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Count 'Bility

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Posts posted by Count 'Bility

  1. Does Mark May annoy anyone else. I swear i wish Lou Holtz would just bash him over the head with them 43 pound glasses of his. As far as USC goes, what do you think, is it possible that King Carrol maybe rated below 15, tho i guess 14.

  2. I think he is doing a better job, but he still has work to do on it.


    These are big boys, I am sure Cotton and Watson have heard it before.


    And if these players can not handle it so be it. We send 18 year olds to the military and trust me they hear a heck of lot worse on a daily basis. If they can not handle it, they do not need to be here.


    My only concern was his attacks on the game officials. He is doing better at that. That is a trait that can hurt us I think.


    He is fine, he just needs to keep working on when and where he goes off.

    The stupid officials of this game today need a hellofa lot worse than that.

  3. 1) The GT player on the left needs a haircut. I can't get over it.


    2) Bo has already said next year's D should be better-only losing 6 players on a 25 man-two deep roster. Now that's just scary. 5 of which are starters but 2 d-backs, one linebacker, and 2 d-lineman. so the losses are evenly spread, and theooffense will be better. Hmmm. Here that Big 12?

  4. Is it just me or is it just really disgusting that Kansas St. is playing for a Division title as well as a bowl bid in the same late season game. Man, that is just gross. On a side not, i keep thinking about the 2003 K-State game, this should resurrect some thoughts



    any thought of that possibly bein in the back of Bo's mind and even Snyder's as Bill goes, "of FUEGHHH"

    I would love to see Bo return the favor, but it is just as much encouraging to know he has more class than that.

  5. Mangino probably did it more than Bo today, you just can't tell because his mouth accounts for such a little proportion of him.


    i laugh when i see mangino blow his top. i just envision him screaming like fat basterd from "austin powers".


    seriously, just picture him getting into a player's grill and shouting, "GET IN MAH BELLY!!!" and try not to laugh.


    Like this

  6. The play of the defense is to me no way concerning. GIVE THESE GUYS A DAMN BREAK. 17 POINTS. sheese, i know we've become accostomed to 7 or 3 or 10, but come on, do any of you have enuff common sense to understand the significance last week's performance played today. All i saw was fatigue, physically and emotionally, combined with what i thought overall was a somewhat conservative gameplan DEFENSIVELY due to Reesings scrambling ability on top of throwing the ball to talented receivers. The D is fine, 6 more days of rest and then time to go again. The best part about it all is the offense did their part to win as well, same as last week and the week before, and they continue to build on a new identity. The penalties on KU, too bad. How many penaltied does our defense have called on them, but they find a way to play thru it. Say what you want in all negativity. W W W W W W W W W.


    I havent seen this brought up much, i will. Larry Asante's hit on Reesing, tho i do not argue the penalty cuz a rule is a rule, but it damn well better not bring out some suspension of some sort as the guys on tv were suggesting. I am so sick and tired of quarterbacks gettin protected by yellow hankies, if you dont wanna get hit then go play badminton damn it. IT'S FOOTBALL AND YOU'RE WEARIN PADS. If these guys are gonna go feet first, they better be able to do it with time enuff for the defender to lay off, as i thought asante was already in motion/air to make the hit when reesing went down. If this is how it is, then why dont the officials just go 100% protection and say "if you want to, just take a knee and we'll give you a five yard gain" everyone wins, qb gains his yards, and the d does not get a penalty. These damn rules are so inconsistent too, and that pisses me off the most. see the hit on Zac Robinson tonight? isnt there a helmet-helmet black and white rule? BIG 12 OFFICIALS SUCK-PLAIN AND SIMPLE

  7. There aint gonna be any talk about Zac Lee this week. Just a handful of complete morons complaining about our horrible defense that gave up 17 points to a good offense and about our bully of a maniac coach that counterproductively yells at everyone, ruining any chance of winning and/or improving. :sarcasm


    yes you people know who you are and I am calling you out.

  8. Scott was tremedous and very vocal. A true great Nebraskan. I'm sure he regrets goin to Stanford to begin with. Imagine him if he'd had a redshirt plus two full seasons under 100% quarterback tutiledge from Frazier, Berringer, Osborne, Gill. It very well may have made the difference in 1996 and a 4 peat-even maybe a Heisman. Regardless, Scott was great adn this whole article/writing probable speaks for 99 out of every 100 former Nebraska player/coach.

  9. I like that Bo's passionate, but the question that no one is addressing is whether his sideline outbursts actually make us play any better. I don't think they do. Our assistant coaches are adults, they shouldn't need a screaming HC to get their units playing full throttle. Furthermore, I don't think berating position coaches in the middle of a game does anything to help team morale, if anything it does the opposite.


    That's exactly the point I was trying to make when I started this thread.



    sure, ok? Cuz the o-line totally went down the toilet and accomplished absolutely nothing the rest of the game after coach Barney got his chewin. And the defense just has not shown any improvement in 1.5 years with this horrible coachin job from this angry maniac. OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE WHAT'S GOIN ON. So far the players are reactin positively to this, and honestly, so has the press, you see today's post game press conference, i dont remember any stupid questions, and it was relatively quick, just the way Bo likes it. Leave him and the rest of the staff alone and let them continue the awesome job theyre doin.

  10. IMO anyone who is critical of Pelini's temper don't have a high stress type job or they got time outs when they were little instead of a good spanking. You pry don't like it b/c you have a boss that is that way. Something is making you have LMS (little man syndrome). All I know is when you do have a high stress career with big projects everyone better be on the same page and if they're not you better get them with the program. The coaches are all adults and can take an a_ _ chewin, the players are D-1 athletes and can take one too. And FYI Osborne didn't do it but don't think for a second that his assistants didn't.


    No sh!t, McBride woulda bodyslammed Bo in his hayday. How's about George Darlington, I went to a fooball camp there once, he was an a-hole. Craig Bohl was a prick too, (tho we all know how he turned out). Just cuz The Father Tom was never seen doin this kind of stuff doesnt mean the whole staff was a bunch of quiet souls that never yelled at anyone.

  11. You people are a bunch of babies. Get over it. Obviously his style is working. and His coachmates want to be here, (they do, I know) Some of you people just want somthin to squabble about. You could make a problem out of a million bucks, unless of course you're already some rich prissy who thinks you have it all figgered out. SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE RETURN OF OUR PROGRAM, CUZ IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES.

  12. We're gonna see this type of thing go on more often. 100% agree with the Watson comment, I think Bo was all over Shawn a heck of a lot more than Cotton. But you know what, he's fed up with the mistakes, stupid ones I might add, in the deep red zone, that play turned a probable touchdown into a field goal, flipped the game at that stage and kept Kansas in it. It's time for some accountability. Cotton is the position, get it fixed. According to our "grandstand coaches", Cotton and Watson are on the hot seat, and with Carl having the defense well under control, Bo is takin more of a grab of what's goin on on offense. Say what you want about Bo's "temper", "anger" whatever, these players react to it positively by fixing the problem, if not immediately. It workded with stupid mistakes on the defensive side of the ball, now he's turnin it to the problems with the offense.

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