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Posts posted by ICT HSKR 10

  1. this is awesome. he'll be VERY fast off the snap and can contain well. this should help with those design QB runs we've been struggling against. i feel very sorry for the oposing QB that gets to meet him in the backfield. over/under - 1, number of games he plays at DE before a personal foul, roughing the passer penalty.


    I think the over/under should be in terms of quarters, rather than games. i would put the over/under on quarters at 2. I think he'd be similar to Terrell Farley as well.

  2. I found it, although the backspin wasn't as much as you remembered it. It landed out of bounds just inside the ISU 45, bounced back and was spotted at the NU 48 (7 yard difference). Just a case of a ref not paying attention. What's ridiculous is, Carl ran out onto the field right after the whistle blew to talk to Cassidy, and the ref ran right behind him to go spot the ball. If the ref thought it was still live, he should've been flabbergasted at Carl being on the field and thrown a penalty. The ref just looked completely clueless.


    As have most of them this year.

  3. :facepalm:


    They didn't pick out the most attractive Clemson girls to use there, now did they?


    Obviously they didn't look too hard in the stands...this girl dominates slutty Jenn Sturger IMO...



    Best part of that picture is her obvious commitment to low morals, why sit in your own seat when you can sit on someone's lap! haha

  4. A couple of things.....


    1. I could really see them headed to Independent status


    2. IF the Husker Sports Network would have ever been launched, I would have estimated a number around $2 million a year, considering Deloss Dodds projected Texas would get $3 Million a year.


    3. With this launch the rich get richer in the Texas 10. Iowa State/KSU/Mizzou are going to be even left even further in the dust.


    4. It will become harder for another conference to pick up Texas in the future with this baggage on their own network. Texas people believe that having their own network makes them more attractive.....not sure how that works------especially with the Pac-10 exploring their own network. Man I can't wait to watch Okie State vs. Texas women's soccer at 3 pm on a Wednesday! Can you say ratings record! There just won't be enough live programming. Remember BYU has their own network and no one has heard of it.


    And these guys are giving us a hard time for leaving.....SUCKERS!

  5. Everyone thinks the refs are out to get their team. I don't think the refs are 'out to get us' this year. If I remember correctly it was hard to tell whether or not he was down or not. It was ruled a fumble on the field and without conclusive evidence then you can't overturn it. And if I'm remembering correctly there wasn't conclusive evidence.


    And it was only ruled a fumble after ISU HC sent the official on his side of the field to change it. The official closest to the play called him down, but then changed his mind when the 2nd official came running in.

  6. The appropriate response to all of this is to

    win the Big 12 championship to send an

    unmistakable message to Commisioner Beebe

    what he can do with his politicized, Texas-run

    joke of a conference.


    Couldn't agree more, I'd love to see Beebe handing Bo the trophy and Bo just grinning from ear to ear. Biggest FU we could give to this P.O.S. Texass run conference.

  7. I'm glad that "phantom facemask" is drawing some publicity, but I have a feeling much like Crouch's "phantom facemask" against KSUcks, the picture of Klein trying to rip off Burkhead's head will end up framed on Cyclone fans' walls at home. The Texas 10 conference will do nothing to punish him.

  8. One thing that intrigues me a little is how well KU shut down Georgia Tech's running game in the 2nd game of the season. SDSU showed if you put enough people in the box we can be slowed down. Whether T-Mart or Green starts, I look for KU to force us to pass first, run 2nd. I think this game will be decided by our receivers early. Hopefully Paul comes pissed off to this game to make up for his blunder against ISU.

  9. Some of the evidence that is coming to light is the Meyer from Florida is the guy the pushed the story to the NYT writer, Thamel. It is stated they are good friends. If that is true, than Meyer is the puppet master in this saga. The next story comes from Florida where, whala, another scandal is unearthed.


    These stories were buried deep in the Coach Meyer files, in my opinion. They have only surfaced since Meyer is upset that is ex-player is going to win the hypesman and possible play for the natty championship.


