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Texas Aggie Football

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Posts posted by Texas Aggie Football

  1. How many more can TAMU take? They have 24 commits listed on Scout. Do they have one more slot open?


    (Edit) one of the 24, Coryell Judie, is a JUCO.

    From my understanding, we (Texas A&M) can take 2 more recruits. Christine Michael plus another recruit.


    Also, to my knowledge, we can take one more recruit on top of the other two I just mentioned. The one stipulation being they must be a December grad.

    Thanks for the update. Actually Texas A&M just got a LB out of Louisiana, Jonathon Stewart, putting them at 24+1 JUCO so one slot remaining for Michael or another recruit and maybe one for a December grad. Are there other guys both Nebraska and Texas A&M are recruiting (that aren't committed)?


    I think Texas might also be close to done as they do not have many Seniors this year and have something like 19 commits. Anyone know how many they are taking? (My searches of Texas forums yielded few results.)


    I think we can still take 2 even with the LB Stewart commit. We should be done by the time the season starts since Michael is making his decision soon. The one recruit we will wait for is Loston.


    As far as A&M and NU going against each other for a recruit, I think we're done competing this season.


    Texas is also almost done.


    In fact, A&M and Texas has already started on the 2010 class. We had our first class of 2010 junior day last weekend with the top 25 Texas prospects in that class.

  2. I'd say there is no way he ends up here. Texas or aTm will get him IMO.

    How many more can TAMU take? They have 24 commits listed on Scout. Do they have one more slot open?


    (Edit) one of the 24, Coryell Judie, is a JUCO.


    Mr. Pete...


    From my understanding, we (Texas A&M) can take 2 more recruits. Christine Michael plus another recruit.


    Also, to my knowledge, we can take one more recruit on top of the other two I just mentioned. The one stipulation being they must be a December grad. We are hoping for 5* Safety Craig Loston (former A&M commit and current Clemson commit) to come back around to the Ags (which is certainly possible. He still really likes A&M). Hopefully, a committment from soon-to-be 5* Christine Michael could propel us back into serious contention for Mr. Loston. The kid would start for us RIGHT NOW.


    Boy, a class with 5*'s Loston and Michael would guarantee us a top 10 class since a few of our 3*'s will likely become 4*'s. As you can imagine, we are getting pretty anxious down here in Aggieland.


    A side bar on Christine Michael...


    Christine went to the Florida Top Gun Prospects camp last week featuring the best players in the country and was considered the best back in attendance. His performance will likely award him 5* status. Right now, he is possibly the fastest rising prospect in the country.

  3. Geez, seems like we recruit against 'zona a lot. Good cb, but our chances don't look good. Maybe if he puts the decision off for into the season and we can turn heads we can sneak into contention.


    Since yall recruit in Texas alot, it stands to reason that yall have to recruit against Arizona alot. They offer almost every single kid in Texas.

  4. ESPN reports:

    ESPN 150 Watch Lister Ryan Mossakowski has narrowed his list down to Texas A&M, Auburn, Alabama and Kentucky, affiliate Web site CrimsonConfidential.com reports.

    Kind of surprised he isn't jumping at TAMU's offer.

    Maybe A&M is cooling on the idea of taking a QB this year. Sounds strange, but anything is possible. :dunno


    Word on the street is we (Texas A&M) aren't toooooo hard pressed for QB's this year. We won't however turn down Moss if he comes our way though.


    Reason being is we have very legit shots with two top blue chips next year in the state of Texas since UT and LSU both are taking 5*'s in this years class.


    Houston Second Baptist QB Connor Wood (whose brother plays for Texas A&M) has a real chance of being a 5* and Cuero QB Tyler Arndt will be a high 4*. Both should be national top 50 picks.

  5. Positive visualization. Green hands it off to Michael, he breaks a tackle, he's at the thirty...the twenty...the ten...the five...




    I feel he is A&M's to lose.


    But then again, so was Cody Green.

    If Texas offers he's their's to lose, but right now I feel that he's leaning towards aTm. We're not out of it yet, but I think we're in hot pursuit of Oku.


    I've heard the rumor too that if Texas offers, he's theirs. I will say though that Christine was very impressed with A&M back on junior day. Impressed enough to commit.


    If it all ended today, it would be Texas A&M.

  6. Positive visualization. Green hands it off to Michael, he breaks a tackle, he's at the thirty...the twenty...the ten...the five...




    I feel he is A&M's to lose.


    But then again, so was Cody Green.

  7. Hey guys, congrats on Cody Green if the commitment is indeed true.


    Honestly, I'm still quite puzzled but hey, if that's where he wants to be, good for him. He'll look good in red.


    Hopefully this lays out the red carpet at A&M for Mossakowski or Forcier.


    :restore and Gig 'em!

