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Posts posted by gratefullred

  1. Delaney said that they're not actively pursuing expansion, but with all of the change going on and the SEC going to 14 schools, one would be a fool to think that Delaney doesn't already have a plan of action with a list of potential expansion targets at the ready.


    As for B1G Expansion targets, numero uno is Notre Dame, but the more I think about it, the more I believe they'll go to the Big East (where their Olympic sports already reside--least amount of impact).


    Second has to be Kansas. Think about this--they have a decent media market (KC) to draw from. Delaney is a basketball guy that is wanting the B1G to become the prominent basketball conference in the nation. Kansas is one of the top two programs in the nation this past decade in Men's Basketball. Kansas Basketball has a nationwide audience (not unlike Nebraska football) that goes well beyond it's modest in-state footprint. They're AAU members that aren't at risk of being booted out (last I checked...) with academic rankings on par with Missouri and Nebraska. Kansas participates in most of the same Olympic sports the other B1G schools do.


    Granted, Kansas on its own doesn't make *that* much of a splash--but these things don't occur in a vacuum, and a Kansas expansion would need to be paired with a school from a major market. Kansas, as it were, would be the Peanut Butter to another school's chocolate. Kansas and Notre Dame would be a stellar move. Kansas on its own...not so much.


    As for the third school...this is where things get tricky. The schools that were shoe-ins for B1G expansion based on media market have all been gobbled up and are moving elsewhere--Syracuse, Pitt, Missouri--or they're just not that desirable when you look at the details--Rutgers, Boston College, West Virginia.


    This is where I think Delaney throws us a curve ball and goes outside the contiguous footprint. If Florida State doesn't go to the Big XII (big *IF*--I personally think they're gone already), then a school like Florida State (current topic 'o discussion) or Georgia Tech (rumored to be a target before when the B1G was looking at 14) becomes your #3 and #4 choices. It opens up the south for recruiting, it gets an ACC school better/more money and exposure, and both schools would be good all-around additions to the sports portfolio.


    Beyond this, I would say Maryland (D.C., Virginia media markets) or Rutgers (again, markets, though they're not all they're cracked up to be) come into play.


    Just my $.02


    Interesting take on things. Notre Dame is a tough one to figure out. Their tv deal is up in 2015, the B1G has been after them for 20 years, and every conference seems to be in play for them. Thing about Notre Dame is that the booster money is outrageous. Another $10 million from a tv deal means little to them. I don't see them joining any conference, but if the have to I could see the BigEast giving them a sweet-heart deal or the B1G is the other possibility. I can't see ND in the ACC or Big12.


    That pretty much ends the conversation if the B1G is staying within a contingious footprint.


    I agree with your take on Kansas, but I'm not as high on them as you. Football is driving this bus. I see them ahead of Maryland and behind Virginia Tech although it is believed VaTech is tied to Virginia. Georgia Tech in my opinion is out of the footprint even if Maryland or VaTech comes along. Oklahoma's academics take them off the table. I see VaTech as the strongest brand available in the contingeous footprint, and I don't think that is enough to bring along a second school.

  2. I think FSU is gone to the Big12 along with Clemson or Lousiville.


    The B1G seems to want to keep a continious geographic footprint. Should this be of any importance at all? Should the B1G have interest in FSU and Clemson?


    I don't think the B1G should, but just got me thinking.

  3. I still think if Kansas plays their cards right and the BIG ever goes to 16, they could get in. KU does have basketball. They also have academics. While they don't poses the desirable football history they would bring a decent number of TV sets to the BIG footprint. They would also have all the western BIG schools very much wanting them in the BIG for one more easy travel destination. If ND were to ever join and then the BIG goes east with two other schools, I think it would give KU a legitimate chance to be that 16th school in a 16 team BIG. While I don't see this happening in the near future, the BIG may have to move to expand if the SEC and other conferences go to 16 teams and make that part of the criteria of an automatic playoff qualifier.



    I'm guessing the biggest thing with Kansas would be bringing Kansas State with them. I have no idea if there is that loyalty there between the two schools, but I could see that being a stipulation. Kansas State has had a few decent years in some sports, but they are usually not that much to talk about so I can't see them being that attractive to the B1G. Does anyone know if Kansas would put in this stipulation if they were invited to join?

