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  1. Actually the only thing of yours I broke down word for word was the part about the catering because it is something I deal with a lot. I also added my opinion that I didn't think Robert Duncan would be BSing with some guy at a urinal. I don't have any specific information on his bathroom conversation habits so that was just an opinion based on what I have seen of the man. He doesn't really seem to care about who comes into or leaves the airport so long as they are paying a whole lot of money to get something fixed on their airplane. The rest I copied and pasted from a response to a completely different Pelini sighting rumor. Like I was saying in that previous thread everything out there floating around seems to have morphed together into stories with lots of little things that sound plausible to the average person when they are all joined together. Because on stories like this the people who would have some information (at least concerning airport operations) like myself are pretty much telling it like it is which is that nothing happened which is boring. Believe me this topic of discussion is HUGE around here and people are definitely watching for ANYTHING that might be noteworthy. I'm actually wishing it was the off season already so something else gets talked about while at work. Sometimes I think about starting rumors just for the fun of it because I know enough about how things work around here to throw in some facts that are verifiable which means "if some of it's true then it's all true" to a lot of people. I would rather debunk some of the background noise though which might make something that is actually true easier to identify out of all the stories swirling around.
  2. ok I don't feel like typing this all again so I'll just copy and paste from last time (see below). To respond to NEHUSKERS311, I highly doubt that Robert Duncan was shooting the s--t at the urinals with random people about Pelini. I don't even know if he is even in the country right now. He retired recently and handed over control of the company to his son Todd and he might be at his house in Mexico where he spends his winters. I'm not sure about that though. As for the source who does the catering at the Embassy. There is NOTHING strange about an order for a fruit and meat and cheese tray. We get catering orders like that several times a day! People who fly on these private planes think nothing of paying $120 for a couple sandwiches or some fruit. Here's an update for you conspiracy theorists though. Tom Osborne DID fly out of Lincoln yesterday on one of Duncan's lears to Knoxville Tennessee! OMG! OMG! Fulmer is the new coach! Nope. He was the keynote speaker at the fellowship of Christian athletes banquet. I dont know why it is so hard to accept that Coach is going to do what he said and wait till the end of the season.
  3. I want to say something about all these "Bo Pelini spotted at Duncan Aviation" stories. I work on the line at Duncan Aviation which means I am one of the 18 people who do the parking, fueling, and movement of private aircraft 24/7/365. We see every person who steps off the plane and I can tell you that Bo Pelini hasn't been through Duncan Aviation since he was a coach here in 2003 nor has Tom Osborne been been seen recently going in or out. The last time I saw Dr. Tom here was when he was running for governor. If Bo was going to come here via the university's King Air it is very likely that no one here would see him at all since all the state owned aircraft arrive and depart from the FSDO (Flight Standards District Office) building which is directly south of Duncan Aviation. It might be possible that he would come in on a private jet to Silverhawk Aviation as well which is the other FBO here in Lincoln but I would have heard about that almost instantly as well since we all know each other around here. knapplc was also correct in that the national guard would have absolutely nothing to do with a private aircraft coming into Lincoln since private aircraft are not allowed on the military ramps with the exception of large chartered commercial jets taking soldiers to and from Iraq. Basically all the stories and sightings are completely false. The only story around here that has generated any stir at all was something I heard from a guy who heard from a pilot who knows a pilot who flew some boosters to some shindig who said a booster told him it's a done deal and Pelini is the next coach and its all agreed to in principle and they are just waiting for the season to be over. Take that for what it's worth which isn't anything. To me the full story with all the little details I got told seems to be a patchwork of different stories I have heard before. It's fun to listen to people talk about it though. It makes the day go by faster. My guess is we will all find out in a press conference on the 26th.
  4. I saw a version of it last week after the Oklahoma Light game where he wasn't even in it although the rest was the same as it had been all season. They just edited it so someone else did the last part. After that I have been seeing a completely different commercial along with the old Callahan one a few times as well. I don't blame First National for not wanting to be associated with Callahan at this point though. Having him endorsing your business now will just drive people to your competition.
  5. What the hell is a T-38? Sounds like a calculator. Sorry, not real familiar with military aircraft...Hopefully they are still fast and loud? This I think... ? 5 of 'em? Hope they don't put out mass quantities of exhaust er Smog..It'll be like a home game for the condoms Yea I'm positive that the pilots flying them are California and Nebraska natives and they volunteered to do the flyover so they can watch the game for free afterwards from the sidelines. If you live in Lincoln T-38's overhead should be a common sight. There are some in here almost every day during the warmer months from Whitman and Vance AFB (and a few others) because our long runway is good for training. Me, I hate em because we have to deal with them and they are high maintenance pains in the a** most of the time. Luckily I somehow got out of working on the busiest day we will have this year and I'M GOING TO THE GAME! GO BIG RED!
  6. I work at the airport here in Lincoln and the flyover is going to be done by 5 T-38's. To me that is disappointing, I was hoping for something cooler that can actually do some damage with missiles, guns etc.. The only damage a T-38 can do is if they flew the plane into the target... GO BIG RED!
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