    Thanks for the post and good luck on your recruiting of the other guys. aTm fans have some class that other schools wish they had.


    Thanks huskernumerouno!


    Yeah, it does suck losing Green since he was a HEAVY A&M lean for over a year and right in our own backyard. Alot of the teams backed off on his recruiting after he got hurt but A&M was always by his side.


    Oh well. That's the recruiting game.


    Luckily for us, there are several great QB's coming up in the 2010 class and LSU and Texas already have their 5-star guys from this class in Gilbert and Shepard. We'll no doubt be able to pick up a guy of at least 4-star calibur next season.


    Anyways, it will still be fun watching Cody wearing the N.


    :restore and Gig 'em!

  8. Hey guys, congrats on Cody Green if the commitment is indeed true.


    Honestly, I'm still quite puzzled but hey, if that's where he wants to be, good for him. He'll look good in red.


    Hopefully this lays out the red carpet at A&M for Mossakowski or Forcier.


    :restore and Gig 'em!

  9. Disturbing story about teams having to cull existing scholarship players to make room for new recruits.


    Whole story including Saban video


    ....Nick Saban a "snake oil salesman" for signing a bulging incoming class that could never fit through NCAA-regulated doors.


    ...The issue is not 32 > 25. The issue is that 70 + 32 > 85.

    - - -

    This is pretty clear: outside of the five to seven scholarships Alabama has to nix from this class to get under the NCAA-mandated 25 (which might reasonably be achieved by academic culling and grayshirting, which is also fairly sketchy but common enough), it has to axe at least another half dozen existing scholarships to fit the incoming class on top of the number it has coming back. This happens to a couple fifth-year seniors on every team who've never played, who have their degrees, and who are probably pretty reasonable about it; it gets a line in a "News and Notes" column, maybe. At two or three, `Bama partisans may be right: "That's life." At three or four times that number, though, as Brian pointed out, that's a troubling bit of administrative indifference.


    It's just another another example of how the NCAA could really care less about it's student athletes that it is supposed to be representing.

  10. If we don't get Green, I think we got the best shot at Mossakowski. Between Mossakowski and Green, I wouldn't mind either. He's another - by all accounts, anyway - high character guy who is pretty high on Nebraska. How they stack up talent wise, well, I don't know, but that's the less important part of it. Both big-time QB prospects, both good people, getting either would be great.


    I don't think Forcier is that interested. It also seems Forcier is a bit of a head case. Cool name, though.


    What gives you the impression Forcier is a headcase?

    his own website, appears to be full of himself, arrogant, said that the wins they had were due to him because of the lack of support from his line


    things like that


    Hmm never saw where he said they won due to him and not his line.


    Otherwise, what's wrong with having a website promoting yourself? How's it different than in the business world with a resumeand trying to put yourself in the best light? The kid knows the business of college football and recruiting from his two older bros.


    At one time he did have some quotes on there that threw his o-line under the bus. He may still have them, I'm not for sure.


    However, Forcier does not need a site like this. With his brothers being Chris and Jason Forcier, both who were highly rated QBs, he does not need any exposure. The kid has been on every major college radar for a few years and really, outside of Matt Barkley, he is likely the best QB on the west coast. Kid is dripping talent.


    The kid has the offers and attention of pretty much every major college across the country. Why the need to try to promote yourself further, unless you are just stroking your ego?


    I have NEVER seen any kid put up a website like that with tips on how to play a position (this coming from a HS quarterback), give all his articles (how do you keep up with that stuff anyways?), track down all your evaluations and keep track of all these quotes that so many scouts have given about you, just to put on your website. It's nutty and reeks of a major ego.


    Do you need a bit of a swagger from your QB? Of course. But an ego needs to be left at the door.



    Yeah, I see what you're sayin Willie.

  11. If we don't get Green, I think we got the best shot at Mossakowski. Between Mossakowski and Green, I wouldn't mind either. He's another - by all accounts, anyway - high character guy who is pretty high on Nebraska. How they stack up talent wise, well, I don't know, but that's the less important part of it. Both big-time QB prospects, both good people, getting either would be great.


    I don't think Forcier is that interested. It also seems Forcier is a bit of a head case. Cool name, though.


    What gives you the impression Forcier is a headcase?

    his own website, appears to be full of himself, arrogant, said that the wins they had were due to him because of the lack of support from his line


    things like that


    Hmm never saw where he said they won due to him and not his line.


    Otherwise, what's wrong with having a website promoting yourself? How's it different than in the business world with a resumeand trying to put yourself in the best light? The kid knows the business of college football and recruiting from his two older bros.

  12. If we don't get Green, I think we got the best shot at Mossakowski. Between Mossakowski and Green, I wouldn't mind either. He's another - by all accounts, anyway - high character guy who is pretty high on Nebraska. How they stack up talent wise, well, I don't know, but that's the less important part of it. Both big-time QB prospects, both good people, getting either would be great.


