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Posts posted by NoKoolAidForME

  1. Why should Bo proclaim 100% commitment when our fan base does not do the same. After ever loss or bad game there is talk about him being overrated, not being the guy, or my favorite Bo must Go. So its okay for fans and media to waver on their commitment to Bo and his coaching staff, but Bo should be solid an unwavering? Not sure if this is fair.


    Why should he?

    So his perceived dishonest nature doesn't hurt recruiting.

    Do you thing any coach is going to get all gazillion fans of any program to agree on what kind of job he's doing?

    The true measure of a coach in this situation should be how he deals with this sort of adversity.

    Did you talk to another school is not adversity to me. Some of the problems going on in the CFB right now are real adverse situations. I know this feels weird but this is what is like to be back in the national spotlight. Your staff is constantly inquired and raided. We should be happy our coach is considered for other jobs. That means people out there think he is a decently good coach. I think you should also be aware what it means to be approached and offered a job. If an A.D.'s runner comes to either Pelini or his agent and says; Are you familiar with Delta Bravo University? Did you hear they fired their coach? Did you know they may look at you as a replacement? Would you have any interest? That could be categorized as being approached.


    Isn't that code for douchebag?

    DB stand for douchebag? :koolaid2:

  2. Why should Bo proclaim 100% commitment when our fan base does not do the same. After ever loss or bad game there is talk about him being overrated, not being the guy, or my favorite Bo must Go. So its okay for fans and media to waver on their commitment to Bo and his coaching staff, but Bo should be solid an unwavering? Not sure if this is fair.


    Why should he?

    So his perceived dishonest nature doesn't hurt recruiting.

    Do you thing any coach is going to get all gazillion fans of any program to agree on what kind of job he's doing?

    The true measure of a coach in this situation should be how he deals with this sort of adversity.

    Did you talk to another school is not adversity to me. Some of the problems going on in the CFB right now are real adverse situations. I know this feels weird but this is what is like to be back in the national spotlight. Your staff is constantly inquired and raided. We should be happy our coach is considered for other jobs. That means people out there think he is a decently good coach. I think you should also be aware what it means to be approached and offered a job. If an A.D.'s runner comes to either Pelini or his agent and says; Are you familiar with Delta Bravo University? Did you hear they fired their coach? Did you know they may look at you as a replacement? Would you have any interest? That could be categorized as being approached.

  3. Why should Bo proclaim 100% commitment when our fan base does not do the same. After ever loss or bad game there is talk about him being overrated, not being the guy, or my favorite Bo must Go. So its okay for fans and media to waver on their commitment to Bo and his coaching staff, but Bo should be solid an unwavering? Not sure if this is fair.

    Osborne, Devaney went through the same thing, its part of coaching and you know this when accepting the millions you get paid to answer the hard questions like loyalty to your program

    The type of media that coaches deal with now is not the same as when Osborne and Devaney coached. I work with someone that played for Osborne and he often talks about how things were different when he was there. If a reporter went after the coaching staff they way they do now they would not be back the next day. PERIOD. I understand the "they make millions excuse", but I hate it. These coaches do the job that they are asked. Like an professional position your job brings you perks. As a head football coach your going to get rewarded based on performance for the position you have. You do your job to the best of your ability until you either get fired, find something you like more, or retire.


    Look at it from Bo's perspective. We had a NU guy handpicked by DR Tom and we as fans and media wanted him gone. Even if Bo proclaims undying love the school and his position. There is no way he love NU more than Frank did and how did that work out.


    Bo probably sees it as a slap in the face that the question needs to be answered. He probably is like do you really think I would be here putting up with you people if I didn't want to be here......cuz I don't have to be.

  4. Why should Bo proclaim 100% commitment when our fan base does not do the same. After ever loss or bad game there is talk about him being overrated, not being the guy, or my favorite Bo must Go. So its okay for fans and media to waver on their commitment to Bo and his coaching staff, but Bo should be solid an unwavering? Not sure if this is fair.

    • Fire 2
  5. I also find it funny that everyone is talking about the hammer that was dropped on OSU. This is the same NCAA that last year at this time allowed OSU to play in the sugar bowl for competitive balance. It wasn't fair to the kid that worked so hard to not be a part of that sugar bowl. However it is fair to hurt kids next year and the following three years that had nothing to do with this scandal.

  6. Chicago Bears wide receiver Sam Hurd was arrested Wednesday for plans to buy a large quantity of drugs.


    Hurd who admitted he already he already distributed four kilo of coke a weeks said he was looking to increase distribution across Chicago.