    This is only my mel gibson type opinion, but it is starting to point to Florida, as the school/persons behind the exposing of Mr Cameron Newton.


    If these allegations turn out to be turn, it shows Cameron is more dirty than Reggie Bush.


    Cheating on 3 different occasions. Plus the laptop incident. All of this was buried until Cameron Newton started to become the player of the year in college football.


    This is an amazing story of jealousy and betrayal if this really started with Florida digging up some skeletons in Cameron's closet. I can't wait until the movie/book if this is true. Stay tuned for the movie, starring Meyer as himself. http://marvel.com/universe/Puppet_Master



    Most all of this had already been reported when he first came to Auburn. I remember hearing about all his problems a long time ago, but it wasn't that big of a deal because at that time, Auburn was picked to finish in the middle of the pack. now that they are at the top, people are bringing it back up. With what happened with Reggie Bush and the Heisman, just the thoughts alone of all this baggage might be enough to sway some voters. Not sure what the repercussions could be with his eligibility at Auburn for his cheating at Florida.

  10. As someone else mentioned, the B10 reminds me of the late 80's Huskers - big and muscled; while we remind me of the late 80's FSU - lean and fast. Keep in mind that the SEC has run by the B10 in several title games this decade. Bigger isn't always better. Look at how Michigan's smaller, faster offense is absolutely destroying the rest of the conference.


    Too bad their defense gives up as much as the offense can put up haha

  11. I was going to say that the shot that put Green out for a play or two was much more of a helmet to helmet/leading with the helmet than either Martin or Osbourne.


    Roy's fumble was not a fumble from what I saw, and I didn't even take into consideration that his progress was stopped and he was held up. The TV broadcast gave us one or two shots of a different angle where it clearly showed Roy's but was on the ground and he held onto the ball. But mysteriously, after showing it once or twice, ABC quit showing it on TV, almost like Beebe had a hot-line to the ABC guys telling them not to show it anymore.


    I've said it since before the season, if the Big 12, texa$$, Dodds, and Beebe have their way, NU will not get ANY calls this year. While the officiating has been terrible overall, it seems to me like there has been proprotionately more bad calls that benefit whomever Nebraska is playing than benefit Nebraska, and it is not merely a coincidence. Beebe and Dodds do not want to see Nebraska walk away with the title in their last year of the Big 12. Bank on it. If they can, they would put together an all-star team of the other 11 teams to play us if we make it (which looks more an more likely), but since someone might catch on to that, they can't. The can tweak the officiating however.


    If we get to the CCG (and for the rest of the regular season) we will have to play perfectly, because we will not get the benefit of the doubt on calls. I think we have about a 10% chance winning the championship.



    I cringe at the thought of playing OSU again in the championship game, we might set the NCAA record for most P.I. calls in one game.

  12. Our run defense is a potential HUGE problem vs several Big10 teams. But I'm not too worried about it as no doubt Bo/Carl know that 1,000 times better than me and will compensate accordingly.


    We'll be ok. We just really, really need to improve our short run game and/or develop the guts/will to use it. Always throwing the ball all over the place on 3rd & short will kill us in the Big10.


    I think we miss Philip Dillard a lot more than most give credit to. It may have taken him a lot longer to see eye-to-eye with Bo that it should have, but he was a beast as our LB.

  13. We won't get any calls for the rest of this season. We need to stop putting ourselves in that position in the first place, but the refs are out to screw us. It's so obvious right now it's ridiculous. I wish someone on the national media level would bring attention to it. Between the no fumble call last week against Mizzou, the personal foul against Legate, and the fumble by Helu, I've never seen so many bad calls.


