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Everything posted by jstuk05

  1. Bowman is showing he's a stud and he didn't even start the last two games for us this year. That's good coaching. No surprise our 'D' sucked.
  2. I like Tool, but their music doesn't fit in something like the tunnel walk. No way IMO. I agree. Just because they rock doesn't mean they will get you pumped for husker football. Nothin wrong with what we had. I liked the mikey bo remix with sirius. Even just sirius is fine. Something simple like that with limited animation, maybe like when they had the animated video flying around the various parts of the state. Trophies and memorable highlights are the only other things needed. Tool doesn't fit all too well at all. I was just saying they are awesome. Seemed fitting because everyone else is just throwing around band names. Man in the Box from AIC would be a cool song to play during a timeout or something.
  3. By the way, Venaculas sucks, just like Emphatic. Never heard of Stigmata. We should probably keep the tunnel walk as is, but we need to hear some good ol' Led Zeppelin during the game, and not the gay P. Diddy cover of Kashmir.
  4. We should get TOOL though. They F#$%in' rock!
  5. 311 is by far the coolest band to ever come from Nebraska! Granted, they are quite different than what people think of when they think Husker football, but they are definitely musically talented enough to make something cool of the tunnel walk. They have far superior talent the Mikey Bo. By the way, that sh**ty tunnel walk he did drained energy from Memorial! I loved the old one and I would be just fine sticking with it!
  6. Monte Kiffin left when TO got the job. I don't think he would want to return to coach us.
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