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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. skers 34 pitt 13 343 rush 264 pass we're back beyotch!!
  2. peace out jarhead take a long hike ofa short bridge loser. thanks BC for doin th right thing!!
  3. 2 much!!!! lolololololooooooooooooooooool. thats "cool" while holding my tongue!!
  4. hey anyone know will the OU gamebe on TV??? i havent seen a time or station yet? I would sure think so.
  5. time for some mor huskerboard bux!! skers 31 somiss 7 rushing 258 passing 257 go big red!!!!!!
  6. hell jah!!!!! i rok!! how bout that fasteddie gets over!!! get some.
  7. nu 34 'necks 16 tie breaker 332 tot yds for wiu
  8. man you really do have some srious issues dawg. this guy is nothing more than a massiv ass clown.
  9. im N you idiot so you might as well dial it in bc i will ruin you!!!!!
  10. fasteddie

    WI Ticket

    yeh whatsups is this a student, does thr price include validation and a bottle of jack d?
  11. not if this freak keeps up his shennanigans. Cally will not stand for this garbage. what makes you so sure Armistead you have some connections? ??
  12. why wud horne be kicked off? grant miller is a potter but Ithough horney was one of the gud guys no?
  13. kik ass man thanx for the knowledge dood!!
  14. all hail the mighty shirts!!! B)
  15. this fat pile of crap will nver be worth even mr hankeys crap.
  16. I blame george bush. if a dem was in office this would have nevr happned.
  17. fasteddie


    righton dbetz finally someone who getsit!! this guys a joker and i was going to saythe same thing about the away gms I know he just goes there to bamboozle people who are TRUE Husker fans unlike this fink. geta life loser.
  18. my shinebox??? wtf is that? must be some of the butt rock crap yougusy are into but i have no idear what youre mumbling about. is that like moonshine??
  19. right on thanks alot guys I apreciate it!!! any others??? I like "the reds" idear!
  20. fasteddie


    whatevr you will never get 100 a tic for this game and if anyonegives you that they are fools. you willbe luck to make $10 on all your tickts combined. great plan you really are a pro tic broker!! and yes i still think anybody that tries to capitolize off his fellow huskers bc they happned to stumble into tickets when they were on here weeks ago beggin everyone for them is NO TRUE HUSKER FAN. the only thing this guy has done on this board anyway is try to peddle his crap to us nothing from him in any other topic. i know im not the most popular round here but at least i add my 2 cents and dont just try to scam people. dont ask what th board can do for you ask whatyoucan dofor the board!!!
  21. i agree compltely with big jim!.
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