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Posts posted by CornSyrup

  1. And a quote from the head Hawk---


    "I thought (Cody) played well down the stretch and made some nice throws," Dan Hawkins said. "The thing that hurt us was we're Colorado."


    There you go, coach. Fixed 'er right up fer ya.

  2. Small variations are okay with me.


    Leg stripes may be adjusted from year to year, as long as there are never more than two, and they aren't any wider than the current uniforms ('02 was a joke, except that nobody laughed).


    Shoulder stripes, player's number or "N", whatever. Doesn't really matter to me. As long as red jerseys are worn with white pants and vice versa. Leave the all-white stuff to Penn State. The all-red uniforms from the OU game in 86... I've seen pictures, and it doesn't work for me. Not a fashion expert, but it just doesn't work.


    The helmet could, for a game or two, and in conjunction with a throwback jersey, go back to NU. But you have to promise me it will be changed back to the simple, classic N.


    When I think of great uniforms, I think Alabama. Penn State. Michigan. Oklahoma. But the best uniform has always been Nebraska (well, except in '02).


    Imagine being at a meeting where they decide to add or remove a stripe. How weird would that be? You know that it's gotta be a meeting of at least a few hours. Somebody's really excited by the prospect of adding a stripe, someone gets totally cheesed that it even gets mentioned... Man, it'd be like this thread.

  3. If Nebraska stopped playing football this year, what would you do? Would you stop following college football? Would you pick another team? What would you do?


    Me, I'd probably cheer for the Jayhawks. Kansans and Nebraskans are pretty similar folks. We have similar values and similar senses of respect and honor. Bart Mangino is a good coach and, from what I can tell, a pretty good guy. I like his team and I like the fact that they're playing good football.


    So, what would you do if Nebraska suddenly decided to shelve the football program?


    I'd move into a small, Unabomber-style shack in the woods, and wait for the world to end.

  4. I really like it. Good work.


    The section on the uniforms is pretty interesting. Kinda neat to see how much they really have changed over the years, but still remained unmistakeably Husker. Except for 2002. I can't believe someone actually greenlighted that fat stripe.

  5. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't here some untrue facts in the article. NU was not down by 4, but by 1. If we were down by 4 then why was it such a big kick? It gave us the lead. There were not 8 minutes left in the game, but less than 2.


    You are correct.


    This is why, on most important issues, I don't form my opinion based on Daily Nebraskan articles. Perhaps they thought a field goal was worth more points from a long ways out... sorta like basketball.

  6. I listened to the game on the radio. The announcers immediately made fun of the uniforms.


    About halfway through the game, I heard, in the background, one of the marching bands playing the USC fight song. If it was the NU band, that's hilarious. If it was ISU's band, that's sad and hilarious.

  7. Did not cost us the game. I do not recall hearing that it was a ref that blocked the punt or intercepted Ganz. I did not hear about a ref taking the ball into the end zone and scoring for VA Tech. We lost because our execution was flawed and we were exposed a few to many times. Bad calls and close calls are part of the game and when you lose they stick out more but in reality they are for the most part just a small part of the game.


    Suh's late hit could have gone either way. And when it's a hit on a quarterback who is already committed to going out of bounds, it usually goes the way it did. I've seen it a few times this year in games around the country. Bo went a little too far, which is the mark of passion and inexperience. It happens, as much as it sucks. I was upset last night, but after a little sleep, I can see it for what it was. The Huskers got beat by a better team.


    Doesn't make it hurt any less. Oh, well.

  8. "Okay... that should be it. The coverage map is done... Oh, wait... let's put a little splash of yellow over here in Arizona. That's better."


    I'm sure they do some sort of market analysis or something, but that map looks stupid.


    I'll be spending my paycheck at the bar again. I hate Big 10 country right now.

  9. I think its too soon for them to be ranked. I don't want NU to be ranked for a week then back with everybody else the next week. I would perfer them to be under the radar like they are now.


    I think it's too soon for anybody to be ranked. Rankings really don't mean squat until mid-October, when most teams have at least some conference play under their belts, and strength of schedule means something.


    But hey, it gives us something to talk about until something meaningful happens.

  10. Disclaimer: I am NOT looking past the Va. Tech game, and I don't automatically assume that NU will win that one. But here are my thoughts, for what they are worth.


    I think (and this may be a conspiracy theory) that NU, if they beat Va Tech by a couple of scores, will be ranked going into the Mizzou game.


    It's like how the Huskers were ranked going into the USC game last year... they didn't deserve it, but since it was early in the season and nobody really knew, the polls put NU up there to make it a "must see" game.


    Mizzou has the kind of national attention that makes people look a little harder at their opponents. People will take a good look at Nebraska, especially Bo, and (intentionally or not) make the game a big event.


    If the Huskers lose to the Hokies, none of that matters. But if the Hokies limp away from that game after being embarrassed in Lincoln, look for NU in the top 25.


    The way I see it, polls don't mean much until mid-October, except for the TV ratings.

