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Posts posted by TMul

  1. This isn't a Solich firing/Pederson debate deal, I am so over that one and have seen 100,000+ threads on the deal-I'm over it. What's done, has been done. And please don't go there with this one. Hopefully no threadjacks.


    Was talking to my Uncle in Bayard, Nebraska about NU football and what the mess Pelini has on his hands-he truly feels this is a bigger job then what Devanney had to overcome. At the end of 2003 the defense was playing great against teams it should play great against, we lost to teams we should have except for 1 Pelini game he has each year-Mizzou with B. Smith that year. The offense was "the problem", supposedly.


    Fast forward to Callahan, the offense is the problem/recruiting so we do a total overhaul from option based personnel to what we have now. Whatever you want to call it. While Cally's selling pitch is he can get recruits to the league. He goes on to have 4 years of recruiting to try to make his WCO plan work and it doesn't. Totally neglecting the defense in the process while compounding the fact he hired a Big 10 D-Coordinator.


    Now we have what we have today, a gutted defense possibly the worst he's seen since pre devanney, and an offense that can't run and can only pass the ball with success on rare occasion. And relatively poor special teams.


    This team has no identity and there's a reason for that, based on the fact of what just went down the last 4 years and all the drama with the Solich deal. Killing the defense and an offense that doesn't work while recruiting players based on a fallacy/fantasy and no player development. Yes I know the vast majority of the blue chips want to go to the league, that sales approach is debatable.


    So what we have today is a complete overhaul of NU football-all aspects. All the records except one will be broken, and they probably need to be, Kansas will win in Lincoln. And hopefully the fans don't break the last one.


    With all that being said, he and I are of the conclusion for NU to get back to where they're accustomed to being, it will take a Devanney/B. Snyder type of HC with the best possible assistants. I wasn't around for Devanney, but knew he had TO on his staff. I was around to watch KSU explode under Snyder and his staff was absolutely loaded-IMO if he had staff loyalty like TO did, KSU definitely has a MNC and probably dominates the North until he retired/maybe he's still coaching??


    My question is if Pelini is the man, and I'm not questioning his hire, does he have the best possible assistants to get the job done?? My thing is that it usually takes a defensive genius (Pelini) and an offensive one to go with it for an overhaul. Just like Stoops pulled at OU, him and Leach. USC was Caroll/Chow. KSU was Snyder/Stoops.


    When P. Carroll was hired I remember him being quoted that he hired the best possible assistants he could get. My thing with Watson is that you all remember the 2001 Buffs running all over NU, yes Barnett brought in a helluva transfer from Northwestern with Chris Brown, but that team was full of Slick Rick stud recruits on the O-line and defense. Yes Watson is a descent O-Coordinator and plays to the hands he's delt, I just don't know.



  2. They are ok, not good. Last night they were just overmatched, mentally and physically, the lineman accounted for some major penalties that stalled the offense, not to count for a lot of missed blocking assignments. :bang


    You have those false starts/penalties on the O-line when you go against quicker D-Lines. Then all of a sudden that causes a snow ball effect and you begin thinking and blown assignments occur.


    I guarantee this O-line would be better if they faced a quicker NU D-line each week in practice.

  3. Didn't we hear from the program last spring and summer that the O-line was going to be very good?


    What happened?




    Remember who they play against the majority of the time in their college careers, NU's own defense. I'm sure they did mighty fine against our own starting defense and when you have no other basis to go on, that's what you get.


    I took that statement earlier this year in tongue in cheek.


    For what can be said, C. Pelini's D-line is the strongest unit and the WRs are on this years team.

  4. I commented on this in another thread but it didn't get much play. I'd be interested to hear what you guys think about this.


    Personally I'm now of the opinion that the west coast offense has failed and failed utterly. It is a useless system which has no big play ability, and the prancing nancy way we run it yields the results we've seen against teams like Missouri. Furthermore I'm of the opinion that Watson––if he wants to remain at Nebraska, anyway––should starting Monday begin the transition to another style of play. This is precisely what Missouri did a few years ago when they realized what they were doing just wasn't working.