    When the Big12 was set to explode rumor was Kansas was unattached to KSU, no T.Boone to save KSU. Kansas was rumored to be in talks with the PAC12, BigEast, and ACC. Those were the rumors any way.

  4. 1. Norte Dame

    2. Missouri

    3. Kansas

    4. Oklahoma

    5. Kansas State

    6. Pittsburgh

    7. Syracuse

    8. Iowa State

    9. Virginia Tech

    10. Georgia Tech


    Don't know if you were just throwing ten teams together or what, but I would think that Missouri isn't plausible anymore (two buyouts in a decade? And people thought CU Athletics were under water...).


    I believe hearing that the SEC has no buyout to leave the conference. I think I heard it over the radio, don't remember reading it anywhere and I have no link. Makes me wonder if Mizzou could be on the table, but that bridge is likely burnt.

  5. I know this has been discussed in a B1G thread, but there seems to be legs to this so I thought it needed a thread here.


    It all comes down to money and the playoff format.


    If the playoff format is decided by some sort of RPI, one loss in the ACC could leave either of these teams on the outside looking in. The Big12 is simply more competitive than the ACC.


    The ACC and ESPN have reportedly agreed to a deal that pays out 17 million to each member. I believe the Big12 is currently paying out 19 million and negotiating their top teir rights. I havent seen any projections on what will get, but with FSU and Clemson I would guess they could do better than 22 million.


    But I heard someone on the radion say no school has moved from a better academic conference to a poorer academic conference. There is a ton of academic allotment money also involved.


    More drama.

  6. Was wondering about the level of competition, Rummel plays in a Catholic school league. Some of the competition looks really small, but I didn't learn much about it.


    A lot to like about this kid.

  7. I think Coach Erstad is doing the best he can with this group, but bottom line is, they're mainly the same crappy team from last year. I think everyone thought that NU would be significantly 'better' just being in a conference not as well-known for baseball like the Big 12, and that hasn't panned out either. Now we're going to find out what kind of recruiting Erstad can do.

    We can also see what the over-signing limits of the B1G do to recruiting.

  8. But Muck, it's been a version of the very thing you describe for decades. Let's not pretend that this radically changes things. It simply calls it what it is - a tremendous money-maker looking to make more money.


    The same as it ever was.


    It's more about the death of the bowls, which is what made college football sui generis unlike any other sport in the world.


    now if you hate bowls that's understandable but also understand it means we're going to be just like everything else now.



    I don't hate the bowl games, I just hate having the bowl system, if that makes any sense. :D


    I want at least a 16 team playoff. Then, there can still be bowl games, a lot less bowl games, for the teams that didn't make the playoff. That gives them something to play for after the season is over plus they would still get the extra practices.

    I hope this does not go past 4. At 16 I would go broke taking a month off work and traveling to various locations in order to see NU win a national championship.

  9. The thought of on-campus semis totally screws the fans and players of traveling teams. If you are a fan or player for OkieLite would you rather go to Tuscaloosa on a Thursday and have some concerns about opposing fans or go spend a week in Pheonix play some golf, check out a NBA game and watch your Cowboys play in a new stadium? Before TV came to rule sports this is why bowl games were played where they are played. The bowls are played in vacation destinations which is good for fans and players.


    In my opinion the best way to do this is to play all 3 games in the same location over 2 weekends. It just seems obivious to me.


    If this is truely the best why then why isn't it done in the NFL? If NCAA does a football playoff then it should look something like what the NFL does not have all playoff games in a neutral site.

    The NCAA is 4 times as large as the NFL and the season is 12 games not 16. The NCAA isn't the NFL and shouldn't try too hard to be the NFL.

  10. The thought of on-campus semis totally screws the fans and players of traveling teams. If you are a fan or player for OkieLite would you rather go to Tuscaloosa on a Thursday and have some concerns about opposing fans or go spend a week in Pheonix play some golf, check out a NBA game and watch your Cowboys play in a new stadium? Before TV came to rule sports this is why bowl games were played where they are played. The bowls are played in vacation destinations which is good for fans and players.


    In my opinion the best way to do this is to play all 3 games in the same location over 2 weekends. It just seems obivious to me.

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