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Posts posted by NoKoolAidForME

  1. I've read that admins were not happy with him and the head set thing didn't help. Texas tech's athletic department is not doing to hot these days. With the uncertainty of the Big East - he has to have been feeling the pressure to make this move.

  2. Looks like Te$as is trying to relive it's 2005 magic. They have scheduled a home and home with Ohio State. The series was pretty good last time although they probaly lose in 2005 if Troy Smith was not suspended.


    Looking back at that with what we know now it kind of funny that Troy was suspended for improper gifts.

  3. This is the same man that Harvey Perlman begged to come back and help him straighten up the athletic department. I not saying TO's advise should have been accepted but you at least listen to the man's reasoning. I think he is owed and has earned that respect.


    If this reflect poorly on anyone it seem like egg is on the face of Harvey. To the untrained eye it appears that Harveys decision was pretty much made prior to TO's press conference.


    Also Harvey decided to take advice from Barry Alverez. If you are soliciting advise from outside sources you have to at least listen to the legend on your campus.

  4. Seriously? - I think you have an interesting view of why we left the Big 12. I did find two things I believe I kind of agree with you on.


    1) I dont think OU saw NE as a rival the way OU see TX as a rival - Texas A&M realized that during there move from the conference. (I also say the same about Texa$/NU. Alot of fans called them a rival, they didnt feel the same.)

    2) I find it funny that alot of our fans now talk about how tough the Big 10 is. For year all we did was talk bad about the Big 10 and the quality of play - as soon as we joined the Big 10 was all of a sudden on par with the $EC.

  5. Maybe I don't know. But couldn't UN leave a couple a pages of notes...history...trivia in the tv room with the announcers to use.


    I know here UH will leave the announcers with local knowledge they can use during the game, so these issue don't come up



    @808kcmo, you originally from Hawaii ?? If so how did you end up in KC.


    I believe the document your thinking of exist in the form of a media guide. (These are readily available in the booth - along with Internet access)

  6. I am trying to remember the man who used to broadcast on the radio husker games..I think he used to say "Man Woman & Child" when the huskers made great plays. I always liked to hear him announcing games:) Just wish they would get some better announcers and preferably not women announcers. I don't care if she would know about football...I want a man with knowledge to broadcast the games...I don't care for women announcers period! I felt like making her some cookies and putting laxatives in it so she would have to leave and not hear her for the rest of the game:)


    Lyle Bresmer.

    Bremser was good in his early days. Late in his career, if you were at the stadium listening to him on KFAB, you would wonder if he was watching the same game you were watching. He could not keep the numbers straight, did not know who was coming in the game and who was going out and would often refer to the offense as the defense, etc. Sad that it had to end that way. My favorite Bremserism was, “Man, woman and child, did that put em' in the aisles. Johnny Rogers just tore em' loose from their shoes.”





    I must be the only Husker fan that doesn't sit at home watching TV critiquing the announcers. Honestly, 99% of the time I really don't care who they are. I'm watching the game.


    However, since it is brought up so often, this comment struck me because I have always had a theory that one reason why so many people thought Lyle did a great job was because it was in an era where they couldn't watch the game and listen at the same time. I will guarantee you that he made mistakes on yardage and numbers just like every announcer does now.


    Put em' in the aisle and tie em' loose. 007 Is this the professionalism you are referring to? I am assuming none would classify this as ghetto.

  7. At least the let down is early this year. Since Bo has been the HC he has benifited by a soft non conferenc schedule - winning most of those games fairly easily. The bravado builds and everyone is complaining about our rank, and or our lack of media respect. Listening to most people it's on to the MNC after winning the Sunbelt title Then somewhere in Oct comes a loss and Big Red Meltdown occurs. I still am supporting this team but I face reality and have an understanding of who we really are.

  8. Some one said get a job if you need which it is almost impossible to do.


    Athletes are not the only people getting full rides on campus. If I'm in band on scholarship I can perform on the weekend to make money. If I create a software program as a business major on scholarship the school does not own the rights to my program. As a biology major on Scholarship if I create a drug do I owe the school for using there facilities? No.


    Someone also mentioned going back to NFL players and getting money for the exposure they gained while at the school. How much money has the school made off Suh since he was on campus and since he has left.


    Coaches make millions, schools make millions, but when talk starts about compensation for the people doing the work - it cant happen because it's amateur athletics.


    Congrats for the biggest whiff of the day.


    That's fine still my thoughts like everyone else's on the topic.

  9. Some one said get a job if you need which it is almost impossible to do.


    Athletes are not the only people getting full rides on campus. If I'm in band on scholarship I can perform on the weekend to make money. If I create a software program as a business major on scholarship the school does not own the rights to my program. As a biology major on Scholarship if I create a drug do I owe the school for using there facilities? No.


    Someone also mentioned going back to NFL players and getting money for the exposure they gained while at the school. How much money has the school made off Suh since he was on campus and since he has left.


    Coaches make millions, schools make millions, but when talk starts about compensation for the people doing the work - it cant happen because it's amateur athletics.

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