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The Architect

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Posts posted by The Architect

  1. Hell, he didn't have many balls thrown his way all year!! Yet I was surprised when he dropped that ball. I hope he's used better this year cause I think the kid can catch the rock.

  2. He just needs an 18 on the ACT right?


    Arch do you think he gets on campus by fall at least?


    If my memory serves me, he already had an 18. He needs 7 or 8 more points accum to make it per his current GPA.


    If plans don't change (which means ACT score) ...YES!

  3. From what I see, Jackson probably will not be here for the Spring. Can't rule out being here in May along with the other Class of 2012. Not sure on the prep school route, you would think Nebraska would advise on what to do for him to get eligibile quickly unless taking the tests are the only option other than JUCO. Bad deal IMO cause of what the NCAA ruled on his 3 classes taken at an accredited school. Something still not right in that IMO.

  4. Texas Tech is now trying to get at Jackson. Sounds like many schools thought Jackson was at Nebraska, but word has spread quickly when he and his Dad was at a HS game last Thursday. Arkansas is also trying to get back into the conversation other then those two nothing new.


    So does he still want to come to Nebraska? Or are these other schools gaining ground and he might want to go elsewhere? Can he go somewhere else is he has signed a LOI and not gone to a junior college?


    Yes. Not to my knowledge. LOI from Nebraska was voided because he didn't make it in the Spring from what I gathered so technically Jackson is a recruit for 2012. Other schools can take a shot at getting him to change. IMO, that will be hard but they will try.

  5. FWIW, Charles Jackson is coming up for the Michigan State game. It's good to get him back up!!

    Sweet! How's his situation now?


    That's great! Shows he's still serious about NU! I believe that he needs to make the necessary ACT score, much like Braylon, to qualify. I don't think anything has come out yet.


    Took ACT this past Saturday and from what I saw at the gym..he's looking great!!

  6. Texas Tech is now trying to get at Jackson. Sounds like many schools thought Jackson was at Nebraska, but word has spread quickly when he and his Dad was at a HS game last Thursday. Arkansas is also trying to get back into the conversation other then those two nothing new.


    Classes Jackson took did fall under the approved list of courses. This is why the family is so upset, plus u have another D1 athlete in the same class with no issue? Plain n simple, NCAA dropped the ball on this one. Kid gets his sh** together, does the right thing, and these guys want to check classes from a year ago...but they took his class this pass summer. I don't get it.


    The Architect can correct me if I'm wrong, but the kid who was cleared by the NCAA ended up at Texas.


    Weird how that works, eh? <_<


    You are correct. The Texas recruit was in Jacksons' Alg class.

  8. IMO the worst part of him not being able to make it up here this fall is that he wont be able to learn from Dennard. I think that they have very similar playing styles and Charles could have greatly benefited from spending sometime under his wing.


    That truly is a very good point. +2

  9. Braylon Heard part two.

    Braylon was just an ACT score though. How does it work with GPA?


    Also why is it the NCAA allows Michael Oher to get in, but not Jackson? Didn't Oher take summer classes to boost up his GPA? Jackson's situation can't been any worse than Oher's.

    A class CJ took last summer did not fall under the approved list of courses, or something like that.


    The reason I said Braylon heard part two is because he has to wait to join the team. I'm not sure on the Oher situation, I just know that the NCAA has changed some qualification rules since then.


    Classes Jackson took did fall under the approved list of courses. This is why the family is so upset, plus u have another D1 athlete in the same class with no issue? Plain n simple, NCAA dropped the ball on this one. Kid gets his sh** together, does the right thing, and these guys want to check classes from a year ago...but they took his class this pass summer. I don't get it.

  10. Suppose to be some news coming on CJ soon. Also for those who would like you can follow Charles' Dad on twitter @YRSports. He's been taking pop shots at the NCAA and heard he got in touch with OWH and some other news folks. Guess we'll see what happens.


    From @YRSports twitter:

    I'm a father, husband, listener, a life coach. The architect behind the scene, never following. DB turned teacher. Keep God first in everything you do!


    I see what you have done here???


    We all just hope he gets here soon.


    I've been down this road before....and no....he isn't me.


    If yall didn't get the latest CJ will not be here till Spring per JT on RSS via email from his Dad. That sucks but they say "things happen for a reason" even if they do suck!

  11. Suppose to be some news coming on CJ soon. Also for those who would like you can follow Charles' Dad on twitter @YRSports. He's been taking pop shots at the NCAA and heard he got in touch with OWH and some other news folks. Guess we'll see what happens.

  12. Sanders was probably as lazy a recruiter as you could imagine. There was a recruit here and there that you could see him get inspired about, and you could see the results. Will not deny in the least he was a great recruiter, but he was only great when he wasn't lazy, and that was not very often.


