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Posts posted by Whistlebritches

  1. Calling for a vote on the GND probably isn't the masterstroke by McConnell that people are thinking it is. The polling for it is pretty positive and even more so when the individual items of the GND are broken out. Obviously it's not going to pass right now but the environment is big issue that's only growing in support.

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  2. If Schultz really wants to do everything possible to remove Trump from office then he will join a party and go through the primary process. I understand that he doesn't line up real well with either party right now but if he truly thinks that running as an independent is going to remove Trump from office he's not smart enough for the job.


    HOWARD SCHULTZ, FMR. STARBUCKS CEO, INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT: I've spent the last almost 40 years building the kind of company which we serve people, 100 million customers a week. We employ almost 400,000 people. I’ve spent my entire career building consensus, creating imagination and innovation and working well with people on both sides of the aisle. President Trump to me is not the litmus test for the presidency and not the litmus test for what I'm going to try and do. What I will say is I'm going to do everything I can to remove President Trump from office.


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  3. Maybe it's been happening for far longer than I realize...but when did it become the job of congress to shield the president from legislation he may not like? The senate passed a CR (unanimously I believe) that would have almost certainly passed the house if not for Paul Ryan refusing to put it to a vote. It probably would have been veto-proof. Congress, instead of doing their job, are shielding POTUS.


    Pass legislation that your constituents want and let the President veto it.

    • Thanks 1
  4. This thread really delivered it for me.


    I've been on vacation so I was a couple pages behind on the thread. As I get to the end of page 11 I think to myself that the only thing missing here is Bnill bringing Obama into the conversation. It's his signature; it always happened back before he got his name changed when he posted here more frequently. And then it happened. Part way down page 12 and he posted the video about Obama and Fox. I seriously laughed out loud.


    I don't know how you guys continue to argue with him.



    • Plus1 1
  5. 21 hours ago, Moiraine said:



    The article you've linked doesn't say any votes were changed, and I haven't seen any evidence that they were changed.


    That said, we aren't taking that future threat seriously enough. I think it's more likely voters would be deleted from voter rolls.

    I'm not trying to get all tin-foil hat conspiracy theory here or even necessarily suggest that it happened but I'm VERY skeptical that the government would tell us if votes had been changed by hackers, Russian or otherwise. Can you imagine if that was announced? If there was evidence of it occurring in one city why couldn't it happen elsewhere? How could we as citizens trust the outcomes of anything on that ballot?


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  6. Four thoughts about what I heard yesterday.


    1. I didn't really believe his explanation about 'boofing' but kids are weird and come up with inside jokes all the time.

    2. I didn't at all believe his devil's triangle explanation. I really wish someone would have asked for a couple rules of the supposed drinking game.

    3. There's no way in hell that guy hasn't drank to excess in his college years.

    4. His attacks on Democrats in his prepared statement really bothered me when it's supposed to be an apolitical position.


    Kavanaugh probably lied under oath yesterday and it's not going to matter because the R's are playing to win. A couple Senators and Reps will lose their seats this fall but that's just collateral damage for locking up a SC Justice for the next 30 years.

    • Plus1 4
  7. 23 hours ago, InOmaha said:

    I heard people talk about turning off the game in the game thread to go do other things.  That was odd to me.  I watched it from start to finish.  All 4 quarters of sucky football.  I specifically looked for adjustments by the players and staff, focus and effort, etc.  I've had plenty of years of practice now in how to disassociate myself from the simple rah-rah college party part of it and look at things more objectively. 


    We have a new staff and new schemes so their is no better way to figure out what they are doing then to watch them try to do it.  That's what other coaches will do, even if we're playing poorly.  I even saw our fans in the Michigan stadium there after Michigan fans had left.


    I didn't turn of the game because doing that sucks.  To me, it would feel too much like leaving my kid's game early because my kid was having a bad game.  I'd never do that.


    P.S. Runza puts too much salt in their Runzas.  After eating my wife's sweet bread version, I can't eat Runzas anymore and just order a hamburger.

    It was 75 and sunny outside while there was a terrible game of football on the TV. I turned it off and took my older kid to the golf course for an hour and then took the younger one to the park. There are too many fun things to do on such a beautiful day that don't involve watching a bad game.


    I suppose that makes me a bad fan but if DONU wants four hours of my attention on the weekend they need to put out an entertaining product.


    • Plus1 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Making Chimichangas said:


    I forgot the "time stamp" of the play, but it exemplified Nebraska's OL problems: we had a screen set up and all we had to do was block the Michigan safety...couldn't get it done.


    Honestly, I stopped watching once it got to 23-0.  I started fast forwarding through the game and became more dismayed as it went along.  



    The play that sticks out to me was in the first quarter and Michigan got a sack while rushing like 3 guys. In the frame you could see all five NU o-lineman looking for someone to block. Total breakdown.

    • Plus1 1
  9. 1 minute ago, StPaulHusker said:

    Don't mistake my comment as a way to force people to do something in their own homes that they don't want to do.  

    Oh I'm not. It was a totally facetious comment about people at home sitting on their collective asses during the anthem while complaining that the players aren't standing.

    • Plus1 3
  10. 2 hours ago, StPaulHusker said:

    You know, TV networks could still air the playing of the national anthem and not instruct the camera operators to zoom in on anyone kneeling.


    Its literally one command.  Tell all but one camera to point the lenses directly at the flag and the other one at the person singing.  

    A side benefit to them broadcasting the waving flag is that everyone at home would now have a flag to stand and respect during the anthem.

  11. 3 hours ago, knapplc said:

    Saw an interview with one of the jurors, a Trump voter, who said that the evidence against Manafort was overwhelming. She said they laid it all out for the holdout juror, and went over it again and again and again, but she kept saying she had "reasonable doubt."


    That woman is either dumber than a box of hammers or a partisan stooge. If 11 other people from all walks of life, including people disinclined to feel that Trump's people are guilty, say that they're "overwhelmingly" guilty, that final holdout clearly has an agenda.


    Here's the story.



    • Plus1 1
  12. How is teaching teenagers a trade at a tax payer funded high school any different than teaching them those same trades at a tax payer funded trade school? I guess they enter the workforce 12-24 months earlier but it's still 'free' education.

    • Plus1 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, Pedro Guerrero said:




    This photo is from October 20th, 2008 and it took less than a minute to google that info. I'm sure Weinstein was preying on women ten years ago but it's impossible to know if Rogan knew anything about it.

  14. 18 minutes ago, ZRod said:

    It just feels like something big is going to break soon. I have no idea what it will be, but that's just my gut feeling. It's been too quite regarding team Mueller, with too many suspicious stories coming out about Cohen, Ivanka, Jr., et al.

    Manafort is almost certainly going to jail later this week when his bail is revoked.

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