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  1. I am an Iowa State student and for the last few days at least one dining center (UDCC) has not been giving students whole fruit. When I asked why this was I was told it was because Nebraska fans throw food at the games and they didn't want ISU fans stocking up on fruit for retalliation. I thought this was completely ridiculous and couldn't be the real reason so I asked another worker, and another, and every single one gave me the same answer. Interestingly enough however they would let you have half a piece of fruit, because apparently you can't throw that? To me this all seems like some big lie (for reasons I can't understand) becasue all of my experience with Nebraska fans has been that they are among the most, if not the most respectful fans in college sports. Was there an event at a recent game that may have caused all of this, or is this just complete nonsense?
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