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Posts posted by redblooded

  1. You're arguing about rearranging the deck chairs.



    It doesn't matter what freddie and fannie were doing. We live in a system of exponentially increasing debt as money, if it wasn't houses it'd be something else, property just happens to be actual collateral that they all thought was on a continuous upward tick. Then we bailed them out when they were wrong and let them own all of it anyways.

  2. Basketball will mean more when the new facilities are done, till then it'll always be a writeoff with nothing invested. Doc will either win when they open the new arena or be out the door with a serious search on that year. Firing him before then would do nothing but saddle the university with a coach on the level of Doc but that couldn't be fired for appearances sake for a few years while the facilities lose the new shine.

  3. Not surprising in the least to me. Although counting crap like bud-light, miller-light, etc where it's like drinking slightly alcoholic water is a little cheap. Goto a bar some time, not early, late enough that you can watch the people that can really drink, just realize they are probably on beer 4 by 8 or 9pm. Then leave before last call and people trying to find afterparties or buy package hit the streets.

  4. The problem with Ron Paul is that neither party will work with him. He'll try to push this radical agenda and NOBODY will play ball. Why? Because if they support his agenda, they'll have to answer for it come next election cycle, and they'll get voted out. Ma and Pa America aren't ready for Ron Paul's ideas. Probably won't be for a long time, if ever.


    From my point of view, Ma and Pa america has about 20 years left at best. Once the baby boom generation dies off it's their kids, the gen-x-y-next-whatever label they want to put on all of them, that will control the country, and they already have had numbers enough to push Obama over the threashold into office and keep Ron Paul in primaries, twice. That day is coming my friend, fast. Assuming the current system hasn't completely blown up from bubbles, the fed, etc before then.

  5. I like Ron Paul a lot too. Frankly Obama, as much as I dislike him and his broken promises and basically being bush 3, other then Ron Paul the republican party will never see a vote from me again (Devil I know). Fool me once (Bush) shame on you, Fool me twice, fool me... can't get fooled again! The fact that the other republicans think he's dangerous just makes him more appealing. I think him actually getting elected, while surprising for him most of all I'd be sure, would be like america just shaking the crap out of an etch-a-sketch that's been scribbled on with just plain crap since around 1910.


    surprising for him most of all because he doesn't run his campaigns to win the presidency, he runs to seed his ideas. Look at his crowds, that day's coming, probably in around 10 or so years. That'll be the day the bankers running the perpetual debt as money cycle will tell us the world ends, and hopefully theirs does.

  6. http://abcnews.go.co...93#.Txh4V28V2I4


    Why do we need these acts again? Ohh right so if your site has someone even link or mention them you can get taken down as well. Also pay no mind to the fact that none of the people that run that business were actually in the US or citizens here.


    Basically the internet revolts around furthering those powers and now we get to see the powers we've already given up. Wonder where the people running rapidshare live that they couldn't pull that off. And if SOPA/PIPA actually get through expect this site to be taken down sooner or later for this post.

  7. Yes he will be painted that way............remains to be seen whether the public buys it. I totally disagree on the debates. Romney is not great on his feet, but BO will not have his electronic crutch (Mr. Teleprompter).


    As I said to Carlfense. I predict BO cannot defend his record and I don't see the public fallilng for his disingenousness again. But, we will see and the next 10 months will be fun to debate.


    Ummm.... Obama didn't have a teleprompter in 2008 and demolished McCain, who has decades of experience in debates.


    Further, have you actually watched the Republican debates? Romney is no smooth talker. Obama will eat him alive.


    Obama will eat any of them alive. None of them are smooth talkers. The smoothest is probably Gingrich, when he isn't dabbling in undertones of racism, but then you have the whole problem of his self destruction. At some point he's going to blow his campaign off the track for the second time (and people will remember what a prick he is).

  8. Glad huskerboard isn't going dark.


    Here's some interesting insights, if you can actually get through how annoying this guy is...



    This is all pretty simple. Take one example. The idiots at Amazon think that it's fair to charge someone $14.99 for an ebook, a book which they did not have to deforest Canada to create, buy ink to print print, hire a company to ship, store in a heated warehouse, pay someone to sell, or make the coffee, or clean the bathrooms; in their deranged minds it's fair to charge a customer virtually full price (at Wal-mart the same book might go for $17.99). I'm sorry, but it's time to wake up. No one who had any computer know how would buy the book at that price, especially when the book is about double the price of a trade paperback. No one with any know how should pay the same price, and frankly I think it's unethical to charge them something that ridiculous and then attempt to take over the internet when they refuse to pay it. Especially with lending libraries right down the block. What's even worse is in my case, I WANT to support authors and publishers. I'd go out of my way to support them with my business. But I'm not going to get bent over to do it. So their choice is to either offer books at a fair price for the actual product I'm receiving, or keep on like they're doing and see where that gets them.


