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Posts posted by broganreynik

  1. 16 hours ago, gorp512 said:



    Nailed it. 


    The actual silhouettes are so awesome. Hopefully they find a way to make that stand out even more. 


    Only thing that looked sorta campy was the fire on the screen as they opened the gates. It was much more yellow than red. Had a Hulk Hogan vibe to it


    Maybe we saw different angles, but I’m not sure how much more red the flames can get. I don’t see any yellow.

  2. 18 minutes ago, It'sNotAFakeID said:


    We're still paying Mike Riley $6,600,000, and that was a decision we could control. 


    There's literally no worse nightmare from an administration's perspective than having possible weather cancellations during a game. You can't call it off prematurely, because if you do, you look like a fool if the weather doesn't happen. There should be a plan in place for these sort of events - and I'm 100% confident there is. Also, any announcement to fans would have to be made over the PA system - and I doubt the effectiveness of that when everybody is inside the concourse. 


    What I don't know, and what is really confusing to me, is how the 1030am tomorrow leak got out and spread like wildfire. To me, I think that leak, which was probably not started by a Nebraska or Akron official, did more damage than anything else that happened tonight. 


    Fox actually had it on their ticker that it was rescheduled for 10:30.

  3. On 8/30/2018 at 5:26 PM, Fru said:



    Not to mention it goes against US Code for respecting the flag




    (j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. 


    Hey! Rocky wore the flag on his (erstwhile Apollo’s) shorts, and he defeated communism. We’ve all been liberated from those archaic rules and our hearts are on fire for America!!!


    ...except for Kid Rock. The flag rules still apply to him. Until Janet Jackson’s breast is exposed.

    • Plus1 1
  4. 22 hours ago, The Dude said:


    I mean, maybe the Browns GM.


    Hey! John Dorsey is bringing this team back to life!!


    Just like Sashi Brown, Ray Farmer, Mike Lombardi, Phil Savage, Bitch Davis, and Dwight Clark!

  5. I think Oregon State being one of the handful of schools that hadn’t begun yet had more to do with it than Mike Riley. Looking at that list of schools, which offenses fit the best, then familiarity with coaches, etc.


    That’s how I would do it, anyway. Then again I wouldn’t have decided to transfer.

    • Plus1 2
  6. On 8/27/2018 at 4:16 PM, Ziebol said:

    Martinez, Vedral, Bunch, McCaffery, Masker. 

    I think they are set IMHO.


    On 8/27/2018 at 4:23 PM, ColoradoHusk said:

    If Bunch does well backing up Martinez this year, he may very well earn a scholarship for 2019.


    Unless I forgot how to count, that’s still only four scholarship QBs.


    A-Mart, Bunch, Vedral, McCaffrey

  7. 1 hour ago, Mavric said:


    I think the numbers look like some kids toys that they glued on the front.  Can't wait for people to laugh when they're breaking off.


    Needs to at least be a different font.  I think I would have liked a flat sticker better with the numbers in something more like the Block N or at least with a black outline or something.


    The helmets have had those rubber toy looking things for “Huskers” for a couple years now; I don’t recall ever seeing any letters missing. So, they should be pretty alright as far as adhesiveness goes.


    It still looks goofy.

  8. 6 hours ago, Husker_Bohunk said:

    If Gebbia wants to make it to the NFL he's not going to do it behind Martinez.


    Probably not, but then again Matt Cassel only threw 33 passes in college and started just one game.


    EDIT: I should probably read some of the four pages after this post before responding. My bad!

  9. 3 hours ago, LaFlamaBlanca said:


    You’re right.... we should pull a inspirational speech from the movie Witless Protection. Or maybe Larry’s bit about edible underwear.... it would have worked perfectly.... but Mike Riley isn’t here anymore 


    Uh... you’re forgetting about Adam Devine!



    • Plus1 2
  10. 16 hours ago, Dbqgolfer said:

    After reading all of the comments here about OSU and Urban Meyer, seems to me that many have forgotten that we currently have a head coach who, while in college, hid in a closet while a teammate beat the hell out of his girl friend, and this same coach recently invited a former Husker back to talk to the football team; a former player was who convicted of sexual assault while playing football for the Huskers. 


    I only bring this up because it seems that all of this rightous  indignation seem a little over the top.


    Yeah... the hiding in the closet thing is B.S.

    • Plus1 2
  11. 3 hours ago, theknife said:

    The kicker reference was eluding the play that made Davison famous.  TO to the Ginger was simply the succession of power in the AD position. Lastly, the writing prompt assigned to the class was TO to Gebbia, if you can't respect the creative liberties I took, I understand.  


    I got what you meant about Davison, except he wasn’t the one that kicked the ball. It was Shevin Wiggins.


    No worries though. No sense in getting bogged down in the minutiae of hypothetical situations when gameday is little more than a week away!


    WOOO DOGGIES!! It feels good to say that!

    • Plus1 1
  12. 5 hours ago, Huskers93-97 said:

    Why would we fire a guy who just won 3 straight nattys? 


    Because the Nebraska football coach shouldn’t have to “win” beer or any kind, especially not sh** beer.


    17 hours ago, theknife said:

    TO handed the reigns to Solich who was assassinated in the name of mediocrity by Pederson. TO returned to restore order to Middle Earth and fired Callahan and handed the Reigns to Pelini. TO then trusted a Ginger who turned out to be an assassin and killed Bo to hire the Nicest Guy in the world. TO gave his blessing to kill the Ginger Assassin and hire a Cowboy named Moos. Moos forged and alliance with TO and a Kicker of a WR to coup Frost from the South to replace the aforementioned Nicest Guy. 


    Tom Osborne coached for 25 years, so following 25 years of coaching Frost hands off the reigns to his RB's back coach Ryan Held, following in TO's image who did the same. Held's grip isn't as tight as he thought and he is unexpectedly fired by a former Alumni turned AD Trev Alberts. Alberts' is stood up at the alter by Houston Nutt III and is forced to hire Brian Callahan, son of former coach Bill Callahan in a panic.  Frost returns and fires Callahan and replaces him with, you guessed it, Patrick Pelini! Frost then hands the reigns to Chad Alvarez, son of Barry Alvarez.( Fun fact, Chad was arrested for killing a parrot IRL). Chad soon replaces Pelini in favor of an unexpected hire than no one understands. This fails, Frost gives the blessing for the hiring of Ben Moos, who hires Gebbia. 




    Davison wasn’t the kicker (that was Wiggins). It was Perlman, not Osborne, who gave control to Eichorst. Tristan Gebbia would be Dave Humm in your analogy.


    I can’t decide if it’s the misspelling of the thread title, or if I actually knew that picture above is Roman Reigns. Are there any Huns that can predicate his fall?


  13. On 8/19/2018 at 12:48 AM, 4skers89 said:

    I didn't see any SEC coaches on the list but it looks like they have an opportunity for recognition in a follow-up article


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    Though we did not get into detail this time around, a future Candid Coaches topic will surely be some of the most interesting stories coaches have heard going in the other direction from "clean." 



    What a deliberately vexing turn-of-phrase by Mr. Dodd. Certainly not one to rest on his laurels.

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