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Posts posted by redblooded

  1. Here's the actual problem, take a look at the actual high speed internet and "3-4g" coverage maps of the US there are gaping holes even though we've subsizied the cable and wireless telcome industrys billiions of dollars of taxpayer money. we paid to cover those areas and the business sector didn't do it.

  2. how did nobody link this?


    good god, it's a joke.


    There are Jews in the world.

    There are Buddhists.

    There are Hindus and Mormons, and then

    There are those that follow Mohammed, but

    I've never been one of them.


    I'm a Roman Catholic,

    And have been since before I was born,

    And the one thing they say about Catholics is:

    They'll take you as soon as you're warm.


    You don't have to be a six-footer.

    You don't have to have a great brain.

    You don't have to have any clothes on. You're

    A Catholic the moment Dad came,




    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite irate.



    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite irate.



    Let the heathen spill theirs

    On the dusty ground.

    God shall make them pay for

    Each sperm that can't be found.



    Every sperm is wanted.

    Every sperm is good.

    Every sperm is needed

    In your neighbourhood.



    Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,

    Spill theirs just anywhere,

    But God loves those who treat their

    Semen with more care.



    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.


    If a sperm is wasted,...


    ...God get quite irate.



    Every sperm is sacred.

    BRIDE and GROOM:

    Every sperm is good.


    Every sperm is needed...


    ...In your neighbourhood!



    Every sperm is useful.

    Every sperm is fine.


    God needs everybody's.

    MOURNER #1:


    MOURNER #2:

    And mine!


    And mine!



    Let the Pagan spill theirs

    O'er mountain, hill, and plain.


    God shall strike them down for

    Each sperm that's spilt in vain.



    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is good.

    Every sperm is needed

    In your neighbourhood.


    Every sperm is sacred.

    Every sperm is great.

    If a sperm is wasted,

    God gets quite iraaaaaate!


  3. redblooded and 2ndNnine- You guys need to get a clue. If I used your logic, I could link every single person on this planet to some group, race, religion, nationality that had harmed other people. Blanket blame of any group or religion for the misdeeds of people within those groups or religions is just asinine. Your rationale in a nutshell; All white Americans are bad because of what they did to the Indians or because of slavery. All Germans are bad because of what Hitler did. All Japanese are bad because of Pearl Harbor and WWII. All Christians and Catholics are bad because of the crusades and some pedophile priests. All Muslims are bad because of 911 and other terror activities. Chinese are bad because of Tianamen square. Blacks are bad because of OJ or some rioting. Italians are bad because of the mafia. this list can go on all day long.


    Your blaming entire groups associated with any of these because of the actions of some within those groups is just simple-minded prejudice.


    Wait what? is that not what we are prentending not to do at airports now to "randomly" inspect them more if they are a nationality we might associate with terrorism?


    But yes, we are all bad because we have done that, racial profling. We are the people that contine to endorse these policies, and we are as bad if not worse then our forefathers for doing so since WE SHOULD f'ing KNOW BETTER. And every idiot that votes in fear for politicians that support things like the patriot act is eroding EVERYONE'S actual liberties. Which mean's freedom for the two of you that don't actually own a dictionary.

  4. For the first two weeks of the egyption revolution last year you could watch everything live on al-jazeera and I thought to myself, this is going to take off in the US since we cant actually see what is going on in the middle east in realtime instead of only once every 24 hours watching the nightly news corrospondents checks in.


    It hasn't totally taken over yet, but it is "hilariously" a more fair and balanced right wing channel then fox news. That's the muslim news channel, in broadcast over the arab states, more balanced then fox news. and that's no sh#t.

  5. Redblooded wrote:



    Really? who exactly do you think conquered those northern barbarian hordes in Germania back in the day? It wasn't Muslims out there conquring them and sending missionary's to teach them "gods" word while hijacking their pagan festivals, or all around Nebraska we'd be speaking arabic. Hitler was a "skeptical catholic" technically according to the web. As a baptised catholic and christian church raised kid that sounds pretty christian to me (I won't even bother naming my ancestry, if you know nebraska past the 1850s you know that already), and while Jew hatred might not be en-vogue now with us guilty conscience'd gentiles it was pretty okay back in the day until then. Hell have you people never had a racist older relative?


