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Posts posted by T_O_Bull

  1. Interesting, I benefited by having a "never give up" attitude despite having several walls thrown up in front of my face for different reasons. I didn't expect anyone to hand anything to me, my parents were not "well off" and I was instilled with a "if you want it, go and f-ing get it" attitude. I've received ZERO help from my parents financially for anything in my life, but I've always had their emotional support which is all I'll ever need. There is a helluva lot more I could say, but regardless, my bootstraps were pretty damn short if they were there at all and I put my nose to the grindstone and wouldn't take no for an answer on anything. I'll be paying for my student loans for the next 30 years, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand by and listen to someone say that because I'm white..................... I've had all that handed to me. You may not have mentioned me directly, but I'm tired of a few of you standing up on your soap boxes and rattling your sabers screaming about white people having everything handed to them. Maybe you people did, but I sure as hell didn't and I've got SEVERAL friends who were in the same boat I was growing up.

    I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life. I've always felt that when life kicked me in the gut I was able to adapt to the situation and get back to where I wanted to be. My family was dead center middle class. I worked every night during the 5 years I was in college and thank God got through with no loans to pay off. (At that time colleges didn't' think so much of themselves.) Not real sure that being white did me any good, if I was interviewing for a job and the waiting room I was in included a black man, white woman and a black woman, I always felt that I was on the bottom of the totem pole.


    I totally agree with BRI here. Some people just need to realize that maybe an employer hired the most qualified person for the job. I always did and I will guarantee you that there were a lot of white people that didn't get past the 'first look test' and I didn't even offer them an application. (This was based on my clientele rather than what this persons qualifications were.)





    Come to think of it, why to people have an appendix to begin with?


    Your appendix is a storage place for bacteria. Your body requires bacteria to help digest the food you eat. When you have an illness, like diarrhea or some gut-busting malady, your intestines can get flushed of good bacteria. The appendix stores that bacteria to replenish what you've lost.



    No wonder Ive had diarrhea since my appendix ruptured in 8th grade. Its like Niagara Falls coming out of my ass on a daily basis...


    A whole lot more info than any of us needed Po.


  3. I don't get how making sure that discriminating against a group of people doesn't become the law is a stupid waste of tax dollars

    What's stupid about this is that there are people out there who think that stopping this is worth wasting tax payer dollars and the time of our court system all the way to the supreme court. The courts have serious business, our streets, roads and highways need repair. These jackasses need to learn to live and let live. Butt out of your neighbors business.


  4. Well if the people of the state vote to ban it, it's not one man's place to overrule it. That's how the country was built. Doesn't matter the issue. There is a democratic process that should be upheld or why have rules or a constitution?


    Just what we need to do. Spend money on an election rather than filling pot holes in the street. No more elections until we ban stupidity.








    Though we do enjoy a readership among Muslims inside and outside of the United States, some of whom have not hesitated to express displeasure or worse at our coverage of stories such as the Israel-Palestine conflict, none has seen the Charlie Hebdo cartoons as worth sending an angry email or even an annoyed tweet, much less a threat of violence.Our coverage of Islamophobia has brought a very different response. Articles decrying anti-Muslim bigotry and attacks on mosques have been met with dozens of threats on email and social media.The most common states a desire that jihadist militants will murder the offending writer: a recent email hoped that Muslims will "behead you one day" so that "we will never have to read your trash again." Some directly threaten violence themselves, or imply it with statements such as "May you rot in hell."Others express a desire to murder all Muslims — one simply read "I agree with maher Kill them all" — also often implying the emailed journalist is themselves Muslim. One pledge to attack Vox writers begins, "f#*k you and any c**t who believes in allah."As is often the case, the strongest threats have been reserved for women. One writer received a message arguing that someone should "put a gun up your ass" to make her understand terrorism.Ironically, these threats are typically couched in arguments that Muslims are inherently irrational and violent. Further, threats made with the explicit intention of silencing journalists from discussing Islamophobia are positioned as necessary "defenses" of free speech against the threat of Islam. The people making the threats seem unaware that they are themselves seeking to curb the very free speech they pretend to uphold.



    So we shouldn't hate Muslims?


    Don't necessarily hate them but I wouldn't trust one for any reason and I sure as hell don't want to get on a plane with one.



    So... Ameer Abdullah - bad guy? Abdul Muhammad - bad guy?


    Surely you don't mean all Muslims. Right?


    "Bad guy" and trust are two different things. Trust needs to be earned and in my world its a tuff test to pass.




    What other generally defined people groups don't you trust besides Muslims?


    Colorado fans.


  6. OK, OK. Let's not go all Woodshed here. We allow a bit more pointed conversations in Politics & Religion because of the nature of the discussions in this forum, but let's not get out-and-out antagonistic.