    Police claim to already have a list in the double digits of NFL players that were supplied by herd


    This could get really ugly for the NFL. The feds have a high conviction rate. With the amount of drugs he has already moved, we may be talking LIFE. Guaranteed he will start singing like Whitney Houston at the Superbowl to get his sentence reduced.



  7. I don't ever remember an official look a like thread that seemed so personal...and on that thought, submitted for your approval


    Did you miss all the Mangino/Kansas look-alike threads?

    Yeah. And actually this thread, and really this whole board, is fairly mild mannered and polite compared to the way other boards treat fans from different teams. Try lurking at shaggybevo for about 5 minutes and see what I mean.

    I think that goes more to the fact the we don't really have any true rivalries anymore. The majority of the sites that are nasty have border or in state rivals that make for competitive games. The our boarding rivals when we were in the Big 12 were garbage so it never grew. Believe me the Nebraska vs Iowa has potential to become a nasty rivalry. I work with about 4 Iowa fans and cannot stand any of them during football season.

  8. 3. You don't need the "BEST friends ever" in order to have a designated driver or to just find someone who isn't drunk to drive


    Im not necessarily talking about right now in your life. Im talking about when you were in HS/College. I assumed you were not, but I could be wrong. Please correct me if Im wrong.


    It is pretty hard in college to find a sober friend to drive you home, assuming all your friends drink. If your going to a party, most of time all your friends will want to drink in order to have a good time, meet different people, talk to girls, get laid, etc.


    This is not directed towards you Hercules, its just a hypothetical situation. Obviosuly I don't know you or your friends. If you had the luxury of finding sober people at a college or HS party to drive you home, that is awesome. Some are not so lucky to have people sober enough to get them home. So they make poor decisions and drive themselves.

    I guess I don't understand this. You are setting up a hypothetical where everyone of your friend is out drunk. I don't buy it and as a Senior lineman Caputo could have made a red-shirt or Freshman lineman be his chauffeur for the night. We did to the youngster when I was in college. There was always a couple willing to jump at the chance.


    To your hypothetical situation I would question this person if every one they are in contact with is B****** drunk. If this person is on the team what kind of party do you think that would be if the whole team was wasted.


    Caputo screwed up should he be criticized, its not for me to say. I know most do not like to hear it but as a HUSKER athlete you are held to a higher standard than most. If you read the article there were 16 other people arrested. If this was an article about 17 people arrested for a DUI and it did not include Caputo, this article probably doesn't even make it to the BS Forum. As an athlete you get all the accolades when you do well. You also get more criticism than most when you make a mistake. I think Bo should sit him. The message would be sent loud and clear to the team. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. Just my opinion.

  9. Mike'l Severe on Unsportsmanlike Conduct just said that he thought that Montee Ball was WAAAAYYY better then Burkhead (This was after Sipple suggested he wasn't). Montee Ball had that 30+ TDs, but a lot of those were from the goal-line. Like McKweon tweeted a week or so ago. Ball did nothing (Goal-line TDs), that 20 other backs in the country couldn't do. You give me a choice between Ball, and Burkhead. Give me Burkhead everytime.


    Its his job to rile people up and be a contrarian. Just like its knapplc's job to administrate this forum and wash my car every other tuesday.


    Don't have time to wash your car. I'm off riding the waves in your motorboat. ;)

    You motor boating sun of a gun. You ole sailor you.

  10. bullsh#t. OSU lost to an unranked ISU. Bama lost to LSU. Bama is the better team. I'm hearing enough bitching about this being in Oklahoma. That "tragedy" had nothing to do with the football team.


    OSU didn't lose at home like Alabama. Alabama had the most favorable shot at beating LSU and couldn't. Now if it was LSU at home then i would agree Alabama should get another shot. I also didn't expect OSU to throttle OU like that. Before you start trashing ISU remember they beat us at home and close one last year. Paul Rhoads isn't a sh**ty coach. Iowa St. isn't a doormat since he got there last couple of years.

    Good points.....I don't think 'Bama deserves a do-over against LSU......Oklahoma State deserves a shot at the title...

    Paul Rhoads is becoming a pretty good coach. Coming into the OSU game he had a team with 5 wins that knew that had to beat one of the three top teams in the Big 12 to be bowl eligible. I'm sure fans gave up and expected an ass whooping. The coach didn't give up, and his players didn't quit. They went out and beat OSU at home.


    Paul 1 of 13 coaches from ISU with a winning record. They have had a total of 32 coaches in the 100+ year the school has been around. The have been to ten bowl game and have won three of them. Rhoads has on bowl victory at ISU and a chance to win another one Dec 30th.


