. Huskerpedia actually ganked it from a WF board the week prior to the Wake Forest game. And we, subsequently, ganked it from Huskerpedia. And so on, and so on.
  15. bro, I wasn't trolling. If I've learned anything from the TuffTiger, it's to NOT be like him/her. If you read my post on their board...and can tell me that I was "trolling" then I'll take my medicine. I think we Mizzou fans find the whole rock thing very hard to believe because those rocks are huge and not able to be thrown. For the record...I never said that they threw the white boulders at me!!! Go sit down there this weekend...tell me if there are not smaller rocks within the bigger rocks. Sometimes that happens with geophysics. It's called "cleavage." No serious, it is. P.S. You da man Truman. Good work posting that over there. Hey, I haven't come over here talking a bunch of smack trying to be obnoxious, which is excatly what you said your intentions where when you posted your message on Tigerboard. So much for you being a "classy" Nebraska fan. Why don't you ask ADMIN to put the threads back up...then see if I was being obnoxious. If you find truth to be obnoxious...welcome to real life, man.
  16. bro, I wasn't trolling. If I've learned anything from the TuffTiger, it's to NOT be like him/her. If you read my post on their board...and can tell me that I was "trolling" then I'll take my medicine. I think we Mizzou fans find the whole rock thing very hard to believe because those rocks are huge and not able to be thrown. For the record...I never said that they threw the white boulders at me!!! Go sit down there this weekend...tell me if there are not smaller rocks within the bigger rocks. Sometimes that happens with geophysics. It's called "cleavage." No serious, it is. P.S. You da man Truman. Good work posting that over there.
  17. bro, I wasn't trolling. If I've learned anything from the TuffTiger, it's to NOT be like him/her. If you read my post on their board...and can tell me that I was "trolling" then I'll take my medicine. Put the link on here so we can read it. They already deleted it! Now they have a tribute to my screen name. Pathetic. Well, it's official. My last two experiences in Columbia can be summed up by my experience on TigerBoard. All I've been reading all week, as a lurker, is how no NU fans are around...we must be cowards. I make a factual statement and I get banned for it. I'm guessing they removed the thread due to the true character of many MU fans showing -- in their responses. "I'll throw rocks at you this weekend!" "No, we just throw whiskey bottles!" "Wish I would've thought of that" The list goes on and on.
  18. bro, I wasn't trolling. If I've learned anything from the TuffTiger, it's to NOT be like him/her. If you read my post on their board...and can tell me that I was "trolling" then I'll take my medicine.
  19. I started a single thread, entitled "Husker fan here." I mentioned my experience at the MU-NU 1997 game, where opposing fans threw rocks at us toward the end of the game. In less than a minute, I had countless responses. They ranged from "I wish I'd thought of that" or "I'll throw rocks at you this weekend." In all fairness, I started to the threat to rile them up a bit...passive aggressively. I never said anything that wasn't true nor did I ever use name-calling. It took me less than 10 minutes to have my "Mob Anger" above 100. Which, I guess means one is suspended. If anyone sees my posts, please reply as to whether you believe I was causing trouble.
  20. I did tell him to call the police. I also asked, "what the F*%$ happened to Husker fans?" His wife told me to watch my mouth...and I did...as I did feel bad about dropping the f-bomb. I've also learned to pick my battles...as a few years ago...the situation would likely have ended differently. I just figured I'd avoid getting kicked out of the game. I'm just rather glad that those tickets were free...
  21. I tried to be loud, but some blue-hair jerk kept telling my friend and I to sit down and stop screaming. He actually said that people two rows behind him were complaining that they couldn't see. This gentleman was two rows above me, and I'm 5'10". He threatened to call the police on me!!! I said, "for standing?" He was serious. Our section 36C (literally every person in front of us...and I'm assuming behind as well) was sitting on almost every ISU 3rd and Long!!! On our side of the field!!! Every other section around us was standing and screaming. I felt bad, because he apparently had his grandkids with him..or he was simply old-looking for his age -- but those two kids with him were clearly embarrassed. A woman next to me stated that this dude does that EVERY game and to not take it to heart. I'm not going to lie, the last two out of three games that I have been to, if I simply am standing...this has happened -- in different areas of the stadium. Note to self---always, ALWAYS get student tickets from now on. Just a little insight as to the "atmosphere" in some areas of our stadium...I know it isn't like this everywhere in memorial.
  22. I'm starting to think that coaching is a problem as well. Why can 2nd year coaches like Hawkins & Prince get big wins when we always seem to fold when we have our chance against a top 10 team. There's no way that KU, KSU, CU, and Mizzou can win the recruiting battle with us, but they still keep hanging around with substandard talent. Unfortunately, I think we're going to have to accept this for the next 4 years, hopefully less if the NFL comes calling. I agree that Prince has two signature wins (both Texas). But come on, Hawkins??? Personally, I think I would rather have our record...at the end of this season...as opposed to CU. I know it's still too early to judge Hawkins...but why is he suddenly a genius?
  23. I can not believe that people are already jumping on the Colorado bandwagon. Certain evens went Colorado's way last Saturday. That's it. End of story. Remember, this team (CU) is not much different than last year's. The only major difference, to me, is Cody Hawkins -- and I don't think he is even that good. Look at his stats. I still only TRULY fear the same games I did before the season: USC, Wake Forest, Missouri, Kansas. Sure, we could lose to the other remaining teams I did not list (and probably will at least one), but we will also likely win one of the two remaining teams I did list. Prediction?? We lose to Missouri and go undefeated for the remainder of the regular season. There is really no way, at this point, to make an attempt to judge Missouri, Kansas or even Kansas State...take away KSU's huge special teams plays...it's a different story. For me, nothing has changed. No team has really shown me anything...and that includes the Huskers. I have no idea how to rate our current team. But I know we are better than the vast majority of teams remaining on our schedule.
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