    That goes for both of you. Please and thank you.



    We now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion.

    Sorry Knap. Went a little overboard there.






    Though we do enjoy a readership among Muslims inside and outside of the United States, some of whom have not hesitated to express displeasure or worse at our coverage of stories such as the Israel-Palestine conflict, none has seen the Charlie Hebdo cartoons as worth sending an angry email or even an annoyed tweet, much less a threat of violence.Our coverage of Islamophobia has brought a very different response. Articles decrying anti-Muslim bigotry and attacks on mosques have been met with dozens of threats on email and social media.The most common states a desire that jihadist militants will murder the offending writer: a recent email hoped that Muslims will "behead you one day" so that "we will never have to read your trash again." Some directly threaten violence themselves, or imply it with statements such as "May you rot in hell."Others express a desire to murder all Muslims — one simply read "I agree with maher Kill them all" — also often implying the emailed journalist is themselves Muslim. One pledge to attack Vox writers begins, "f#*k you and any c**t who believes in allah."As is often the case, the strongest threats have been reserved for women. One writer received a message arguing that someone should "put a gun up your ass" to make her understand terrorism.Ironically, these threats are typically couched in arguments that Muslims are inherently irrational and violent. Further, threats made with the explicit intention of silencing journalists from discussing Islamophobia are positioned as necessary "defenses" of free speech against the threat of Islam. The people making the threats seem unaware that they are themselves seeking to curb the very free speech they pretend to uphold.


    So we shouldn't hate Muslims?


    Don't necessarily hate them but I wouldn't trust one for any reason and I sure as hell don't want to get on a plane with one.




    So... Ameer Abdullah - bad guy? Abdul Muhammad - bad guy?


    Surely you don't mean all Muslims. Right?


    "Bad guy" and trust are two different things. Trust needs to be earned and in my world its a tuff test to pass.






    Though we do enjoy a readership among Muslims inside and outside of the United States, some of whom have not hesitated to express displeasure or worse at our coverage of stories such as the Israel-Palestine conflict, none has seen the Charlie Hebdo cartoons as worth sending an angry email or even an annoyed tweet, much less a threat of violence.Our coverage of Islamophobia has brought a very different response. Articles decrying anti-Muslim bigotry and attacks on mosques have been met with dozens of threats on email and social media.The most common states a desire that jihadist militants will murder the offending writer: a recent email hoped that Muslims will "behead you one day" so that "we will never have to read your trash again." Some directly threaten violence themselves, or imply it with statements such as "May you rot in hell."Others express a desire to murder all Muslims — one simply read "I agree with maher Kill them all" — also often implying the emailed journalist is themselves Muslim. One pledge to attack Vox writers begins, "f#*k you and any c**t who believes in allah."As is often the case, the strongest threats have been reserved for women. One writer received a message arguing that someone should "put a gun up your ass" to make her understand terrorism.Ironically, these threats are typically couched in arguments that Muslims are inherently irrational and violent. Further, threats made with the explicit intention of silencing journalists from discussing Islamophobia are positioned as necessary "defenses" of free speech against the threat of Islam. The people making the threats seem unaware that they are themselves seeking to curb the very free speech they pretend to uphold.


    So we shouldn't hate Muslims?


    Don't necessarily hate them but I wouldn't trust one for any reason and I sure as hell don't want to get on a plane with one.






    ...and what does, "Wow" mean?


  9. ...the Cavs took a big step forward last night. What planet s this guy on. He comes back from a mid-season vacation (VACATION????) plays a lackluster game, beats the horrible Lakers and thinks it means something. Please, you are stepping in place, and don't seem to be interested. Cavs thinking of trading Kevin Love, BS, trade James while you can get something for him, he's going to be gone soon anyway.



    The Packers are introducing a 3.5 pound burger with six strips of jalapeno bacon for the playoffs




    Green Bay Packers are introducing a special ‘Big Game Burger’ for Sunday’s game that includes the following:


    –- Venison

    — Beef

    — Bacon

    — Six strips of crispy jalapeno smoked bacon

    — Four ounces of crispy fried onions

    — 10 sliced pickles

    — 4 sliced tomatoes




    I just threw up. Sounds like a greasy horrible mess.


  11. So, let me get this straight. You don't like the Broncos. They have a QB you think isn't any good and you want him to retire.

    You are straight on. I don't like the Broncos, for reasons stated above. I don't like there former QB and now GM, for reasons stated above. Never said that I don't think Peyton is any good, I would rank him as the 5th best in the league, as stated above. I just don't like him. I'm tired of him and just wish he would go away.


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