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Posts posted by wiby_NU

  1. 11 minutes ago, OTHusker said:

    You must have me confused with someone else

    i have us on 9 wins


    have been highly complimentary of:













    but I guess I could just say something like everything is awesome

    nu wins em all and will play in the national title game- no one will even score on us this season 

    everything is perfect 

    no room for improvement anywhere


    please let me know what my next opinion should be so I can make you happy and submit it shortly do I can be a mirror image of you 





    I digress..I enjoy everyone's opinion on HB...even yours.  I was just trying to point out the irony.  I don't post much but have been around long enough to see posters similar to you only last a few short months.  Lighten up a bit.  It's ok to disagree with people but be open to other peoples opinions, and if need be..move on.  


    Now lets get back to dissecting 5 second twitter highlights.

    • Plus1 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Clifford Franklin said:


    I lived in his district growing up. He’s only really been super open with his views for the past couple election cycles... gee, I wonder what changed? Anywho, I’ll tell you that district is overwhelmingly rural and white and cultural conservatism runs deep in that neck of the woods. To the point of a lot of them don’t hear about or outright look the other way at his awful views and vote for the R.

    I currently live in this district and in a rural community. Your points are spot on. This is a place where people still openly drop racial slurs and talk about minorities like they are the plague without any backlash. I’ve lived in many rural areas throughout the Midwest.  This is by far the most pro-trump/racist I have ever been around.

  3. On 8/18/2018 at 9:16 AM, Redux said:

    I regularly buy Rolling Rock for two reasons.  1) I like the way it tastes in bottles and 2) Most people hate it and don't ask me for beer when I have Rolling Rock

    3) It about as cheap as beer comes.  They've started selling 30 packs here in Iowa for around $15-16.  Dont drink it around me..or you might have to share.

  4. 59 minutes ago, NUinID said:

    I have basically been no where in my life.  Been to Cabo, been on a couple of Caribbean cruises  and Hawaii 3x  otherwise nothing out of the country.  I basically want to go almost every where in the world.


      My wife really wants to go to Iceland, so hearing that it is a great place to visit is encouraging.  She wants to go during the Christmas season.  I want to go basically everywhere in Europe.  My oldest brother and his wife are on a river cruise down the Danube right now and they keep posting stuff on Facebook it looks great.  They have been traveling a lot since they retired.  They basically do 2 big trips, 14-17 days a year one in the fall and one in the spring.  We are planning on taking our kids and hopefully grand kid somewhere fun for our 30th anniversary in a couple of years.  We are talking like Greece.    


    I want to see everything.  I am not into things.  So I would rather spend my money traveling.  I have 4 years left with a kid at home, so I plan on doing quite a bit of traveling after that.  My wife and I would like to go to like Costa Rica and or Belize and rent a house for a couple of months in the winter.  We think that might be fun.  

    My wife always asks me when I'm going to get a hobby.  I tell her planning our vacations is my hobby.  I don't like to surround myself with "toys" and "things".  I'd rather experience travelling somewhere for the first time.  


    Go to Costa Rica.  It's a retirement dream destination for myself (30+ years down the road).  I haven't quite got the European travel bug yet.  However, Italy is pretty high on my list.  The food and scenery look spectacular.

    • Plus1 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Fru said:


    Reykjavik is a great city. Lots of shops and restaurants, very tourist friendly. The people aren't overly welcoming, they're nice enough, but whenever I walked into a store or something they'd start speaking in Icelandic and I'd just say "Sorry, I only speak English" and their face would usually drop and they'd kind of begrudgingly say "How can I help you?" 


    You're right though, the pics never do it justice. I will say, take time to take as many pics as you can, but also take a moment to just soak it in. Looking back I wish I had taken more pics. How many days will you be there? I've read that if you're doing the Ring Road, it's advised to take 7 to 10 days, depending on the time of year. 


    That's a bummer about the phone company. I'm not sure why they would do that. I called my bank beforehand and told them the countries I'd be in so they wouldn't freeze my card or anything. They didn't have any PIN#'s or anything. There are some international transaction fees, but I'd say it's kind of worth it to just swipe and not have to deal with exchanging currency and such. If you buy something in Iceland, they'll likely offer you some form for you to fill out that you turn in somewhere in the airport. It gets you a few dollars back from sales tax. I didn't want to mess with it and just said screw it, but it is available. 

