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Posts posted by HSKRNOKC

  1. Gang members are pathetic. Pussies, all of them.


    Grow the f@{:content:}amp; up, get a job, and attempt to be a man.




    Cowards have to have group violence. I miss the day when if you had enough of someone, you went outside and the better fighter would usually win. Now its about death and finality.

  2. Stay strong as a family bro. My nephew beat cancer . As a family we rallied around him and with some help from the man upstairs he has been cancer free for some time. It can be done.


    My heart goes to you and yours. You know Im local. Anything I can do, please let me know.

  3. #1 GBRsal..



    #2 The thread where HuskerJen briefly put up her adoring pic. If you caught it , it blew your mind.



    #3 Cant vote for one. Fro daddy and Killer Cacti.



    #4 Nexus brings tons of knowledge to this board.



    #5 Drowning always has some great avatars.



    #6 Dont really have an answer.



    #7 The guy responsible for mine. Huskeraddict.



    #8 Huskerguy



    #9 Big willie



    #10 TO Bull






    #15 Ez E



    #16 Drowning ( Just give it to him)



    #17 Rawhide.. I used to do those Happy Birthdays everyday for three years. Its a labor of love. Thanks Rawhide!



    #19 Given the right amount of time I believe Knapplc could rule the world.



    #20 Huskerfaninokieland is the glue of this board and a great guy to boot.






  4. I doubt that Bo can win a Big 10 championship, and really doubt that he'll lead NU to a national championship. Just trying to stoke the fires.


    I bet he can't even win 7 games this year.

    Hope Bo is a member here. The mods need to spill the beans on Bo's huskerboard name.


    I doubt he reads this board or any other. I could be wrong but he seems like he would not get caught up in alot of fan hoopla.


    The media however..??

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