    My preference would be the spread option. To this end I'd like to see a few redshirts pulled and a committed effort by our coaching staff to prepare for the future. Starting next week I think more wrinkles should be worked into our existing cesspool of an offense. Hopefully near the end of the season our conversion will be well under way. If this means that Zac Lee has to perform the function of a series by series quarterback, so be it.


    Of course this is only my opinion, but I defy any of you to mount an argument for our current system. Unfortunately Callahan's shadow still looms over this program, and all the irreparable damage he's done.


    I totally agree with some of your points. Maybe having Z. Lee run some during the game might be good. Won't look good during the game and you only have so much practice time during a week.


    I disagree with pulling redshirts, who would you pull for offense?? I'm pretty sure Pelini has a long term plan hence you see so many redshirted this season. And why you see so many walk ons playing this year. I see this is a good thing. I will be very disappointed next season if NU is still running the same O.


    I think/ I hope, if he's ready and SIGNS with NU, the 2009 QB starting for NU is C. Green. Watson, if retained, has to tailor his offense towards this kid and the HS offense's ran by many across the nation, especially Texas where we recruit our skill position players. We can't be SC and get the best out of Cali and then if that's not bad enough, SC gets the best from the rest of the nation.


    The best thing Pinkel did at Mizzou was install that offense and get B. Smith running it. Emphasis on running.

  5. The NU WCO experiment is over.


    The WCO is virtually impossible for any team other then USC to field on the college game. Look at Auburn and their tremendous offense. This is a very, very bland and easily defended offense on the college level (superior athletes are needed) which I tribute a little bit of the reason why our defense is so bad. That's who they play against the majority of the time. It's time to go.


    I see on a couple of other Husker boards seeking to replace Joe for this season, please NOOOOOO. P. Witt running this offense with this o-line?? And you think Z. Taylor got punished.


    I see the future NU starting QB for the 2009 season playing in HS Texas right now. The spread option/running offense similar to Texas's with V. Young. That's the offense we have to run. You recruit players from HS that the vast majority run this scheme.


    If Watson is retained after this season he has to change his offense to that. The one Cody Glenn runs in HS. I pray that the kid sticks it out with us and signs in December. P. Witt should probably transfer already and I hope to gawd Pelini see's that NU needs this offense. NU should never ever again not have a running QB.

  6. Chase Daniel just needs to STFU.


    From what I saw last night, a Mizzou player NEVER needs to talk about another team or players being dirty. From diving on piles with a ref in the middle, spearing Castille after he was down, hits OOB .. and none of this crap was called. Now none of it would have made an ounce of difference, but all of those plays are just downright dirty and NOT apart of the game.


    As far as the spitting -- why is he acting like such a girl on a football field? Dude is playing FOOTBALL. For example -- anyone here ever been on the bottom of a pileup for a loose ball? Getting spit happens ALL the time. The sad thing is, it would be the absolute last thing you worry about. You would need to worry about keep your eyes and testicles first and worry about everything else later.


    You just kicked the absolute crap out of a team on their field for the first time in 30 years and you are worried about getting spit on. What the heck is wrong with that picture?


    Thank you. I see alot of husker fans/other teams fans or posts on this in general that appear to have never played the game. Posting their holier than thought posts. You surely didn't play on the lines or on defense if you did play ball. Ever been in the bottom of a pile after a fumble?? Getting spit on is the least of your concern. I can see Daniels has never been at the bottom of a pile. Now I know why Texas fans could care less about the guy. What a pansy ass. Stating you got spit on to the press and not naming who the guy is-I guess you'd expect this from someone that likes to eat something that I NEVER ever ate even as a child. Still to this day I don't know how a human being would want to eat.


    If he called this player bush league to the press for getting spit on, what would he tell them if he met Kellen Huston?? Nothing, he'd a been knocked the f#*k out.

  7. Trust me, the O-line know they are not playing up to par and that Ganz nor Swift said anything that was controversial.

    Bo will get to the bottom of this spitting allegation and if founded to be true, there will probably be an empty locker.

    This may actually be the glue that bonds this staff and team.