    We plan on being in Iceland for 9 days.  8 of which will be on the road. First day in Reykjavic, then Hvollsfollur Vik, Hofn, Egilsstadir, Akureyri, Hvammstangi, Olafsvik, and then a cottage by Keflavik airport. Lots of driving..Probably averaging out to 3 hours a day w/out stops.  Next vacation will hopefully be more relaxing.  


    If you do plan on booking hotels or AIRBNB's do so early.  We booked about 6 months in advance because prices and availability were running out.  Spring/Summer booking is also about twice as expensive as fall/winter,  expect to drop about $150/night for a small room and shared bath.  Everything seems to be about twice as expensive there.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Fru said:


    You'll love Iceland. The scenery is other worldly. Skogafoss is great, the trek to the top is incredible. So is Dyrholaey. The view made me tear up. If you go to Reynisfjara Beach be cautious of the waves. It's the deadliest beach in Iceland. The waves come crashing in much stronger and further than you think. 


    I was there this past fall. Only explored Reykjavik and a portion of the southern part of the country though, but it was absolutely incredible. A buddy and I are planning to do the Ring Road next year. If you're in Reykjavik, go visit a tiny hole in the wall restaurant called "Grái kötturinn" it means' Grey Cat. Great breakfast food. 

    Thanks for the info.  We fly in on a Thursday and plan on spending all day exploring Reykjavik and adjusting to time change.  We'll have to check out the restaurant.  We want to hit up as many waterfalls as possible (online pictures probably don't do them justice).  Snorkeling between 2 tectonic plates at Thingvellir national park is on our bucket list.  We have a list of things we would love to do/see but unfortunately probably wont have enough time.


    Any international travel advice for some first time planners?  We've already had to buy a cheap burner phone as our phone company has locked our phones and will not unlock them for international SIM cards unless we've owned the phone for one calendar year (stupid).  I've read a few places that you need a PIN# for your credit cards at certain gas stations with no attendant working.  We will have some cash on hand but also plan on using plastic because of the convenience.

  7. I second BRB on Costa Rica.  Amazing country with such a laid back lifestyle.  Get away from the Resorts and experience the culture.  The food and scenery are also top notch.


    Oahu was also a nice trip.  I had a buddy in the military who was stationed there so we had a free place to crash and his wife took us anywhere we wanted to go.  I'd suggest getting out of Honolulu where traffic is crazy and the tourists flock and go experience the north shore.  We snorkeled the North shore and saw Dolphins / Sea Turtles and some other cool marine life.  We also went to a traditional Luau dance and did some hiking up in the mountains.  Hit up Pearl Harbor as well, it's a pretty sobering experience.  One thing not many people tell you about Hawaii is that the locals DO NOT like american tourists.  They view most mainland Americans as the people who destroyed the Island and took it over for military purposes (which is somewhat true).   


    The wife and I have a trip to Iceland coming up in a couple months.  We plan on driving the Ring Road and staying at a number of AIRBNB's and a couple hotels.  Our only regret is not having enough time to explore the West Fjords.  This will be our first International trip where we are on our own so we're both pretty excited and have most of the places we want to go mapped out. 


    Next trip is hopefully Thailand in 2020.  Also want to experience New Zealand and Australia..Anyone want to pay me to travel?  I could live life on the road if it wasn't so darn expensive.

    • Plus1 2
  8. Question for those who are for or against some sort of gun laws/regulations.  What else can be done to prevent this from happening at our schools besides better mental health evals and some sort of gun restrictions?  Are we going to have to start treating our schools like prisons and enforce daily lock downs with armed guards standing out front?  Is this even an option for districts who can barely afford to keep their own doors open?


    Or does this really boil down to child discipline, respect, finding jesus, etc.. and how its been lost amongst the youth?  I see these viewpoints all over social media after every mass shooting.

  9. 9 minutes ago, NM11046 said:

    Got a minute and feeling fruatrated at where we are as a nation with gun deaths?   If you have already called your local reps, below is a list of the top 10 NRA donation recipients from Senate and Congress. Give them a call. They do keep track of the numbers of calls they get.  