    Religion is a device to subjugate the masses. Nothing more. Don't get me wrong, the teachings of the bible are good overall if not taken too literally... I mean we shouldn't be stoning people to death like it's John Cleese night outside of Memorial stadium during the fall if they blaspheme as someone fumbles. After all the bible is just a collection of stories that date back WAY beyond the supposed years of Christ which were retold generation after generation to get people to not kill or steal from eachother. Somewhere someone figured out they could make money off of that from kings that wanted people to behave as their subjects in the name of the lord. then it turned into the sleaziest business in the world. At least prostitues can shower and control themselves around children.


    However, It's the whole interpreted will of a supposed 'diety' so a bunch of people can try to impose their will on others in the name of 'god' (who doesn't exist) I have the biggest problem with.




    P.S. thanks for the amusing reading. P.P.S. Marry, Mary, Maury. Two are fictional and all three would've been on talk shows taking lie detectors and paternity tests in the 20th century.





    What are you talking about? The Romans conquered Germania but they were far from Christians until Constantine. Hitler was a Christian "technically" Good one, the ole tie nazis to the target to get the evil inference, real original thinking!!


    I love that bold line, you really did hit your head didn't. Now two out of those three are fictional yet all three would be on a talk show. You have fictional characters on talk shows taking lie detector and paternity tests, who else shows up in your little head? Keep bashing the Christians though, its all you got!! eyeswear2allthatsholy


    That wasn't a case of godwin's law. Nazi's were christians... as distasteful as that might be to you. Christianity had spread from Rome and the Byzantine empire across europe for nearly 2000 years by then. But by all means, lets pretend that every christian atrocity carried out in 'gods' name by humans I brought up is moot. Because god is omnipotent enough to realize it doesn't actually matter if genocide and other incredibly horrible atrocities happen and not premtively strike down those that might kill millons of people, or develop weapons that can send entire continents cowering faster then the actual "hand of god".

  6. Auto plants are being built by foreign car companies just in Business friendly states aka the south. Michigan isn't business friendly like California. People are leaving California for better opportunities and businesses don't want to be there because of all the taxes they will pay. Chrysler has been bailed out twice now. Do we continue to bail out failures time after time? that would be just wasting money and i would be pissed since it is taxpayer money paying for their failures. Why did Ford get the message that they need to up their game and Chrysler and GM didn't?


    No state is more business friendly than China, is that the direction you want us to head in?


    I want middle class jobs, those that pay in the range of $30k to $100k for more Americans. Without them our economy goes into a death spiral. What is friendly for business is often poison to the middle class.


    Trickle down economy! Class warfare! Wealth redistribution! Socialism! Entitlements! other politically charged words we can shout to boil complex social-econimic ideas down to the lowest common denominator, yet still trick that idiotic denominator! but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.



    Other words that trick a bunch of idiots! Pubs want to kill the elderly, oBUMa stated they want to let autistic childern fend for themselves, fair share, Hate women (abortion), war mongers, increase revenue, real change. :rollin



    Wait what? I gotta stop coming up with joke ideas in the middle of the night half drunk. Are you emoting because you saw the "textbook" non sequitur in there and got the fact that those talking points dont actually come to a conclusion and that they are all in fact red herrings? or are you actually stupid enough to recite both what fox news tells you liberals would say if they didn't take that seriously with what the republcans have been saying since the teaparty started and their "news" anchors have been arging against themselves on their programs as some sort of hypothetical "on message" arguement for months if not years?


    I don't remember a bunch of lets let the autistic fend for themselves in the Obama campaign kickoff, aka state of the union, or death panels cropping up again, both previous fox news fictions.


    Good god man. rotfl emoticon indeed. Think for your self. I know it's easier to let "God" aka "Rupert Murdoch" do it for you, but try.

  7. Auto plants are being built by foreign car companies just in Business friendly states aka the south. Michigan isn't business friendly like California. People are leaving California for better opportunities and businesses don't want to be there because of all the taxes they will pay. Chrysler has been bailed out twice now. Do we continue to bail out failures time after time? that would be just wasting money and i would be pissed since it is taxpayer money paying for their failures. Why did Ford get the message that they need to up their game and Chrysler and GM didn't?


    No state is more business friendly than China, is that the direction you want us to head in?


    I want middle class jobs, those that pay in the range of $30k to $100k for more Americans. Without them our economy goes into a death spiral. What is friendly for business is often poison to the middle class.


    Trickle down economy! Class warfare! Wealth redistribution! Socialism! Entitlements! other politically charged words we can shout to boil complex social-econimic ideas down to the lowest common denominator, yet still trick that idiotic denominator! but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.