    If anyone has every played the game of football, even at the HS level, believe me spitting is involved. So is punching in the pile, cheap shots to get the ball, nut grabbing etc.


    Funny thing is Daniels goes on about this, Potter gets called for a late hit. The very next drive Ganz throws a TD, same late hit with trash talk form MU player and no late hit is called??


    I'll call out Daniels on this one, use his quote about NU and throw it right back in his face, stating the spitting incident to the press is Bush League, what a f'ing pansy.

  8. The only thing I can add to this is that last year, eerily similar to the same time of year, I went on an 8 day Elk Hunt here in Colorado the Friday before the A@M Game. That was after the previous weekend that the 97 team was honored and you all know what happened versus OK State. Seeing the scores on Espn at halftime, what was is 31-0 Okie lite, I felt gutted. Went on my trip, came home to see what transpired with Texas and A@M. Yes I watched the remaining of the season and once I found out that Pelini was the new coach in December, I literally immersed myself in work and didn't hit a Husker Board again until May of this year. I did hit huskerpedia to see who we signed, but that was it. Also didn't watch any of the bowl season except for the BCS bowls. Very, very unlike me as much as I love the Huskers and CFB.


    See that's the thing is for some fans with my POV, I still have the gutted feeling hangover from last year while watching NU this year. I don't know how you couldn't being we've just witnessed the WORST Nu season played in many lifetimes (No, I didn't count Cally's First year here). It's unprecedented for many. BUT I feel much better watching NU play this year as opposed to last year because so far I've seen a team that played hard the entire game-something we took for granted. I see Pelini and company coaching/teaching players-something we took for granted. Moreover I see the Head Coach feels the same way I do about losing games for the Huskers, he hates it. He knows in CFB they all matter. The previous NU head coach never seemed to care that much about the Ls and that just carried on over to the players.


    Finally and this is reality(POV) for some, I understand when knowledgeable blue hair husker fans say Pelini has inherited a bigger mess of a program then the Bobfather. You can take that POV or leave it, I don't know.

  9. Don't have anything against Huskerpedia.com, just wondered why someone would pay for something that's all around up for free?/


    Just back in the day, 2000ish, or around that time that's all I knew of, Huskerpedia.com for article links and ToughTony.com for recruiting. Then toughtony.com was bought out by rivals, turned into a pay site and I wasn't going to shill out $10/month for teen beat magazine stuff. Thought $20/year (Huskerpedia) was better then $120/year at rivals or scout. Then just out of happenstance this summer someone on huskerpedia mentioned they gathered some information from Huskerboard.com, I had enough of the huskerpedia crap and ventured on over. Glad I did.


    I only knew of 3 main huskerboards. Huskersillustrated/rivals, Nebraska/Scout, and huskerpedia. Now I know of 4 and it's a good thing- :clap

  10. Been lurking since I found this site, finally pulled the plug and glad I lucked onto it. Was a member at Huskerpedia for years, quit because of the constant bitching and personal agendas got so, so annoying. That board is full of it and appeared to be older posters (not to offend here) hell bent on proving a point no matter what. Like you'd post I took a dump today with new triple ply TP and it was an awesome experience, then someone on cue would post link please and my TP is better. WTF?? Also was/is a member of HI when rivals was a free site and it was ToughTony.com and the recruiting information was free. Still refuse to pay for that stuff.


    Anyways glad this board is here and from the looks of it this is my type of board. Posters not overly serious. and looks to be a fun experience. Love the look alike threads. I've been a husker fan since a young un, family is in Bayard/Scottsbluff and I live in Denver. Spend the summer weekends at Big Mac, love my walleye/wiper fishing. Sad thing is I've only been to 1 Husker game ever, in 1995 NU at KU in Lawrence. Was in college at CSU at the time and my good HS buddy was at Kansas in a fraternity and I had to come for his weekend bash. Just so happened to be NU was playing Kansas that weekend that iced the deal for me. AT least I got to witness the greatest CFT of all time!! :horns2


    Don't post to to much, but hopefully I can add something to the board.


    Here's who I am on my favorite playground:


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