    This isn't an amazon issue any more then itunes charging 1.29 for non-drm'd songs instead of 99 cents was an apple issue. The publishers set prices in their agreements to sell copies. Amazon isn't as ubiquitous as Itunes was for digital music once napster died. Amazon doesn't have the clout (or the negotiating balls) to be able to tell publishers what they can charge like Apple did with music.


    You're actually right about publishers setting the prices. They are certainly where a lot of the blame lies. However, Amazon is not exactly without recourse. Hence the dark cloud hovering over the big publishers when Amazon considers going into e-publishing for themselves. Also, the fact that you would give me a two dollar discount for a piece of data when I have to spend at the low end around 75 bucks to buy the reading device makes it your problem.


    They actually are going into publishing themselves because they were angry about the prices the old guard publishers are setting and realized that if they could get the authors directly they wouldn't have to deal with those publishers anymore and could actually sell more books.

  9. Glad huskerboard isn't going dark.


    Here's some interesting insights, if you can actually get through how annoying this guy is...



    This is all pretty simple. Take one example. The idiots at Amazon think that it's fair to charge someone $14.99 for an ebook, a book which they did not have to deforest Canada to create, buy ink to print print, hire a company to ship, store in a heated warehouse, pay someone to sell, or make the coffee, or clean the bathrooms; in their deranged minds it's fair to charge a customer virtually full price (at Wal-mart the same book might go for $17.99). I'm sorry, but it's time to wake up. No one who had any computer know how would buy the book at that price, especially when the book is about double the price of a trade paperback. No one with any know how should pay the same price, and frankly I think it's unethical to charge them something that ridiculous and then attempt to take over the internet when they refuse to pay it. Especially with lending libraries right down the block. What's even worse is in my case, I WANT to support authors and publishers. I'd go out of my way to support them with my business. But I'm not going to get bent over to do it. So their choice is to either offer books at a fair price for the actual product I'm receiving, or keep on like they're doing and see where that gets them.


    This isn't an amazon issue any more then itunes charging 1.29 for non-drm'd songs instead of 99 cents was an apple issue. The publishers set prices in their agreements to sell copies. Amazon isn't as ubiquitous as Itunes was for digital music once napster died. Amazon doesn't have the clout (or the negotiating balls) to be able to tell publishers what they can charge like Apple did with music.


    Edit: and while I agree with the sentiment on pricing since creating digital copies of something is essentially free, that's a publisher issue, it's got almost nothing to do with the bills and their goal. They might as well have just called it the "try and legislate thepiratebay, firstrowsports, zonein tv, and the like off the internet" acts, which is what they were. The goal, and they are very open about this, is to try and enforce US copyright laws across the english speaking internet since they haven't been able to buy the ability to legislate what they want in places like Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, etc where they think US copyright is nuts. The problem arises in the fact that they want every site to basically be held responsible for every link a user posts, ISPs to be responsible for where people surf, advertising suppliers and money transfer companies(paypal) to seize funds, and domain registrars to sieze domains and redirect them to the FBI (Much like the DHS ICE program is already doing illegally with the compliance of registrars like godaddy). Which is absolutely censorship already and when they find something they deem infringement they pull the plug on the entire website which just makes it even worse censorship.

  10. The fallacy of Paul's comments is he's implying that they actually liked us before we "endlessly bombed" them and that they were innocent bystanders in all of this. Not saying that is justification for war but he's making up a straw man arguement.


    How did he imply that?


    What he was saying was that they started hating us alot more after we started bombing them.


    That makes sense, I would hate anyone who started bombing me.


    Then you hate UBL; good we are on the same page although I wouldn't say hate but rather we need to rid ourselves of a threat. I hope you remember they bombed us when they hit the towers, right? :thumbs


    You can hate OBL and his group and still realize that US policy created both. Through things like funding the the war against the russians then forgetting about that area the second russia pulled out. Or continually putting troops in (and leaving them in) mid-eastern countries in that region to enforce our own oil Agendas. Not to mention things like giving dictators military aid so we'd get more oil and could sell them things to kill their neighboors and repress their own citizens. Most of the problems we've had over there have been self made since WW2.


    Plenty of people in that region don't like us, but even trying to selectively kill them off isn't going to change that and if we just left them alone they'd have enough problems between themselves that the US wouldn't even register.