    I don't think Forcier is that interested. It also seems Forcier is a bit of a head case. Cool name, though.


    What gives you the impression Forcier is a headcase?

  13. Just wondering, but who do yall feel would be your next option if yall didn't get Green?


    What are NU's chances with Mossakowski and Forcier?


    BTW, this post isn't meant to imply I have anymore info than yall do. I'm just curious since afterall, I am a Husker fan too and this affects me. :koolaid2:

  14. For some reason, I am getting a bad feeling on this guy. Maybe I'm just reading too much of this board :lol: .


    It seems weird that everyone on the Aggie front is being silent. Even when they have been wrong they at least come out and speak. They aren't saying ANYTHING. This gives me a little hope.


    It reminds me of our former TE Martellus Bennett (#1 recruit in Texas in 2005) when he chose us over Texas. People were coming out all over the Texas sites saying he was theirs for weeks (they even published an article in the Austin paper saying he had committed). Then boom, he commits to A&M.


    I'm still holding out some hope.


    Anyways, good luck to yall with Cody's decision. :koolaid2:

  15. I believe last I read he planned to announce his decision by July 4th. So either we will find out in a few days or have to wait a bit longer.

    This was very thoughtful of him. Whoever gets him can use the holiday to celebrate, those that don't can use the holiday to binge drink and move on! :cheers:wasted:lol:


    Haha I hear ya :wasted

  16. Either the Husker or Aggie sources are going to have some serious egg on their faces when he finally "commits".





    Makes me think there is something very odd going on here. Is Green purposely leading each side on or he is not comunicating very well with the rivals peps or something else?


    Personally i think he's on the fence, and will probably end up committing to the program that's only two hourse from his parents.


    But the whole thing seems strange to me.


    Anyone have any idea when a decision is supposed to be announced? I think we'll have some of you going into cardiac arrest if he decides to wait another month. :lol:


    It's anyone's guess now. For the LONGEST time, it was supposed to be by the end of June. Well, it's July 1.

  17. Either the Husker or Aggie sources are going to have some serious egg on their faces when he finally "commits".





    Makes me think there is something very odd going on here. Is Green purposely leading each side on or he is not comunicating very well with the rivals peps or something else?


    Personally i think he's on the fence, and will probably end up committing to the program that's only two hourse from his parents.


    But the whole thing seems strange to me.


    IMO, I doubt Cody Green is spewing off rumors to both sides. Honestly, I feel one side or the other is just interpreting info wrong and they are trying to be the first to break the "big news".


    Cody really doesn't seem like a kid who is about misleading folks. I've gotten to know quite a bit about him since A&M has been on him for the past year and a half. He's just a good ol' east Texas boy. He said a while back that he wanted to make his decision before his senior season so he could concentrate on his team. That doesn't sound like a kid who likes to give people the run-around.


    Nebraska has given him alot to think about. I think he's just torn now. I know he really likes both schools.

  18. I've seen the kid burn 4-star defensive backs.


    you mean 'outrun' or 'set on fire'.


    or both?


    He burns them with his repertoire of "your momma" jokes.


    Over on HI they think Burkman will get the 4th * eventually. It looks kinda silly to see 3* next to a guy who has a laundry-list of top programs lined-up for him. Plus the athleticism and production is obviously there.


    I think he commits to someplace where he'll be the big rb for their class.


    Personally, I hope the Huskers (or Aggies :) ) get him and put him in a slot receiver type role. If you can get this kid in the open field, he is lethal. He doesn't have the "burst" that a running back needs but he DEFINATELY has the shiftiness and open field speed that kills defenses.

  19. Man it got quiet in here fast.................


    A little too quiet.....





    Nah actually. In regards to the last 15 or so posts arguing who is a more desirable school for Cody.... I think the decision is tough. In terms of QB situation most rational people can see they are both pretty equal situations. one advantage that goes to NU is the fact that we are trying to get to a more spread offense with mobile QB.


    MY OPINION >>>> note the caps... I think cody likes NU a little bit better, and would like to play here. BUT it's close, and the fact that A&M is so close they tip the scale. I'm not sure he is putting as much into the QB situation as some of us have been speculating.


    Sorry for the quietness guys...I do have a life outside of message boards haha :lol:


    Like you said, it's definately possible he might like NU over A&M more but the advantages of A&M might outweigh NU for him in his case. Who knows at this point.


    I'm just ready to get this thing over with. I think what might end up happening is we'll get Green and yall will get Mossakowski or vice versa. At least I hope. Mossakowski would be great for the Huskers as well. The one drawback with him is he could choose baseball over football since he is projected to be a high draft pick next season.


    Anyways...go big red and gig em

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