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Posts posted by sodakhusker36

  1. I think it was right for Selig to not rescind on Joyce's call and give Gallaragga his perfect game. I'm all for the call being changed right then and there, like if they were able to take the time to look at it and get the call right right afterwards. But to spend the extra day on it, don't think that'd sit well with me, especially since he faced one more batter afterwards.


    Joyce missed the call, but until the MLB implements some type of replay system for specifically these types of plays, then you have to accept some things. You don't have to like them, they're just going to happen.



    Definitely agree with the comment about not changing the call. Every part of the game in the past has been about humans, basically making human error possible in every circumstance throughout the game. Crazy it just happened during a perfect game with two outs in the ninth. Selig did do the right thing by not overturning the call. I believe that if he did overturn it, you would have people doubting whehter or not it was a perfect game because he did indeed face 28 batters. We all know in our heads that it was a perfect game though.

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