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Posts posted by Whistlebritches

  1. 1 hour ago, TGHusker said:

    Mayor Pete needs to start polling above 0% in the African-American demographic before he can be taken as a serious contender.

    • Plus1 1
  2. I don't think Texas congressman Dan Crenshaw thought this tweet all the way through. He's apparently loaning out handguns to people who can't be troubled with going through the proper steps to obtain one legally.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BigRedBuster said:


    There's a kind of interesting second part to this story. The only thing here that is actually illegal is the off-duty firefighter using his ccw handgun to hold this person at gun point. Under current laws in Missouri the guy with the rifle, ammo, and body armor had done nothing wrong and should not have been detained by a civilian. What do you do if you're the firefighter? It's an impossible position.





  4. 3 hours ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Here's the deal on this with me.


    I honestly don't have that much of a problem with a foreign country's intelligence community coming to a candidate with information on an opponent......as long as the information wasn't gathered by breaking US laws.


    The fact that Russia contacted Trump's campaign with information isn't the bad thing.  The bad thing is that when Trump's campaign found out what it was and that it was gathered by illegally hacking into Hillary's computers....THEN....Trump supported them leaking the documents and did everything he could to prevent an investigation into it.  THAT is what I have a huge problem with.


    Russia did something illegal in the US.  Trump supports them doing that illegal act because it benefited him personally.

    But what if next time it's the Saudi's providing info to the Trump campaign specifically so they can get their hands on more nuclear tech? Or the Iranians offering whatever they could find from Trump's kids phished personal email account to the Dem candidate so the US doesn't bomb the s#!t out of them.


    I'm not so naive as to believe it doesn't already happen to some extent but I'm really bothered by the idea of it happening so freely.

    • Plus1 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Fru said:

    Would any Boomer or Xer here trade places with a Millennial? Why or why not? 

    What an interesting question.


    I'm an Xer and my first thought is that no, I wouldn't trade. The crap kids have to put up with today on social media isn't worth it.


    Thanks for giving me something to think about tonight while I walk the dog.

  6. 14 minutes ago, RedDenver said:

    No matter which Dem makes it into office, we'll have tons of acrimony - just look at the Obama years. This idea that one of these candidates is going to magically bring the Repubs into the land of reasonable discourse is just nonsense. Pete, Beto, Biden, etc. who keep saying flowery stuff about unity and continue to have no policy plans are just going to give us more of the same hope without change that we've had for decades.


    On a side note, I've been coming to the realization that it doesn't matter all that much who the President is. What we really need is a complete overhaul of Congress, especially the Senate. I don't know how realistic it is for the Dems to take control of both houses, but I'd MUCH rather have control of Congress and let Trump remain in office.

    The majority leader in both houses of congress have way too much power in regards to what makes it to the floor to get voted on. I realize they need a way to not spend all their time on BS bills but something needs to change. Maybe something like....if a bill passes one house the other has to address it. Take HR1 for example which was designed to address voting right, campaign finance, and lobbying. It passed the House and then the Senate leader simply squashed it without it ever making it to the floor.

    • Plus1 2
  7. On 4/14/2019 at 4:42 AM, Notre Dame Joe said:


    Just like they don't support illegal voting, socialized medicine, gun registration, higher taxes, invasions of privacy etc. until they do.

    Following this line of thinking we can assume that Republicans in the near future will:


    Let every industry self-regulate like what is proposed with pork.
    Reduce the corporate tax rate to 0%.
    Kick everyone off health insurance that doesn't turn a profit.

    • Plus1 2
  8. 1 hour ago, NM11046 said:

    He won't be able to not talk about it for 2 years.  I just hope the Dems can get their $hit together and coordinate a strong message to take advantage of the very real threat.  It was a big part of the midterm wins.

    At every town hall and every debate the Dem candidate in the general election of 2020 needs to remind voters that Donald Trump wants to eliminate the ACA. They cannot let voters forget.

    • Plus1 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, Moiraine said:



    I’m with NM. I hope you’re joking on the last part. Men who can’t control themselves in the presence of women shouldn’t be in any positions of power anywhere. Especially not in government. Refusing to be around women is a very sexist solution, as if they’re the ones who are causing the problem.

    Pence either doesn't trust himself around a woman in a 1-on-1 situation or he doesn't trust her to not make false accusations.


    I'm not sure which is worse.