  8. Muslims yes, iraqis, no. they were almost all saudi. No one is saying there aren't muslim extremists and terrorism in the world. My point is that there is far more christian extremism and terrorism than there will ever be of all other religions combined.



    How many Christian terrorsits do you believe are in the world? :confucius


    Seriously didn't we just go through the white supremesist fundamentalist "militia" scare with the unibomber and Timothy McVeigh in the 90s?


    The game in this country for the last 70 years has been to simply to point blame at anyone to justify more defense spending, since defense was the "republican" strong point.

  9. That's just a crazy analysis. Any time you use the word Nazi people think of evil in such a grand scale. When did you see such carnage based on Christ. I know you guys just love the Crusades, get over that, that was in the middle ages. People and faith ahv echanged ove rthe years. :dis
    Your argument is "who cares it happened a long time ago?" Do you think that faith has changed for the better over the years? As in . . . the further we get from the time of Christ walking the earth the better Christians have behaved? Weak.


    I am saying you guys harp back to the same old line when you can't think of anyhting else to say. I will say that this site only reinforces my faith in what the bible says. In the end days very few will be believers and they will be mocked and ridiculed. As was stated earlier less and less people in the world are believers which follows the bibles story line, you are just helping out in your own little way Carlfense, thanks! :thumbs


    Seriously I imagine you hit your head on the door before you open it to leave your own bedroom every morning. Confirm or Deny? Also ponder this quote, from a not as well known greek figure as Plato, So-crates

    , and Aristotle. 300 years before god was even born.


    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus


    (helping or hurting your faith?, is there a deadline like jan2013 when the rapture doesn't come or is it open ended? should we have been stocking up on nike cross trainers and investing in cyanide laced kool-aid?)




    Enjoy your rightiousness hanging out with the self fulfilling prophecy by church sponsored psychics of the "very few believers." They could have had a good career setting odds in vegas.

  10. Did anyone here claim that the Bible was written or dictated by Jesus? Your non-point doesn't explain dick. If wire coathangers hadn't advanced to plastic, maybe your mother would've done us all a big favor.
    ....as a mod, I'm going to have to warn you against personal attacks against other people. that being said, there are both pro-abortion and anti-abortion stories/rules in the Bible. It's a huge book of contradictions. When it comes to passing laws in our country, I ask everyone to look at the reasons for their point of view. If they're religious based...if you have to say "god tells us (fill in the blank)"... I think you have no right to push those views into laws. Whether it be abortion, same-sex marriage, etc.
    Fine. Are you going to also warn redblooded for advocating for the abortion of Jesus and basically waging a personal attack on all Christians? What's good for the goose...... And BTW, that wasn't a personal attack. I am the one against abortion in this discussion and he is the one apparently for it. How dare I suggest he being willing to suffer the consequences of what he proposes. I have dealt with this issue in the context it was presented. I can't help it if people jump to conclusions and make assumptions about what laws others may or may not push. And, as far as I know, I have all the same rights you or anyone else does and I can be for or against any law I see fit, for any reason I see fit. If it happens to be a religion based belief, I guess other people simply have to deal with that. I've never understood the position that simply because a person does not have a religion to base a belief on, why that makes their position somehow more valid. I think you have no right to say others have no right.
    LOLx2, Once because I said Jesus neither wrote nor dictated the bible and that basically nullified the original post's bait and second for taking mine. Yeah Aborting Jesus would have only saved everyone that died in the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Salem witch trials, the Jews in WW2 and countless other people in catholic and protestant wars alike their lives. But yes, please warn me on a message board for making a joke about aborting the cause of it all. (I'd die a thousand times over, now not just in the womb, to not have that suffering plague the world) That's Jesus y'all lets celebrate him in some man made institution that wants our money every sunday so we can pretend he takes a bow for us being good as long as we continue carrying on that hatred of all other religions that aren't "right." Then with our taxes we can fund the largest military in the world to blow them up to expedite our expelling them from "heaven". Marry is the greatest trap artist in the history of the world... not only did she get some moron to marry her before she gave birth to her "Immaculate conception" but she got him to be okay with it and convinced millions upon millions of morons thousands of years later to not only go along with it but that he was the son of (and) god himself. If that broad tried to get away with that now she'd be on Springer and/or Maury, and rightfully so, yet those are the 2000 year old people you're worshiping. Good luck with that. (ps thanks for learning how to press the "quote" button. That only took what, three months?).


