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Everything posted by SoCalFootball

  1. very cool - you rock I am completely sorry for what I said. Obviously, Coach Carroll cares very much for his players and wouldn't leave them out on the field just for the sake of a victory. Since I let my anger get the best of me in the above post, I have been praying intently for not only the health and safety of the two players involved, but also for forgiveness and an attitude check. What I said goes completely against the image of what a Christian man and what a member of Husker Nation is supposed to stand for. I hope you all will forgive me, and USC fans, I extend this apology doubly to you. I sincerely hope your players are all right, and please forgive me for the stupid things I chose to say in a fit of stupid rage over a football game.
  2. 31 yards rushing... THIRTY ONE!!!! BIG Red has no chance with any real team while producing a number like that. Where's all those big "CORN FED BOYS" we've been hearing about for the last 10 yrs... Huskers line got crushed on both sides of the ball. WEST COAST OFFENSE - feel it!
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