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Everything posted by Huskcub1

  1. Davison is saying on National TV what really needs to be done---a change
  2. the players have given up. plain and simple. bill has to get them back or we are in trouble I am startig to wonder if he ever had them
  3. Nebraska can not even get 1 yard for a first down.
  4. So the question is do I stay and watch or just go to bed and dream about the 90's
  5. The announcer got it right, Missouri makes it look way to easy......
  6. Now we go to the ground to control the clock, down by 21, go figure
  7. Cubs are out, not been a good night all the way around, might as well watch the Huskers
  8. Hold onto the Damn Ball, better yet, Block someone O line
  9. It is for sure a strange year, 1 and 2 could possibly go down tonight. Hope the hsukers can turn it around and ??UPSET?? the Zoo
  10. Can this be the first game under Callahan that the huskers come back after being down in the first half
  11. Atleast the Misery Offense calls suck just as much
  12. It would be nice to see the special teams step it up and come up with a big play..
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