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Posts posted by skers

  1. I don't know... I agree with what you're saying, I was at the game and was fortunate enough not to hear musburger all game :hmmm off colt mccoy but i could see it happening. They could have mentioned a little bit of what was going on at half time with the college football hall of fame induction. I mean for osbornes sake...we had him in attendance and we all know he has done more for the game than vy... :woo ... but loook at the TV time outs, when did they all come on... when nebraska was driving or just made a big play. conspiracy theory here...but maybe they wanted to slow momentum a little bit. I disagree with whomever made the comment about us getting the limelight when we're winning... no we don't... the other team had a bad day, not Nebraska played very well and deserved the win. Look when we beat michigan last year... i know i know last year, but what did they all say about that (outside of a surprised herbstreit) michigan has just been down all game long.... I could care less if we don't get the limelight...i'm one of those just win baby win kinda guys. but they should show things both ways... and texas is not one of the most hated teams in america...i've seen more orange in this state than i can handle



  2. by NO means am i satisfied with a loss, but i feel good about the way the guys played today. They showed heart and perseverance. I hope we get back to the point where we don't need those things because we're dominating the game so much, but i think that we hung well with the number 5 team in the country today. We have absolutely nothing to be embarassed about and nothing to be upset about. We damned near won that game, well we did win that game, but the ball once again didn't bounce our way. WE'VE GOT THESE GUYS IN DECEMBER :restore:restore:restore:bonez:bonez:bonez

  3. I order the game thinking hey ...i can just DVR that stuff and it'll be fine..so all night i refuse to listen to the game ...only score updates...thinking that i can enjoy watching freeman get owned on tv...but i didn't get the second half recorded...like at all...so if someone wants to make a little highlight film of freeman getting b#@#$ed for me that would be great...

  4. what the duece is this guy doing? everyweek on youtube he puts something up about how we suck and that we don't deserve to be where we are...it's pretty funny that someone is that jealous of a program like ours has to be the "anti-husker"

    what a :asshat

  5. I'm not going to hand out grades either because we all know that there is still a lot of improvement...throughout the game the fellas showed a lot of potential and a lot of times were i was kinda scared to be facing a passing team like USC... i think that we are definately going to have to work on our corner play to catch up, hate to say it but if our d-liine doens't dominate the la tech o line how are they going to do against a USC line? linebackers were solid, o-line actually looked pretty good for the most part...a hold here or there and the score could have been more.

    Recievers....i was very disapointed with how they still were continually dropping the ball. A lot of those were near perfect passes and people just dropped the ball. Great teams can't have recievers dropping the ball. That is just plain unacceptable.

    Running backs... i'm lovin it... i know he only gained 2 yards but when cody glenn ran over those two dudes...WHAMMY.. this could be a bright spot on the team...we don't have a #2 back we have 4 #1 backs...Zac played very well and I personally was very glad to see him get pulled late in the game, give gansz some snaps. and he impressed me with some of the same poise that zac has in the pocket, some of his passes were off but excusably off (if there is such a thing)...


    I'll grade the team with an OVERALL grade of a B...it was good but i'm going to be hard on these guys only because i love em and i know that they can do better... I saw some GREAT things out there yesterday but i also saw a lot that they can work on... for game one that was pretty darn good.... :boxosoap:bonez

  6. oh steady eddy...i completely forgot about that guy. I grew up a half hour from hastings and he was always at football practice watching us and interviewing guys... he IS a tool... oh wow...that takes me back

  7. thats almost selling out that horrible excuse of a college football stadium. I was on my way to wisconsin for a training deal while with the marines and we happened to stop in ames to pick up some of the kids from ISU and some of the kids from nebraska asked if that was really their college stadium...he couldn't believe how small that place was...he thought it was a highschool stadium.

  8. i've had friends that have had classes with mr beck and said that he never really liked it here in the first place.. i used to have some respect for the kid because he "allowed" callahan and company to recruit another QB after they promised him they wouldn't... I thought that he could be a real class guy...and you know what we may be selling him short....look at his idol bret favre, he wasn't always the best person early in his career either, maybe he is going through something that we can;t understand without hearing his side of the story. There are a lot of things that could be going on that he needs to think about... is that an excuse for not letting your teamates in on that...absolutely not.


    At the same time it sounds like he was coddled and has had his back patted for him his whole life by family/friends/coaches and he isn't getting that now, and his parents won't allow it. We on this side of the story can only speculate, cause we don't know...his parents might be good people and are standing up for their son, but once again thats not an excuse for the things said about ZT.


    One more last thing to look at...When LJAX left the team did you notice how his family told him that he was being a baby and told him to get his tail end back to school, i'm not really seeing that happening this time with his high profile athlete. if i even made a half attempt to quit something i started my momma woulda kicked my BUTT... he's just going to have to stick out this adversity, seems to me if he hadn't left next year was his to lose... anyways...sorry for the rant folks :boxosoap

  9. What i think happened is that the media blew this kids head up and made him think that he was the next sliced bread and that it was nebraska...a team that desperatley needed him and he would start in his first two years. I think this comes with getting such highly touted players, they feel entitled. I think that things will work out once he starts getting a few more reps. He should have had the maturity to speak with the coaching staff instead of freaking out and skipping practice.

    The kid should expect to be low on the depth chart, even his peers said he was goofing off and not taking it seriously, what does that look like to a coach... I really hope that this all boils over like it did for LJAX and he comes back.

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