    The Christians killed the jews in WW2? I think you got a hold of the wrong history book. :dunno


    Really? who exactly do you think conquered those northern barbarian hordes in Germania back in the day? It wasn't Muslims out there conquring them and sending missionary's to teach them "gods" word while hijacking their pagan festivals, or all around Nebraska we'd be speaking arabic. Hitler was a "skeptical catholic" technically according to the web. As a baptised catholic and christian church raised kid that sounds pretty christian to me (I won't even bother naming my ancestry, if you know nebraska past the 1850s you know that already), and while Jew hatred might not be en-vogue now with us guilty conscience'd gentiles it was pretty okay back in the day until then. Hell have you people never had a racist older relative?


    Religion is a device to subjugate the masses. Nothing more. Don't get me wrong, the teachings of the bible are good overall if not taken too literally... I mean we shouldn't be stoning people to death like it's John Cleese night outside of Memorial stadium during the fall if they blaspheme as someone fumbles. After all the bible is just a collection of stories that date back WAY beyond the supposed years of Christ which were retold generation after generation to get people to not kill or steal from eachother. Somewhere someone figured out they could make money off of that from kings that wanted people to behave as their subjects in the name of the lord. then it turned into the sleaziest business in the world. At least prostitues can shower and control themselves around children.


    However, It's the whole interpreted will of a supposed 'diety' so a bunch of people can try to impose their will on others in the name of 'god' (who doesn't exist) I have the biggest problem with.




    P.S. thanks for the amusing reading. P.P.S. Marry, Mary, Maury. Two are fictional and all three would've been on talk shows taking lie detectors and paternity tests in the 20th century.

    • Fire 1
  11. If europe was smart, which they haven't been since we plundered germany's scientists, they's simply tell us to go screw ourselves on this and go write some even more lax copyright and IP laws. Then watch the tech industry innovation flow over to them over the next 10 years which would kill the US since manufacturing is all overseas.

  12. Did anyone here claim that the Bible was written or dictated by Jesus? Your non-point doesn't explain dick. If wire coathangers hadn't advanced to plastic, maybe your mother would've done us all a big favor.
    ....as a mod, I'm going to have to warn you against personal attacks against other people. that being said, there are both pro-abortion and anti-abortion stories/rules in the Bible. It's a huge book of contradictions. When it comes to passing laws in our country, I ask everyone to look at the reasons for their point of view. If they're religious based...if you have to say "god tells us (fill in the blank)"... I think you have no right to push those views into laws. Whether it be abortion, same-sex marriage, etc.


    Fine. Are you going to also warn redblooded for advocating for the abortion of Jesus and basically waging a personal attack on all Christians? What's good for the goose......

    And BTW, that wasn't a personal attack. I am the one against abortion in this discussion and he is the one apparently for it. How dare I suggest he being willing to suffer the consequences of what he proposes.


    I have dealt with this issue in the context it was presented. I can't help it if people jump to conclusions and make assumptions about what laws others may or may not push. And, as far as I know, I have all the same rights you or anyone else does and I can be for or against any law I see fit, for any reason I see fit. If it happens to be a religion based belief, I guess other people simply have to deal with that. I've never understood the position that simply because a person does not have a religion to base a belief on, why that makes their position somehow more valid. I think you have no right to say others have no right.


    LOLx2, Once because I said Jesus neither wrote nor dictated the bible and that basically nullified the original post's bait and second for taking mine.


    Yeah Aborting Jesus would have only saved everyone that died in the Crusades, Spanish Inquisition, Salem witch trials, the Jews in WW2 and countless other people in catholic and protestant wars alike their lives. But yes, please warn me on a message board for making a joke about aborting the cause of it all. (I'd die a thousand times over, now not just in the womb, to not have that suffering plague the world)


    That's Jesus y'all lets celebrate him in some man made institution that wants our money every sunday so we can pretend he takes a bow for us being good as long as we continue carrying on that hatred of all other religions that aren't "right." Then with our taxes we can fund the largest military in the world to blow them up to expedite our expelling them from "heaven".


    Marry is the greatest trap artist in the history of the world... not only did she get some moron to marry her before she gave birth to her "Immaculate conception" but she got him to be okay with it and convinced millions upon millions of morons thousands of years later to not only go along with it but that he was the son of (and) god himself. If that broad tried to get away with that now she'd be on Springer and/or Maury, and rightfully so, yet those are the 2000 year old people you're worshiping.