    I don't know what role the crash played on the psyche of the players. Could have bothered some and maybe none at all. I just think to say just because a team lost that is who deserving in an opinion. We have to settle these thing on the field.

  11. Stoops obviously knows his stuff, but he won't be a DC for long. He'll get another HC job and then leave. Do we really want to bring him in for what could be just a year or maybe two?

    Won't that happen with any candidate we bring in who's any good? If they suck they'll stick around for a long time, but if they're good they will be moving on and moving up. The years of all the assistancts staying on like we had under Osborne are gone. Nobody is going to stay an assistant on a staff for 20 years anymore.


    Very well said. My brother in-law and I had a discussion about that. We know live in the win now at all cost world. Coaches weren't getting turned over like they are now. Also big school only want the young up and comer unless you have a history of winning.

  12. So this case is now in the hands of the Feds because the District Attorney said the statute of limitations has run out.


    Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick said he found the witness credible. During the hearing Fitzpatrick said, "It is not my place to pronounce Bernie Fine guilty of anything,"


  13. So you force LSU to win two more games? That's fair.


    We're not always going to have a situation where there is only one undefeated team.

    Exactly. Sometimes the BCS works quite well. Other times a playoff might make more sense. Neither will be the solution everytime but people push a playoff like it is the best way to do it when it's really no more "fair" than the BCS.


    Settling it on the field is less fair than putting teams in the championship based on biased opinions and computers? I understand what you are saying about a playoff not being a perfect system but I think it is much less flawed then the BCS. There is a reason that playoffs create far less controversy compared to the BCS.

    They create less controversy in other sports because the systems have been around and accepted for a long time. I still say the playoffs diminish the regular season. What's the most interesting thing to follow in the NFL right now (besides off field drama)? The packers are still unbeaten. They've already clinched their playoff spot. The thrill now is that undefeated season. Look at San Francisco...already clinched their division. So what they fight for a home game or a bye week. But really they could lose out now and stil have a championship shot. Boring.


    Anyone think it was a great matchup to have Kansas losing to that small iowa school? It might have been a neat "upset" but we get those "wow" upsets almost every week in college football. The NCAA has watered down march madness so much that you lost a big matchup when KU got upset like that. Honestly people don't pay to watch George Washington square off againt UCONN. They pay to see the UCONN/NC matchups. I'm concerned that the +1 would turn into an 8 man playoff then 16 and soon you've got schools winning titles with 3 losses or schools with an embarrassing final regular season loss because they rested their guys since they couldn't help their spot in the bracket. We see NFL teams do this. Playing backups and resting the stars. You really want that for college football? To see LSU's 3 string players against Arkansas' first string?

    If a team makes it through a playoff, I will see them as a champion. It doesnt matter who deserves to win. If you lose you lose and go home.


    I think the playoff would not change the regular season. You best bet to win is to be ranked high. It will still be a beauty contest for position so I don't see players being rested. The one thing that would go away with a playoff is the conference championship. More teams would play each other in conference similar to the round robin Big 12.

  14. I *think* in a lot of cases the exit clause when canning a coach only gets paid if the guy doesn't get another coaching job. So if we were to make him an offer, it would have to be enough to make up for the free money he'd get by doing nothing or working TV. I'm not sure of that, but I think I've heard that elsewhere.


    Zook is a great recruiter. I'm always uneasy about that though. Remember how we were all excited about John Blake, and how we're probably lucky he never got us on probation? Sometimes there's a reason these guys are great recruiters, and it's not a reason the NCAA likes.

    Usually it works two ways. The guy gets a lump sum like Turner Gill is getting or they deduct the coaches new salary from what he would get from his old contract. For example when we let Frank go he was due 900,000 a year (number used as an example) and Ohio only paid him 600,000. Nebraska only has to pay him 300,000 For each year on his contract that he was to work at NU. I've never heard of a guy getting fired and having a buy out or restriction not to work or forfeit all the money due to him. I'm sure there would be legal issues since you were dismissing him.



    So who ever is stating this most likely has a lot of bong resin clouding his reasoning.


    What I don't understand--never have and never will--is why college coaches have buyouts in their contract... In no other profession that I can think of does this happen. If a Walmart employee gets canned for no reason, should Walmart be required to pay them whatever they were making to make up for it?


    This probably isn't the best analogy because Walmart employees don't have contracts, but still...

    Your right the Wal mart Employees don't have contracts but the majority of the high ranking corporate officials that sign NDA's and negotiate what they will earn usually have buyouts in their contracts.

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