    I fully agree the officiating has been absolutely terrible. I do however believe the touch-down was a touch down and the right call. And we absolutely cannot leave any game to be decided by big twelve refs. I don't have the time or you all would hate to read my umteen pages of complaints with the big 12, so I won't go there (your welcome). :) We all understood it will be an uphill battle this year. Us leaving the B12 is huge and nobody is happy with that decision, outside NU. I find myself complaining about the officiating way too much and have to watch that. It will be very nice to say goodbye to the B12. It's been a cluster since its inception. In the words of Clint Eastwood or William Money "deserves got nothing to do with it". (Unforgiven)


    Go Big Red, Goodbye Big 12!


    I agree that he was in on that play, the problem is, the only clear-cut view that would show that is the camera right down the goal line. That's the only true view to show whether the ball has crossed the line, unless you have the camera on wires directly above. Crick was blocking the view of that camera therefore there was no clear view of the ball crossing the plane. The rear view shows where the ball was and where he was, but there's no way to tell where the goal line is at the time. The call on the field was no touchdown, and I still don't understand what they saw to overturn that call.


    You are right about the call and no clear cut evidence on video. I just like to see wrong calls made right. If the refs truely didn't see it, they should call no TD. But with the video, I believe (short of absolute, clear cut video) it was obvious. If you go by the rules set for replay.. the call on the field should have been upheld. Imo, it was a TD and righfully called. I just wish there was more common sense used, wich isn't going to happem but, jmo.





    Has no place in the Big 12! :LOLtartar

  14. We won't get any calls for the rest of this season. We need to stop putting ourselves in that position in the first place, but the refs are out to screw us. It's so obvious right now it's ridiculous. I wish someone on the national media level would bring attention to it. Between the no fumble call last week against Mizzou, the personal foul against Legate, and the fumble by Helu, I've never seen so many bad calls.


    I fully agree the officiating has been absolutely terrible. I do however believe the touch-down was a touch down and the right call. And we absolutely cannot leave any game to be decided by big twelve refs. I don't have the time or you all would hate to read my umteen pages of complaints with the big 12, so I won't go there (your welcome). :) We all understood it will be an uphill battle this year. Us leaving the B12 is huge and nobody is happy with that decision, outside NU. I find myself complaining about the officiating way too much and have to watch that. It will be very nice to say goodbye to the B12. It's been a cluster since its inception. In the words of Clint Eastwood or William Money "deserves got nothing to do with it". (Unforgiven)


    Go Big Red, Goodbye Big 12!


    I agree that he was in on that play, the problem is, the only clear-cut view that would show that is the camera right down the goal line. That's the only true view to show whether the ball has crossed the line, unless you have the camera on wires directly above. Crick was blocking the view of that camera therefore there was no clear view of the ball crossing the plane. The rear view shows where the ball was and where he was, but there's no way to tell where the goal line is at the time. The call on the field was no touchdown, and I still don't understand what they saw to overturn that call.

  15. Nebraska didn't win they survived. chuckleshuffle


    Couldn't have said it better. We got by without our best, and 2nd best QB, and arguably our best DB. Time will heal, those 2 will be back next week and we'll drop the hammer on KU and CU and go in healthy to Texas 12 Conference Championship game. Hopefully we'll learn how to cover the back shoulder pass and underthrow so we can beat OSU again.

  16. I wouldn't want to be in the BCS right now, I wouldn't want to be embarassed. Our D is set up to stop Missouri, obviously can't slow down a team that can run, and everyone in the BCS can run the ball. Without a solid T-Mart at the helm, we have no offense, and BCS teams will stop Rex in the wildcat. Just isn't our year this year.



    What the heck do you mean 'BCS teams'?


    The schools above us right now in the BCS....Oregon, Boise St., TCU etc.

  17. I wouldn't want to be in the BCS right now, I wouldn't want to be embarassed. Our D is set up to stop Missouri, obviously can't slow down a team that can run, and everyone in the BCS can run the ball. Without a solid T-Mart at the helm, we have no offense, and BCS teams will stop Rex in the wildcat. Just isn't our year this year.

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