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Everything posted by IrishAZ

  1. I always liked Coach Solich. He deserves a position worthy of him. With that in mind, however, would taking an assistant posiiton be a good or bad move for him at this point in his career? Now, run with this idea for a minute...I would *love* to have a guy like Solich at ND for RB or OL coach - and, for Solich, it would give him a chance to get some experience under Coach Weis who is by far one of the best OC's in the NFL. That might help to revamp his stodgy "old-school" offensive image. Now, how successful Weis will be in the college game is yet to be seen - most of my bretheren have ND in a BCS bowl next year and a NC by 2006 (all this after 2 1/2 years of utter despair and hand-wringing hoplessness...have I mentioned how happy I am to have found some sensible Husker fans again? ). But, if he can translate what he's done with the Patriots to the Irish, any offensive coach who works with him will have an excellent bullet point on their resume - and I think that's something Frank could use. As a side note, maybe that's the drawback of the high continuity of coaching at NU had enjoyed - even though coaches have security and the program maintains all that "tribal knowledge" about the scheme, when changes occur it's easy to get pigeonholed and much harder to adapt. IRISH!
  2. Granted the kid's comments could go either way (either he's whining, or Calahan had something against him) - but given that this is, what...the 5th player to leave the team?...that seems to indicate there's something up that's not all that great in Lincoln under this guy. Wouldn't you think that lends more creedence to Birkel's comments? IRISH!
  3. Wow...that's a huge amount of potential topics there. The secret to writing like this is forcus on a narrow topic. That will make the subject more manageable to write about and easier to research (though sometimes you have to do some reading to define what topics there actually are to write about). If you're going to write a report pick one aspect of that year like Frazier getting slighted for the Heisman or maybe some of the peculiarities of the offensive or defensive schemes they used or conpare and contrast the 94-95 NC teams with other back to back NC winners. I haven't read it all the way through (sorta got...er...sleepy... ), but I'm sure TO's "Faith in the Game" has some nifty anectdotes about those teams that might get you started. One other trick I've used before is to just photocopy the table of contents and/or index of books about the subject you're researching before you start your research in earnest - then you can peruse how other people have divided the subject up to help you narrow your topic. Anyway, good luck! IRISH!
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