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Posts posted by Karsaire

  1. I am fully aware that we have quite a bit of work to do and some tough games to win, but if the football gods would allow, do we see oregon in the rose bowl now? I for one would be very excitesdfor this match up. Itd be a nice game to show up and play hardnose football.

    In other notes, what a game baylor had! A little sad to see kstate fall though.


    Whatever happen, Go Big Red!

  2. I suppose my "welcome" to the board may not mean a as I dont post a ton but welcome. I do however read huskerboard everyday, pretty much all day, I just do it via phone and dont feel like replying sms style.

    I do feel like we have a darn good shot to BIG champ and subsequently rose bowl probably vs oregan state, but psu and @iowa will be good games. I feel like iowa will become the new CU where they always manage to play vs just us.

  3. It also seems to not have "quite" as much hype. Wiskys not playing as well, we dropped one, iys our second apperance etc...may help players relax more with less anticipation than last year. Wiyh that said I know everyone here is jacked and excited for eiskyto come in house, buy national attention seems less..thoughts?

  4. After rewatching the game I cant tell you how many times I saw him dump an o-lineman on their bum in the first quater alone


    Please tell me you found an interwebs link. Espn360 is a no go

    DVR'd the game, sorry

  5. This board ours ridiculous. One week it asked for taylors head...the next he is the freakin king. Last week after msu, we win the ccg, possible road to glory, bo's king but now it's back to wanting bo's head. Im as big a husker fan as the next but it is one game. Not every season will be great. And a 10 win season is pretty dang good. Some of you are worse that teenage girls and menopausal women with these mood swings. Calm down

  6. Not to be a smart ass but maybe that is why Beck thought we could move the ball by having Martinez drop back and throw from the pocket. Our secondary play has not been anything a person should use to judge their offensive prowess.


    You're probably spot on with this observation JJHusker1. If Martinez was hitting open receivers against our 2nd string it possibly could have given Beck a false assessment at Taylor's progress in the passing game. I know we practiced a lot 1's vs. 1's during Fall Camp, so it kind of amazes me that they would go away from that once the season started. I understand you don't want to get your top players hurt in practice, but at the same time you also don't want your players to gain a false sense of themselves by how they perform in practice if they are going up against 2nd string talent.

    Actually, my intention was to point out that going against our first string, the way they have been playing, probably isn't going change much. Trying to be humorous but unfortunately also realistic. I am currently much more down on our D than I am our QB play. I realize that 3 picks against a team the caliber of Wiscy will kill you but our highly touted D has not lived up to expectations. Based on their hype and last years performance they should have stopped 2 if not all 3 of the subsequent scoring drives. Then maybe Beck doesn't panic and go all Air Correlle(sp) on us. The D needs to start bringing the pain. The real solution in my eyes is to limit putting Taylor in the position where we HAVE to throw deep. I think we get there with much better D, and fewer O-line mistakes. Field position and manageable down and distance. I don't blame Taylor because he isn't that type of QB. Never will be. The people piling on him need to start accepting this fact and temper their criticism with this knowledge.


    BTW- I enjoy your comments.


    First of all thank you JJHusker1, I am flattered that you enjoy my comments. I just enjoy sharing in civil discussions with other Husker fans about the team that we support.


    After the Wisconsin game I am like you in that I am concerned about our defense. I will admit I too was also frustrated with Taylor throwing those 3 interceptions.


    On the interceptions, yes, Taylor needs to make better decisions, but Coach Beck also has to understand the positive skill sets of his starting quarterback, and drop back passing is not one of those skill sets. Beck has to help Taylor and the team as a whole by calling a more balanced game in order for Taylor to be comfortable and successful. Calling 13 passing plays out of a 15 play stretch is not balanced. I think everyone learned their lesson after the Wisconsin game, and I expect a more solid game plan this week for Ohio State.


    On the defensive concerns, and I think I mentioned this in another post this week, so forgive me if any of you have read this already. But I think most of our defensive problems this year can be traced back to youth in the secondary and players who were recruited to defend the spread. Many of our defensive players were recruited by Bo & Carl as Safety/Linebacker hybrids to stop the spread offenses of the Big 12. Bo has admitted that they will recruit more true linebackers in the future. So, these defensive struggles, while frustrating, are not a sign of a lack of talent, rather it's just some growing pains the team will have to get through this season, and us fans will also.


    Finally, about your comment on where people need to stop pilling on and criticizing Taylor, I couldn't agree with you more. At the end of the day we are all fans of the Nebraska football team. Taylor is the starting quarterback for that team, and we as fans MUST support the team win, lose, or draw. That is one of the reasons why Nebraska fans are so well respected around the country. Now that doesn't mean we shouldn't voice our opinions when things are not going well for our team or if the team is not playing the right way (i.e. Nebraska 2007), but we should leave the personal attacks of the players out of the conversation.

    I couldnt agree with you more. The defense has some growing pains. painful yea but not the end of the world. I think taylor needs our aupport as well. It's hard to go out and play for the N on your helmet when the N isnt buating their butt back for you. The wrinkles will iron out and wveryone needs to calm down. It seems fans have gotten so whiney (yeai realize theirony of that statement). Everyone needs to calm down take a deep breath and then scream as loud as they can for our big red. Not every year is going to be 1971 95 97 or even 01. Not evry defense is going to be 09. There is no reason to meltdow...not even close.

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