    Personally, I'd rather have Garrison in Illinois recruiting than I would Marvin. Garrison may have a bit harder time getting 'in' with players, that guy has shown to be relentless as a recruiter early on. Hope he doesn't turn into another Ekeler and just completely fade off in his recruiting.



  13. FWIW....should know something this week on CJ per conversation. The reality here is Jackson did what his HS counselor and coach had planned for him since mid JR year, and IMO this is a NCAA issue that shouldn't be happening. If you feel this is wrong, send a little shout out to your maker! :bonesflag:


    Sounds like this kid is getting screwed. NCAA needs to learn their own damn rules! THey should be spending more time cleaning up the filth of boosters and players receiving illegal benefits, rather than thumbing their noses at a kid who has worked his ass off to become eligible. Telling CJ he has the fullest support of the Husker fan base and for him to just hang in there!




    I will pass on that info the next time I see him!

  14. FWIW....should know something this week on CJ per conversation. The reality here is Jackson did what his HS counselor and coach had planned for him since mid JR year, and IMO this is a NCAA issue that shouldn't be happening. If you feel this is wrong, send a little shout out to your maker! :bonesflag:

  15. So it was an online class?


    By now everyone should realize I'm close to this situation, I'm not CJ or RP, and from my understanding of what's going on is the NCAA Eligibility Center made an error from the start thinking these were online/computer based courses and are now trying to say they don't think they were "core-curriculum" (last time I looked Alg, Spanish, and Physics were in the 16 core courses required for NCAA Eligiblity according to their website). Also in the state of Texas a student, depending on District, can take as many classes in the summer that the school allows for credit. Not to get into too much detail, it's all riding on the appeal from the school in question, Nebraska can't do anything. A good thing here is the School District is watching because it feels no wrong has been done. I know some will say "if CJ would have....." but that's not the point anymore. CJ woke up late like most kids and has done nothing but bust his ass to correct his mistake, IMO he has, and because somebody at N.E.C assumed his classes last year were online he gets heldup. Got to love America were murderers, rapist, and other prisoners can get a free college education from tax payers but some kids can't even get student loans or get cleared to attend college on a scholorship!



    Yeah, maybe you mentioned online classes before and I missed it. Those are a slippery slope right now, not as "norm" as college credits taken online.


    They will be, very soon. In fact it would not shock me if in the next 5 years we have a good % of high school students taking classes online, I think most homeschooled kids will switch over to it and it will also give high school teachers a great chance to earn extra money.


    Right now though, at the high school level, those online classes are very new, same at the undergrad level. There is a lot of "gray" with them at times.


    There is a lot of grey because like the motgage business 10 years ago, another so called "accredited" school pops up every 20 seconds.


    Don't know about the "motgage" business... ;) but this school has been in this community for 10 years. Quite a few student-athletes have gotten credits.

    I work at a community college that offers high school online courses. They are basically for students who may not have had a passing grade in a class, missed a bunch of class or whatever. They basically just help students get the classes they need to graduate high school. Not a lot of students take them, but definitely helpful.

    Obviously I don't have any info on CJ, but these online classes are set up with the school district to make sure they meet the SD's curriculum needs. I'd imagine it's the same in Texas and that the NCAAEC should know that. Then again, there's a lot they should know...


    The problem that is baffling folks here is the classes Jackson took were not online courses, so why is the NCAA having issue with him. The summer school course work is the same time frame as the districts (2 weeks) for full credit, the school has been accredited for the last 10 years and the district has never had issue with the school. It's like they has no consistency with clearing these kids!

  16. So it was an online class?


    By now everyone should realize I'm close to this situation, I'm not CJ or RP, and from my understanding of what's going on is the NCAA Eligibility Center made an error from the start thinking these were online/computer based courses and are now trying to say they don't think they were "core-curriculum" (last time I looked Alg, Spanish, and Physics were in the 16 core courses required for NCAA Eligiblity according to their website). Also in the state of Texas a student, depending on District, can take as many classes in the summer that the school allows for credit. Not to get into too much detail, it's all riding on the appeal from the school in question, Nebraska can't do anything. A good thing here is the School District is watching because it feels no wrong has been done. I know some will say "if CJ would have....." but that's not the point anymore. CJ woke up late like most kids and has done nothing but bust his ass to correct his mistake, IMO he has, and because somebody at N.E.C assumed his classes last year were online he gets heldup. Got to love America were murderers, rapist, and other prisoners can get a free college education from tax payers but some kids can't even get student loans or get cleared to attend college on a scholorship!



    Yeah, maybe you mentioned online classes before and I missed it. Those are a slippery slope right now, not as "norm" as college credits taken online.