    • Plus1 1
  10. 4 hours ago, MNBigRedNorth said:

     This last election I saw it in person here in central Minnesota where they were hauling a group of Somalian's around in a rented school bus.  I had the day off and I followed them to 5 polling places and then called my cop friend.

    Surely you took some pictures with your phone. Please share.

    • Plus1 3
    • Haha 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    I apologize. It's low-hanging fruit and sometimes you just want to be distracted with simple entertainment. I realize it clutters actual discourse.

    People have been asking for Trump supporters to join this part of the board to have some back and forth. Well, here it is.

  12. 9 minutes ago, NebraskaShellback said:

    Uraium one, false report to the people, Pelosi selling war heads to NK, illegal voting by those in the US illegally, Benghazi, covering up Hillary emails with the FBI, kick backs for forgien aids to other countries, taking american tax dolloars to put in their donation funds to run for office, how they stole the midterm election, how they tried to steal the preseident election, recently they arrested people in one of the Carolina mishandling vote during the election of the midterm, investigation into the two counties (dems) vote handlers, dead people voting, and more. Plus, how weird was that race with Ted Cruz, he fell way behind that kid, then later won.

    Remember Huber investigation still on going, not only on federal leverl but state.


    It's like the front page of Infowars in text.

    • Plus1 3
  13. 13 hours ago, OTHusker said:

    When you go to movies that’s what you think about? 



    I don't think about gun violence when I go to the movies but the active shooter drills at my kid's and wife's elementary schools certainly weigh heavy on my mind.

    • Plus1 1
  14. I would argue that an internet enabled video camera in everyone's pocket, the rise of social media to the masses, and the 24-hour news cycle played a much bigger role in race relations during Obama's time in office than anything else. Things that people (myself included) didn't want to believe were happening could no longer be ignored when there's video evidence.

    • Plus1 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Ulty said:


    I didn't really know the first thing about Schultz before reading this thread and seeing snippits on the news recently, but if he really wanted to fight with Trump and help the country, knowing he has no realistic shot at actually winning the presidency, he should have announced that he was running as a Republican.


    He could run on the same virtues as a businessman and a political outsider that made Trump stand out in 2016, but with class, dignity, and morality. He could give lip service to fiscal conservatism and business friendly policies. He could attack Trump and the Democratic candidates with equal vigor. But instead of siphoning votes as an independent candidate in the general election, which would help Trump, he could mount a challenge in the Republican primaries (and still likely lose) but distract and weaken Trump along the way. Essentially, he should have registered Republican as a diversion tactic. That's the sort of political maneuver that can help make America great again, eh?

    He's a self proclaimed lifelong Democrat that thinks the party is moving too far left. He should run as a Democrat and try to push the party in the direction he thinks it needs to go. If his ideas are worthwhile people will vote for him as a Dem.


    If he really wants to make a difference how about pushing a national initiative for ranked choice voting. Right now there's nothing a third party candidate for POTUS can accomplish aside from playing spoiler.

    • Plus1 2
    • Fire 1
  16. 33 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Good Lord...we are what, 12 months away from the primaries.  If he is going to be a serious contender, he has time to formulate what he's going to do.


    I'm sure you know this but since Schultz is running as an independent he doesn't have to prepare for the primary. He can keep talking in vague platitudes until Nov 2020 and siphon off just enough votes to make sure Trump wins a second term. It's not that people are upset that he's rich; they're upset that him being rich is the only reason he's getting attention because he certainly doesn't have any concrete ideas. If he didn't have a billion dollars he would just be some dude running for President that nobody had ever heard of and would have never had a CNN townhall.



    • Plus1 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Big Red 40 said:

    actually yes. if Pedro refuses to speak English he doesn't have to do the required tasks that i do, and .Its dangerous in many cases to have that happen , I am required to figure out what they are saying, or get an interpreter. a huge waste of time .   

    I think you're upset at the wrong people and I'd absolutely be looking for a new job. Especially if their hiring decisions are putting you in danger. Your company clearly doesn't give a damn about you.


    You can substitute a lot of different things into a similar scenario and it sounds ridiculous. Something like....A company hires dump truck drivers to operate a backhoe and then get upset when the truck driver doesn't want to operate a machine they aren't trained for. If the drivers don't follow through with their training they don't just get to sit on their a$$ and do nothing, they get fired.

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