    Just call and say (ex)  "I understand Sen. McCain has accepted $7.7 million from the NRA. I don't know how many thoughts and prayers that buys but I hope he feels good about it. We're watching. Have a GREAT day." And hang up. Dial the next number and repeat.


    John McCain-R/AZ $7.7mil (202) 224-2235
    Richard Burr-R/NC $6.9m (202) 224-3154
    Roy Blunt-R/MT $4.5mil (202) 224-5721
    Thom Tillis- R/NC $4.4mil (202) 224-6342
    Cory Gardner-R/CO $3.9mil CO (202) 224-5941
    Marco Rubio-R/FL $3.3mil (202) 224-3041
    Joni Ernst-R/IA $3.1mil (202) 224-3254
    Rob Portman-R/OH $3mil (202) 224-3353
    Todd Young- R/IN $2.9mil (202) 224-5623
    Bill Cassidy-R/LA $2.9mil (202) 224-5824


    French Hill-R/AR $1.1mil (202) 225-4076
    Ken Buck- R/CO $800k (202) 225-4676
    Mike Simpson-R/ID $385k (202) 225-5531
    Greg Gianforte-R/MT $334k (202) 225-3211
    Don Young-R/AK $246k (202) 225-5765
    Lloyd Smucker-R/PA $222k (202) 225-2411
    Bruce Poliquin-R/MA $201k (202) 225-6306
    Pete Sessions-R/TX $158k (202) 225-2231
    Barbara Comstock-R/VA $137k (202) 225-5136
    (from NYT)

    Unreal..it’s amazing how much McCain has changed his tune on other issues now that his health is deteriorating. Makes you wonder how he currently feels about his stance on gun issues. Either way I feel no sympathy for a man that has profited so much at the cost of innocent lives.

    • Plus1 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Branno said:



    I think you missed the point. An assault rifle is just a semi-automatic rifle that is styled to look like a weapon used by the military. All that is different from a semi-automatic hunting rifle and an AR-15 is how it looks (not how it works). The question you posed wasn't why do people NEED guns, you asked why do people NEED AR-15's. They don't. I then used fast cars as an analogy to explain why people WANT them. I don't need a car that can go 100 miles an hour (no one does, well except for professional racers), but maybe I want one. People that are buying a gun don't need an AR-15 but they want one. It's normally the same reasoning used in both cases. It's not equivocating the purchases, just explaining the psychology.


    It's why I always roll my eyes when people want to ban assault weapons. It's a made up term to refer to any semi-automatic weapon that looks a certain way (it's definitely not based on how it functions, other than requiring it has a removable magazine). Take a look at the Federal Assault Weapons Ban text some time; it's hilarious that we passed a law to prevent violence based on what a gun looks like and not how it functions.


    The fact that we saw reduced gun violence is amazing, the effectiveness of weapons didn't decrease but people apparently didn't buy guns that weren't their weapon of choice.


    Are there modifications that can be made to any long rifle that’s makes them “automatic”? Take for instance the bump stock used in the Vegas shooting.  What are the legal magazine limits for AR guns? Can you easily obtain a magazine that exceeds the legal size? Just curious, my experience with anything beyond a weapon used for hunting is pretty limited.

  11. 47 minutes ago, husker98 said:


    A lot of people said the same thing about the Roman Empire and it military too.


    Yet they still suffered defeat and lost everything.


    Britain falls into this category as well in the revolutionary war. They also lost to tribal Africans armed with spears in south Africa in the 1800s.



    I would agree with you. Who would invade us? A country so large and powerful.

    China and Russia both would tell you a several stories of those who have tried.

    You never know who until it happens.


    I'm just pointing out history and it's pattern to repeat it's self. And how we seem on pace to repeat those mistakes again.


    We ban guns because a couple hundred people die over these past few years we open the door for possibly many many times that to die in an invasion like the Romans and so many other countries did by banning their peoples right to defense.



    People must consider everything, every possibility before jumping to conclusions. Answers to tough issues are rarely so easy and expense free. There is always a price to pay.