    They will be, very soon. In fact it would not shock me if in the next 5 years we have a good % of high school students taking classes online, I think most homeschooled kids will switch over to it and it will also give high school teachers a great chance to earn extra money.


    Right now though, at the high school level, those online classes are very new, same at the undergrad level. There is a lot of "gray" with them at times.


    There is a lot of grey because like the motgage business 10 years ago, another so called "accredited" school pops up every 20 seconds.


    Don't know about the "motgage" business... ;) but this school has been in this community for 10 years. Quite a few student-athletes have gotten credits.

  17. So it was an online class?


    By now everyone should realize I'm close to this situation, I'm not CJ or RP, and from my understanding of what's going on is the NCAA Eligibility Center made an error from the start thinking these were online/computer based courses and are now trying to say they don't think they were "core-curriculum" (last time I looked Alg, Spanish, and Physics were in the 16 core courses required for NCAA Eligiblity according to their website). Also in the state of Texas a student, depending on District, can take as many classes in the summer that the school allows for credit. Not to get into too much detail, it's all riding on the appeal from the school in question, Nebraska can't do anything. A good thing here is the School District is watching because it feels no wrong has been done. I know some will say "if CJ would have....." but that's not the point anymore. CJ woke up late like most kids and has done nothing but bust his ass to correct his mistake, IMO he has, and because somebody at N.E.C assumed his classes last year were online he gets heldup. Got to love America were murderers, rapist, and other prisoners can get a free college education from tax payers but some kids can't even get student loans or get cleared to attend college on a scholorship!



    Yeah, maybe you mentioned online classes before and I missed it. Those are a slippery slope right now, not as "norm" as college credits taken online.


    They will be, very soon. In fact it would not shock me if in the next 5 years we have a good % of high school students taking classes online, I think most homeschooled kids will switch over to it and it will also give high school teachers a great chance to earn extra money.


    Right now though, at the high school level, those online classes are very new, same at the undergrad level. There is a lot of "gray" with them at times.


    There's actually a good % now that take online courses at the Virtual Schools and some Colleges to get credit. Funny thing is a UT commit took the same class with no problem. Interested to know how that one works.

  18. So it was an online class?


    By now everyone should realize I'm close to this situation, I'm not CJ or RP, and from my understanding of what's going on is the NCAA Eligibility Center made an error from the start thinking these were online/computer based courses and are now trying to say they don't think they were "core-curriculum" (last time I looked Alg, Spanish, and Physics were in the 16 core courses required for NCAA Eligiblity according to their website). Also in the state of Texas a student, depending on District, can take as many classes in the summer that the school allows for credit. Not to get into too much detail, it's all riding on the appeal from the school in question, Nebraska can't do anything. A good thing here is the School District is watching because it feels no wrong has been done. I know some will say "if CJ would have....." but that's not the point anymore. CJ woke up late like most kids and has done nothing but bust his ass to correct his mistake, IMO he has, and because somebody at N.E.C assumed his classes last year were online he gets heldup. Got to love America were murderers, rapist, and other prisoners can get a free college education from tax payers but some kids can't even get student loans or get cleared to attend college on a scholorship!

  19. So what are the odds he makes it to lincoln if not is there a possibility he does like B.Heard did and sit out a year and make things right..


    Odds to make it to Lincoln this fall....IMO... 50%! IF CJ doesn't get cleared by the NEC, he will sit out the season like Braylon.

  20. For the last two weeks (or more) its been pretty doubtful he'll be joining us this fall. I think the class he took last summer which was recommended by his HS advisor actually fell outside the list of approved classes (or so I'm told) that would help improve his grades in his core GPA. Sounds like he's going to fall just short because his academic advisor is a moron. They're still trying to get the class approved by submitting the class syllabus and curriculum but its a long shot.



    Okay, this falls a bit outside my knowledge but if the poster above is correct and the high school is accredited and if the curriculum is state approved and either an elective that falls in a core subject then there CANT be a problem with that part of it. So it might be, like Da said, a class that was outside of the approved list the problem is, I have never seen that list, the NCAA doesnt give you a list of classes it gives you a list of rules. So that could be the issue.


    To the question about taking to many summer classes? Some states differ on that, I know, but as far as the NCAA, not that I know of BUT it could red flag a kid, sometimes it looks a bit odd.


    Go to NCAA Eligibility Center, student, resources, and you will see a list for core for all schools. Put a school in and you will see the approved courses. The family went to this in his Junior year and all courses were on the list. Like Da said kids need to get it together in the Freshman and Sophmore years, but if the kid gets it during his Junior year and is trying to make it happen....then let it happen,IMO. NCAA shouldn't have a problem...clear him already!

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