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Army Husker

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Posts posted by Army Husker

  1. Was it within the law for him to demand her to put out her cigarette, or to confiscate her phone? What about attempting to physically remove her himself, or threatening to tase her, what are the protocols or laws about that? Seems to have gone a bit further than lacking professionalism.

    As with others, just an opinion: After watching the first traffic stop on the tape, and the statements made as the events unfolded, I have no doubt that the officer was just going to issue a warning and keep trolling the street like he was doing. The officer could have let this go I believe. You can see where it goes to hell, when he let her comment get under his skin after asking her what was wrong. Right before he was going to cut her loose anyways! Maybe she could have waited to angrily voice her opinion until after finding out she was actually getting a ticket too. Nobody is happy getting pulled over, no matter what the reason...you have to expect to get some lip, or you're going to have a rough go at the job.


    Not sure where I was going with that, but think it totally lacked professionalism. He asked her what was wrong...her, thinking she was getting a ticket told him she was upset and why. His response: "Are you done yet"? Should have just let it go.


    Two police officers who supported the apparently false narrative given by officer Ray Tensing to justify his fatal shooting of unarmed black motorist Sam DuBose have been placed on paid administrative leave, as two new videos that seem to further damage all three officers’ original accounts were made public on Thursday.


    Tensing was charged with murdering DuBose on Wednesday and city officials released video footage from his body camera that seemed to contradict the officer’s account that he shot DuBose in self-defense after being dragged by the driver's car.



    Unrelated, but glad to see you back in these parts carlfense....

    • Fire 1

    Would you shoot a helicopter down then too?


    No, because there are people in a helicopter. But if they were hovering right over my house I might shoot a paintball gun at them. Or something that's not likely to hurt them.


    Take a picture of the tail number and forward it to the FAA. Quickest way to get your peepee smacked or a fine would be to hover over homes/built-up areas. I'd shy away from sending any kind of foreign object that way, as they love to get sucked into an engine and become the quickest way to meet the ground unwillingly. :hmmph

    • Fire 1
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saDmuon6tCg


    Fox & Friends Host Pete Hegseth Hits Man with Axe


    During last Sunday’s broadcast of Fox & Friends, co-host Pete Hegseth tossed an axe to tease an upcoming segment on timbersports, missed the target, and hit a marching band percussionist standing in the distance.



    Ha ha! I hate it when that happens. :lol:



    +1 for a great Fox News fail. Though I have to say, why the hell would you stand anywhere near the direction of an axe being thrown??

  5. Our expectation level has dropped considerably. Absolutely.


    It worked against Osborne that he inherited a team that was #1/#1/#4 over the previous three seasons. It worked in Pelini's favor that Nebraska totally dropped off the map in 2007.


    Of course we would be happy with one of Osborne's 10 - 2 seasons today, although when those two losses came in the last two games, marked by poor performances and miscues, there wasn't much celebrating. Trust me.


    In 1976, Nebraska ended the season ranked #7, which sure sounds great today, but the team was 9-3-1 and finished tied for fourth in the Big 8. Maybe we didn't appreciate it enough at the time. Then again, I'm not sure how much more we would appreciate it today.


    Seven seasons into Tom Osborne's career, there was talk about him having reached his "ceiling." Barry Switzer owned him. He was getting a reputation for losing big games. The offense was criticized for being too predictable. This wasn't from a handful of cranks and loudmouths, either. A loud and small minority may have wanted Osborne out -- a ridiculous over-reation -- but there was some serious grumbling among the loyal fanbase, too, including people who understand football.


    I don't know how old you are, JMFB, but the criticism/defense of Tom Osborne and the criticism/defense of Beck/Pelini had more in common than it didn't, minus the concern that Pelini was a raging a-hole who presented a negative impression of UNL to the world. There were a lot of plusses in Tom's corner, but when fans here say "that never would have happened to a Tom Osborne team" it's often wishful thinking.



    I for one knew it was just a matter of time before TO got his National Titles.



    I guess the question is if you knew that "matter of time" would be 20 seasons, would you have been cool with that?