    Good luck with that.


    (ps thanks for learning how to press the "quote" button. That only took what, three months?).

  13. Yes Sub-husker, I think there is a coloration between the strength of the unions and average income as well. Most folks don't look back just a century at what state the working class was in, and I don't mean just manufacturing. It took decades and literally spilled blood to have what we have today(yet some of this is lost in weeks with one signature these days). There was absolutely no incentive to pay anyone a decent wage unless there were rare specialists needed for a certain field. The companies had all absolute power and there was no other place to go(I have to admit some companies have had ownership with enough self respect to have payed a good wage to it's workforce).

    Anyone watch old films? Ever notice how even an upper middle class could afford servants? That's because income was so unevenly distributed that many had no choice but to work at someone else's home for a pittance. These days they may get a maid service, but they cant afford most of us 24/7.


    Overall I cant complain as I make a pretty good living as do my friends, but I am concerned at what I'm seeing in regards to the preferential treatment the top 1% and their businesses. I'm pretty much tired of the company owners who say "if I don't get more tax breaks I wont hire any more workers". Well you know what? Fine don't hire more workers this is capitalism and if there is demand for the product you make, the other company will be glad to hire them and meet the demand. The whole trickle down myth is just such rubbish.


    In the end I think we shoot ourselves in the foot a bit. Many of us invest and expect continuous higher returns. basically this means the new CEO needs to continue increase in profit. Easiest way is to offshore, cut wages/benefits and exploit new markets(this however is fairly finite, unless you have something new in your catalog).

    Anyway like anything else in the world to much of something is not that good for you. Capitalism is reaching that point it seems. Were on the edge of Monopolies and many Duopolies. I no longer have a choice in what cable internet provider I use, there is only one. Many other items we buy there are no more then two companies that make them. Companies are so big they cant be allowed to fail, yet they absorb any competition or creative upstarts before they get up and running. Maybe this changing system should be called Corporatism, I'm not a fan, I'd like to see 20 American car manufacturers like in the past, see some real competition, because then we have the choice and some power as a consumer. Anyway rant off, take care gents.


    This is awesome, just because it is like the realization that maybe too much of something could eventually be a bad thing.




    Watch that daily show, where you will see an Ivy league professor realize what has happened to the US in the last 30 years because of the money thrown at politics now. It isn't instant it takes awhile the full interview to be matter of fact...


    Were going on 2 generations now where the best mathmatics students have gone not to Nasa or Research but to the financial industries because that's who will pay. The goal is to screw you out of your money... all of it, property, retirement, 401k... legally and they've done it.

  14. bible wasn't written or even dictated by Jesus, does that explain it?


    This is absolutely the most assine issue in politics. I wonder if wire clotheshangers were around back then if Marry might have done us all a favor and solved this one for us, virgin birth my ass.

    • Fire 1
  15. I agree about stupid wars . . . but why would you prefer that we not use armed drones?


    I point to the civilian death toll in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


    Killing of civilians has become to callous and impersonal.


    Drones are not the reason we kill civilians. Poor intelligence is why we kill civilians. Drones fire missiles far more accurate than anything we've had before - more accurate than 95% of the world's armed forces. Those civilians are killed not because of the drone, but because we didn't know they were there, or they were unavoidable collateral damage to a primary target being taken out. Civilians are NEVER the target, and implying that they are is offensive.


    Would you rather we went back to the days of carpet-bombing and B-17s? Do you want another Dresden?

    Well said. It's extremely unfortunate that civilians do die, but it's a lot better than a fire-bombing killings hundreds of thousands.


    I actually think it's semi unfortunate that war isn't that terrible anymore, simply for the reason that we seem to be so eager and easy to convince to goto war now. Maybe if it was that terrible it'd be off the table.


    I'm sure it's very slightly better for those in the warzone now as far as terror level goes, but I cant even imagine living somewhere worrying if I'd get blown up by a bomb because of who lived next to me, home invaded by US troops, or insurgents that decided to use the property.

  16. Nah. Most are tired of Obama's 4 years and i think a lot of the independents have jumped off his ship. he's trying to push acta on us which is exactly like sopa but international. Obama is a danger more to our liberties than Bush ever was.


    Most whom? Most Right/Conservatives, yes, but they were never on board anyway. Independents aren't jumping off anything, and current polls show that if the election happened today, Obama would be reelected.