  11. South Sioux? So, you REMEMBER the smell of the Sewer City packing plants, don't you?!!?


    I grew up in South Sioux. What with IBP down the road, the rendering plant out by Dakota City, and the sewage treatment plant and John Morrell in Sioux City... and those Heelan chicks... Well, let's just say I prayed daily for a west wind of at least 30 mph.


    But I have to say, there aren't too many smells that bother me anymore.

  12. Anyone have any out of the ordinary pregame rituals or superstitions? I, myself, sacrifice a lamb to the football gods.lol. I yield the floor to you


    Nothing too special... I have my "gameday" hat, which I bought at the campus bookstore when I arrived on campus in '95. It worked that year, so the magic has got to be there... and I always call my Dad before kickoff.

  13. I agree that we won't be ranked until we beat Mizzou. And that all depends on whether Mizzou is firing on all cylinders. If they play like crap, or they lose a game between now and then, well... nobody's gonna care if NU beats them.


    It would be good for VaTech to come into Lincoln with only one loss, but either way... either it's a true test or it's another tune-up. Either way, I'll take it. I think NU will be able to beat the Hokies, and if they really beat the snot out of them, they may get some media attention.


    Another scenario: ESPN decides that they are head over heels in love with Chase Daniel. They start talking up Mizzou's opponents to make their schedule look really tough... If NU beats the hell out of the Hokies, they might be ranked going into the game with Mizzou. Remember how NU was ranked at #16 or something going into the game with USC last year? They clearly didn't deserve that rank, but they sure had the eyes of the world upon them that night, partly because they were ranked so high.

  14. We got to the Husker bar in the Minneapolis area here (Joe Senser's in Bloomington, if anyone's ever up here in the fall)... we got there over an hour early, and not a single table opened up during the game. Those that did get a table got there at 3:30 or 4:00. A sea of red for all 4 quarters. Beautiful. "Hey, could I get a cheeseburger over by the Golden Tee machine? Thanks."


    And man, did that place blow up when Cody Glenn made his first sack...


    I was there too....it was very nice to see this going on again!!! They usually have a pretty good showing there..the thing that drives me a little crazy is the f-ing band that keeps playing. It is pretty cool when you are sitting away from them, but when you are right in front of them, it makes the game hard to enjoy...but I always find ways.


    Actually, the band has never bothered me. First time I went there (after someone told me, "I think they might show the game at Senser's"), a few friends of mine and I walked in just in time to see a touchdown... the band started up, and between that and the fact that everyone was wearing red, I suddenly felt very much at home.


    I usually just stand somewhere where I can see the game (which is pretty much anywhere). I think of all the times I've gone, I've gotten a table once. I'm not there for the food, yo. I do buy plenty of beer, though... don't want them going out of business, you know.

  15. We got to the Husker bar in the Minneapolis area here (Joe Senser's in Bloomington, if anyone's ever up here in the fall)... we got there over an hour early, and not a single table opened up during the game. Those that did get a table got there at 3:30 or 4:00. A sea of red for all 4 quarters. Beautiful. "Hey, could I get a cheeseburger over by the Golden Tee machine? Thanks."


    And man, did that place blow up when Cody Glenn made his first sack...

  16. I've been pacing around the house like a caged wolf. I've put my jersey on a few times just to watch DVDs of old games. I can't seem to get anything done at work, and I have trouble getting to sleep lately. Beer helps. I'll be watching the game with about 400 other screaming Husker fans, which is a cool thing to see here in Minnesota.


    I decided to take my bike for a ride yesterday. I was wearing my Husker long-sleeve shirt, and as I was cruising down one of the trails around here, a guy riding toward me yelled out "Go Big Red!" as we passed each other. It was awesome. You never know where you'll find another Husker fan, which is why it becomes important to always wear some piece of Husker gear.


    I'm thinking that it might be in my best interest to just call in sick tomorrow, drink a buttload of beer, and pass out until Saturday.

  17. NU-OU followed closely by NU-MU.


    Tough to pick one... for the Huskers, I'd say I'm most looking forward to the Mizzou game. I want some payback. :box VaTech and OU should also be great games.


    For the rest of the college football world, I am definitely going to watch the USC-Ohio State game. I hate both of those teams, and I know I'll get to watch one lose. That will be sweet. As the season progresses, some games will become more important, some less so. Then it'll be on a week-to-week basis as to which games I get excited about.

  18. My birthday occurs during the week of Christmas. I usually have to do some shopping for people who aren't me, and maybe there's time to have a nice dinner. Someone inevitably gives me a sweater or some such crap, wrapped up in Christmas paper, which bugs me because my birthday is not Christmas ("Oh, I didn't even think about that..."). The last birthday that wasn't depressing was my 21st. That was, well, a while ago. Thanks, but no thanks.


    Football season gives me something to look forward to... something good on the radio when I'm fishing on Saturdays. The best weather of the year, finally something good on TV on the weekend, and a justifiable reason to drink before noon. I don't get excited about much all year. I save it for Saturdays in the fall.


    I'll take football, please, and could you please extend the season a few weeks? Thanks.

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