    Again, and hopefully for the last time, I can assure you that the Tom Osborne years were far more preferable than the Callahan/Pelini years, but some of the Osborne memories around here aren't accurate enough for some of the claims folks are making.


    I'll age myself a few years...Wasn't there a joke back in the late 80's early 90's of:


    Why does Tom Osborne eat his cereal out of the box or on a plate? He lost all of his bowls.



    I was kind of young at the time, but definitely remember frustration with the events at hand. Not sure it adds to the discussion, but maybe a different perspective? :dunno



    It's like when people said to go to Sidetracks...the worst and lamest place ever. But at least Misty's does have great food

    When I travel- Im looking for something different

    Something I wont see at home- unique and of course good local food- not Applebees, Wings etc

    So for my specific needs, going to another crowded sports bar, dive bar, whatever- isnt of any interest

    Im guessing a genuine NU experience with the band/cheerleaders and all the NU nostalgia, NU crowd participation isnt something the visitor can get at home

    OTOH if his goal is different- to see how drunk he can get- how many beers can he drink contest type stuff to brag about how drunk they got or how hungover they got- that some young kids are into- then Mistys probably is a waste of his time- and the drive wouldnt be the way to go. We all have different interests


    Misty's is good, it has the feel of the old steak house that Omaha and Lincoln used to be famous for. It is a dying breed. Sidetracks used to be a lot of fun, but it got too bid and the players got too old. Twenty years ago it was great. Barry's I have always felt was way over rated. Heck I like to go to the The Dock behind the Embassy Suites. It a lot of fun before games. They usually have a fun band performing.


    USA Jags if you really want to experience Nebraska go walk through the tailgate areas in your S. Alabama gear. You will most likely


    Wait for it.........................................wait for it...............................................................................

    • Fire 1
  7. Interesting...never knew the university was working on creating it's own network.


    As a result of those talks, Nebraska, like Texas, was now moving to create its own network. A consultant’s study had concluded that a Husker network would succeed and bring in seven-figure revenue on top of what Nebraska was getting from major network telecasts.







    Great chart of various cigar sizes, shapes and wrapper types. Here's the site: LINK

    Wow...never seen/heard of the "Culebra" before...looks like an interesting smoke.



    Yeah. I'd never heard of it before seeing that chart. Pretty freaky, if you ask me. I just don't think it would make for a very good cigar.


    Of all those shapes and sizes, I'd say the double toro (6.1" x 50 ring) suits me about the best.


    Double Toro is a great smoke...I find lately that I order the robusto sizes more than anything. I rarely get more than an hour to myself to smoke, and that fits in perfectly with the time slot!

  9. Good article, but nothing blazingly new there. The author even pointed out that these issues (at least the congressional quagmires involving poor spending habits in the military) were pointed out, or warned of, by Eisenhower himself.


    I'm not quite sure that on one of the author's 3 main points, restoring the civil-military relationship, if fixed would solve the "tragedy of the American military". I felt he had his argument in a nutshell alone with congressional jockeying for money, lobbying by companies for contracts and said congress people getting jobs in their districts for votes. Interviewing generals and admirals for an article, the same officers responsible for arguing to get their respective services budgets, does not get down to the low soldiers who do have a great relationship with our country's populace. Then again, I may have read his point 3 wrong. It was a hell of a long article!


    And we've had this discussion in an old thread in P&R here about ridiculous military spending (ie the Commanche helicopter). Nothing short of changing the way politics affects military research and spending joke that is will fix it.

  10. Bump...anyone think with relations opening back up somewhat with Cuba that online sales of Cuban Cigars will begin any time soon? Heard on ye ol trusty news that you will be able to bring back no more than $100 worth in travels, but I haven't been able to find anything on interweb sales.

    • Fire 1
  11. Ameer...congrats on a hard-fought game, and your name in Nebraska's history book.


    Honorable Mention: Well, the entire team...good job not letting the chippy, cheap gamesmanship by Miami get into your heads. A couple mental mistakes here and there, but overall a solid performance.

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