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  1. Well, it was a huge season for the South division. I couldn't gather too many clips for teams like Iowa State and Kansas State... but I tried. I asked a couple Husker fans what they'd like to see in the video, and for the most part they just wanted that field goal in there. What a game! I'm going crazy... I hate this stretch without any college football, almost as much as I hate a BYE week.
  2. I certainly am excited for the upcoming season. I don't know what it is, but to me college basketball and any other sport just isn't the same... although I do love professional baseball. I'm a Chicago Cubs fan. Outside of the MLB, college football is the only other sport I really follow closely. Thank you very much for the welcome. Luckily for me, I am too young to remember the beating you gave my Gators back in the 1995 Title Game. I'm sure I am not the only one on here that feels like the 1995 Huskers were the best team of all-time. I would love to have pizza and soda, but unfortunately for me Florida is only a place of vacation. I live in Kentucky, although I wish I could live in Florida.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOjghhr4kNY I whipped this up before bowl season, I believe. I hope you guys enjoy. Made with the mighty Windows Movie Maker.
  4. Hopefully I am permitted to post this kind of thing here. If not, I'm sorry. Anyways, hello everyone. My name is Ben, I'm 14 years old and love the sport of college football. I'm personally a Florida fan, but I know a couple Nebraska fans so I decided to join up. I'll voice my opinion if the situation presents itself. I'll try to be as unbiased and intelligent as possible. Simply put, if I don't know what I'm talking about, I won't post! I hope to one day become a sports writer or sports analyst. I am currently working towards my goal, writing sports articles and trying to get a college football talk show on YouTube. (My camera isn't complying with this, however) Hope I am welcome. Glad to meet some new people.
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