    Yes...Please sit back and consider the 1:10000000000000000 odds that a foreign country invades us.  Then, take into consideration the 1:1000000000000000 odds that once our military is overthrown by this foreign superpower, us citizens will somehow, someway, defeat this foreign military superpower. Once we think long and hard about this, we can finally start passing COMMON SENSE gun laws. 




    He's not coming. Most our Nebraska subscription guys are saying the class is a wrap.

    If that's the case, it's nice to know we're imposing a 3 scholarship sanction on ourselves.


    Aren't a lot of people thinking they are trying to save up a few more for next year? I could be wrong on that.



    Yes and no. I think we would have used up all of our schollys this cycle if the players all had wanted N, so in that regard its disappointing. But on the other hand, I think the plan was to save the 5th WR spot that we had originally wanted, and also DW seems very willing to only take one DB this cycle whereas that wasn't the original plan before he was here.


    This has me confused. Wouldnt it be smart to sign up to the limit and then use your +3 to cycle as many players as possible through the football program? Whats the benefit of saving scholarships when inevitably we will have transfers/dismissals this spring/summer and still need to sign another 20 players next year. Whens the last time we actually filled up an entire recruiting class including the +3?

  13. My wife and I went to Costa Rica a couple summers ago. Just southeast of Liberia on the Pacific coast. Had a blast, went ziplining, horseback riding, volcano sightseeing, visited a couple small towns. Its just a laid back easy going lifestyle that is the complete opposite of the American culture. If/when i'm close to retirement (30+ years), it will most likely be on a shortlist for us.


    We also went to New Orleans last summer. It's not for everybody, but we had a good time. A couple swamp tours, checked out the old above ground cemeteries, and enjoyed Bourbon Street for the most part. The food down there is some of the best I've had, especially if you get away from the touristy stuff and find some hole-in-the-wall restaurants. Best part about New Orleans, you get to walk around anywhere with a drink in your hand. I dont know how many times I left the hotel with a drink in one hand, and a second stashed away in my pocket.


    We also have a trip planned this coming June to Hawaii, and booked our tickets a couple days ago. I've got a buddy in the military down there so we will have room and board for free. We can't wait to hit up some hiking trails and eat some fresh sea food.


    Hopefully a European trip planned in the next 5 or so years before the wife wants some little ones scurrying around.

  14. I didn't read most of this thread but wanted to post this and preface it with my opinion. If we could take care of the people we already have in this country that deserve priority for assistance (Homeless Vets), I would but much more in favor of letting in the refugees. This is the other reason (and IMO a few bad eggs have ruined it for all of them):



    Reports: Eight suspected ISIS militants, posing as refugees detained in Turkey

    Associated Press, news source6:28 a.m. EST November 18, 2015

    (AP) -- Turkey's state-run news agency says authorities have detained eight people at Istanbul's main airport who they suspect could be Islamic State militants planning to make their way to Germany, posing as refugees.



    Helping out our vets and taking care of our own countries problems should be a first priority. A lot of people voice this opinion as a rebuttal for taking in additional refugees (which I personally disagree with). Unfortunately, many of those who share this view also want additional troops/military presence in the middle east. Resulting in a greater deficit, more money being spent on the military, and additional vets to take care of years down the road. Its truly a double edged sword. Not saying you have this view, just adding to what you have already stated.

    • Fire 1
  15. This just feels a lot like the Texas debacle that has been going on for the last 2 years. I could see a mass exodus of players due to dismissal/quitting during the offseason, followed by an influx of young players next year.


    Next season is going to be another rebuilding year, there's no way around it, whether we have a new coach or not. I'd even venture out to say year #3 is going to be just as painful to watch. I just don't get a good feeling about whats going on around the football program..It's really hard to put it into words.

    • Fire 3
  16. “Sam, this loss is akin to me going bowling with a friend of mine. In the last frame, I am down by one pin. There are bumpers over the gutters. Literally, all I have to do is roll the ball down the lane twice and I win. Instead, I decide to turn around and launch the ball at the snack bar.”


    :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound :laughpound

    That had me rolling at work too..Nice to see some humor in the midst of all the doom and gloom

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