  11. It's going to be a long offseason.


    I saw Bohl was going to be interviewed a few days ago and my first thought was "Who gives a crap what Craig Bohl thinks?" after reading, simply for thoroughness that's still where I am at. Other then being Sipple's friend I don't see how Bohl or any other D2 coach should have a say (or is relevant to) the discussion, especially one that pretty well sucked at the D1 level, and wouldn't even be on the radar here (still) if he wasn't a couple states away and always eager to talk to his old pal reporter in big city Lincoln.

  12. I generall like the CGI "enhancements" to the original trilogy (Death Star, battle scenes, etc.) but also didn't care for the ones that changed the story lines.


    Another arguement for watching them in release order is some of the biggest plot twists in the original three are rendered moot by watching the prequels. Really ruins some of the drama (if you didn't know ahead of time).


    My problem with the "enhancements" to the originals is two fold. Firstly they change the story, which, let's be honest wasn't shakespere in the first place. but secondly they add nothing to the actual film. I mean would you have realized "Jaba the hut" put a bounty on "Han Solo" without the additional scenes with Jaba walking around seeming reasonable and greedo shooting at han first in the cantina?


    Well for 22 years audiences seemed to get it, even kids. Enter George Lucas, epic moron, killing the wonderful work of whoever he hired as an editor the first time around to hide the boring crap he wished he could put on screen.

  13. Sorry, man. If their official documentation is not good enough, I don't know if there are any better ones. I don't know the first bit of it. (Ha, ha, bit.) I just use SUPER from time to time as a front-end. Best of luck to you.


    I ended up figuring out what I needed to do, but it involved basically tearing apart video from audio streams, then re-encoding video and afterwards reattaching audio.


    Seriously this is 2012, this stuff should be simpler. Like one click, I'd like this movie to play please and advanced options should be on what class of processor.

  14. I absolutely completely disagree almost everything you just said. but I am sorry I called you an ass before, That was meant in jest, but not really funny looking back.

    Fair enough and don't worry, I have thick skin. I can understand and do have compassion for your fellow human beings and those less fortunate but I cannot understand how you can disagree with anything I said let alone most everything. I guess it doesprovide further evidence of the widening ideological gap in our country though.


    I thought the first couple paragraphs or so were promising, then I hit a wall. Honestly I just meant to reply to apologize. I was too busy fuming about starwars to troll political forums.

  15. I'm not sure how much worse he could make their offensive line. Probably one of the most under-performing units in the NFL.... Besides the Eagles secondary this year.


    To be fair, even though just about any american man with german acestry and facial hair looks like him, Romo isn't going to make many lines look good.



    but again just for starwars, how about the end credits, now it's a galaxy wide celebration! Without the original music. and the new people as the ghosts. Including what's his f'ing name as anakin.


    I am totally spending the next drunken hour, not only drinking more, but getting around this filter. (and officially slightly less then 2 minutes in... this bout is called, enjoy the actual link in two places, just don't look at the URL bar, pu&&y)

  17. You have to watch them all! But I don't like how much CGI was used in the prequels. For example...Yoda and Chewie shouldn't have been made into CGI.


    It probably is best to watch them in order of release, but I'm curious what I'd think if I went in fresh and started w/ the prequels... I do think part of the allure of Vader was not really knowing who he was...and then the surprise of learning he's Luke's dad...


    Yoda was definitely better as a Frank Oz puppet and Chewbacca was better originally too. However, if you've never seen the actual originals you haven't seen the whole thing being ruined by Lucas's love of CGI. They are different (better) films before the late 90s. Honestly. Not only does he just arbitrarily add scenes to get more CGI in which is completely obvious, but he layers cgi in existing scenes, adds scenes that change the movie, changes scenes that were in the movies, etc.


    The southpark episode about Lucas and Spielburg raping Indiana Jones and Starwars wasn't a piece of fiction.


    I've seen the originals. I agree changing it so Solo didn't shoot first was a bad move, but were there any other parts that were changed? I don't mind how they added CGI in a few spots like the death star exploding. Although he for sure should have made it so you can watch either version on the blu-ray.


    There were a few, and especially a few of the cuts to added scenes, just not having that old pace of the originals threw me off so I was ultra aware.


    I mind the needless CGI, mostly the fake creatures added Jaba scenes expecially. I didn't mind explosions. and I completely agree, they should have included both versions. That'd be interesting.


    I'm sure there's a few starwars sites out there with more comprehensive lists then I could ever do, so I'll defer to them.

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