    In potential Election 2012 matchups, it’s President Obama 47% and Romney 42%. However, if Gingrich is his Republican opponent, the president holds a double-digit lead, 50% to 37% (see tracking history). These matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update).


    Romney is Obama Light, or perhaps more eloquently, Obama Right, with very similar policies and history in governance. If Republicans are so opposed to Obama/Obama's policies, how do they muster the energy to support a Republican who will likely be similar in the Oval Office?



    Romney will get a huge bump in the polls when he's announced as the nominee at the RNC. He'll likely even overtake Obama. The nearer we get to election time, Romney's support will wane dramatically. Obama will make mincemeat of him in debates, simply by expounding on Romney's record. Bain Capital's history will be dredged up and in a time of worry over jobs, a presidential candidate whose rise to riches came on the backs of the Middle-Class Americans he fired won't be popular.


    My guess? Obama wins and wins handily, mostly because the Republican base will simply stay home. Seeing no viable candidate, they'll simply not vote.


    Those poll numbers will stay the same til November right? /sarcasm. Once the election gets near those numbers will change. You can go by what Romney has done as Gov. but that doesn't mean he will stick to that. Bush was a lot more aggressive as President then he ever was as Gov. Most Republican voters don't stay home and not vote. Those are called Democrats. If any party base that stands behind their guy it would more likely be a Republican. Come November what will Obama have done that anyone cares about? more than likely nothing.


    Besides actually get Bin Laden, gotten us out of Iraq, killed Kadafi, etc for foreign policy right? and for domestic, sided (in the press) with the 99% that think millionaires and big business don't pay their fair share. Plus he's an incumbant, and thus the Devil we all know.

    • Fire 1
  17. Anything to keep left and right fighting each other rather than together.


    This is by design. By both the campaigns and the media that push their overlord's agendas. They group the voters up and try to segment them into issues that will rile us and get us to vote for them. They do it to the point they cant work together anymore. It's marketing 101.


    Which is why you are seeing the republicans struggle now, they figured that out first, but times are changing. There's almost 20 years of people being exposed to the rest of the english speaking world. Yet they have to reach out to the poor uneducated rural religious science deniers because that is their base. Except their base has been shrinking since farms became corporate and people had to flock to cities and learn to get along with other people in their community and now world, and tons of people don't buy the social agenda anymore. Then after Bush showed they were full of hot air as far as conservative fiscal policy and personal liberty went, well it's going to be an uphill battle for any republican for more then just the last election cycle. Of the 3 news media approved candidates in this thing now, the difference between them is one is black, one is morman, and ones a douche.


    It's the internet age, we don't forget, what happens is forever archived if it's worth digging up. I just wish I was the creator of the Nuck Fewt bumper stickers from the 90s, I'd be cashing in again.

  18. http://www.cnn.com/2...?iref=allsearch


    Gingrich has his fellow republicans longing for the days that they could decide who they'd nominate in "smoke filled back rooms" because even the republicans in washington hate this guy. It's going to be a hilarious crapstorm for the next few months for that party. Buckle up.


    And I forgot where that bet was about the month off the board over the election is but I'll take it. Republicans lose the presidency in november, and it's not going to be as close as you are dictating yourself into believing.




    Nah. Most are tired of Obama's 4 years and i think a lot of the independents have jumped off his ship. he's trying to push acta on us which is exactly like sopa but international. Obama is a danger more to our liberties than Bush ever was.


    I know all about acta, I also know that frankly what he's done with it is unconstitutional thinking he can bind us to a treaty without congressional approval. So he's going to have to fight that battle with against the few people in congress that actually want to follow the constitution and the internet at large, which won't let their countries be stupid enough to sweep it through. Europeans are gearing up for that and their euro parliment "reporter" resigned making a big stink about how the EU parliment he was reporting to were trying to keep the "people" out of the process.


    If European countries don't ratify it, it doesn't mean crap, except you're going to start seeing the internet innovation migrating to hosts there, where the US government can't necessesarily run around pretending the world is it's own corporate sponsored police state. What really needs to happen is for the public to stop blaming the politicians for it and start blaming the industries buying this legislation with money. It's pretty easy to not goto the movies considering the crap they put out. Pretty easy to not buy big label CDs/mp3s that's 90% rap and gaga-like pop anyways. Stop giving Hollywood money, 2 birds with one stone.

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