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da skers

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Posts posted by da skers

  1. I don't think anyone has ever doubted that the players and their families are enamored with Bo. The point has always been that those folks are only part of the equation, and the fans are another part. If Bo can be warm and cuddly to these folks, there's no reason he can't show at least a modicum of that side of his personality to the fans. Not only does he choose not to, but the impression most get is that he views us as part of "them," the enemy.


    Bo is out working hard to recruit these players and their families, and that's great. He needs to spend some time recruiting the fans, too. Without us he isn't earning that $3 million a year.


    Knapplc, I agree with you here. He should show that warm and cuddly side of himself more. Where I disagree is that I very much think he has. Team Jack, all the youtube pranks we see behind the scenes, and the many, many interviews he's done where he seems relaxed and accepting, even joked! He's dropped his tough guy facade many times in front of fans.


    Where I see the problem is, is after every single loss, no matter who the loss comes to, no matter the injury status of key players, no matter any other contributing factor within the loss. Half of our fanbase turn into rabid dogs tearing into Bo and his players performances, and even worse with PERSONAL ATTACKS. How many times do you let your guard down to people like that?


    It's like being married to the most bi-polar B**ch in the world. Win and your loved (well sorta, some still find reasons to hate after a win) Lose and you, your players, your staff, and all the good you've done for the program is dog crap.


    You married her because you enjoyed her company, she was supportive, fun, and exciting. Little did you know she married you because she expected you to hit the lottery every year, turn into George Clooney, and answer her every wants and needs without question. Any disappointment and you're supposed to eat sh*t with a smile, any response to the shaft you're getting only digs a deeper hole.


    Eventually you just shut yourself off.


    If fans want warm and cuddly Bo, stay Suzie homemaker and quit going Loraina Bobbit.


    Might just make a difference.

    This might be the most perfect example ever.

  2. People are asking where Bo has lashed out at the fans, and that's a good point. The tape released after the UCLA game is somewhat of an example. It's something in the past, and we all know there was some asinine agenda behind it being released, and nobody thinks Bo has had that kind of attitude toward the fans now. I think it's safe to say Bo has never expressed thanks and support of the fans to the same degree he expressed his disapproval in that tape, though.

    I'd disagree. He came out several times before and after and stated their passion is what makes this job great even though sometimes difficult. He's done it about 5 or 6 times but its hasn't been the focal point of any stories because it dose not sell papers, get listeners or viewers.

  3. Just shows what the media won't normally ever report on- Bo truly cares about the kids he recruits/families and is not the A-hole out of control jerk the media would like us to believe- also, to those fans that want him to "show" them his love....really? get over it already, the man is who he is and the comment he made about our fan base was correct- when you leave the stadium before the game is completed, and you call the QB a dirty Mexican, twitter Kenny Bell and tell him he sucks, as a group of people you suck and Bo was right- the fans who don't do those things tend to think Bo is a great guy and know who he is talking about when he says disparaging things


    I don't do any of those things.


    Bo Pelini still needs to improve.

    I don't think anyone would say he doesn't need to improve. I think what unfair is writing someone off because we're uncomfortable with his faults that. Honestly nearly everyone agrees he is different in the media portrayal than in one on one accounts with his team and people who are with him daily. Which is more likely to be true?

  4. I don't give a sh#t how Bo treats the fans or views us. What really matters is how the players and their families are dealt with and results on the field. Hardly anyone would really care much about his attitude toward the fans if he was winning titles, etc. But he's not, and so it's an issue. Talk about double standards.


  5. Its obvious that Bo sucks, is a horrible person, average coach and a bully to geeky little reporters who twist his words, looks funny when he yells, has a naturally pissed off look about him. So we need to find someone who isn't any of that. But who is out there thats better and doesn't have any of the flaws that we don't like? Be honest people are looking for change for the sake of change not because its justified. You put up damn near any coach and the critics can reel off a list. Hell...everyone loved Billy C when he came because he was great with the media and told recruits what they wanted to hear and brought in high starts. Well...when it got tough he lashed out, called people names, said we were a stupid fan base oh and his teams were trouble. Even Frank was way different on camera than off. Off he's very charming buddy, buddy, etc. The lights turn on and he became stiff and had a deer in the head lights look. TO same thing. Bobby D was a slut, drank and cursed. Zero were perfect.


    Look at the legendary coaches out there. Almost everyone to a T had PR issues. Don't get me wrong. Do I wish Bo had more used car salesmen in him at times. Sure I do, but I'm not going to write him off because he pissed off the Omaha media when they attacked him first.

    • Fire 5
  6. I don't think anyone has ever doubted that the players and their families are enamored with Bo. The point has always been that those folks are only part of the equation, and the fans are another part. If Bo can be warm and cuddly to these folks, there's no reason he can't show at least a modicum of that side of his personality to the fans. Not only does he choose not to, but the impression most get is that he views us as part of "them," the enemy.


    Bo is out working hard to recruit these players and their families, and that's great. He needs to spend some time recruiting the fans, too. Without us he isn't earning that $3 million a year.

    So the question becomes which is more important. Being a coach like Bo, winning 8-10 games a year with an run of 11-12 wins a time or two every 10-12 years (assuming that becomes the pattern for this argument) and hopefully have some things break and get a shot at a NC every 15-20. Or being a D-bag coach who cuts players if they can't crack the 2 deep on schollies, only care about the system (but winning 10-12 games every year) bending the rules and leaving your players out to dry when life gets tough for them because they are "men" and should be able to figure it out on their own? Same bristly attitude toward media and fans? Because honestly every coach with the exception of one or two in the top 10-15 right now have that rep in their community.


    How many coaches are out there that win 10-12 games every year regardless of if they are d-bags or not? And of those coaches, how are we so sure that any of them are even a legitimate option for us? I'm not saying Pelini is the only guy for us, but I think we sometimes think that 10-12 wins are a given with other coaches. Those 10-12 win guys are in high demand by everyone.

    I don't think there is a 10-12 win every year guy out there at all. No one has demonstrated that ability. And I don't think there is a better guy for Nebraska that would come to Nebraska currently in football. That might change in 5 years.

  7. I don't think anyone has ever doubted that the players and their families are enamored with Bo. The point has always been that those folks are only part of the equation, and the fans are another part. If Bo can be warm and cuddly to these folks, there's no reason he can't show at least a modicum of that side of his personality to the fans. Not only does he choose not to, but the impression most get is that he views us as part of "them," the enemy.


    Bo is out working hard to recruit these players and their families, and that's great. He needs to spend some time recruiting the fans, too. Without us he isn't earning that $3 million a year.

    So the question becomes which is more important. Being a coach like Bo, winning 8-10 games a year with an run of 11-12 wins a time or two every 10-12 years (assuming that becomes the pattern for this argument) and hopefully have some things break and get a shot at a NC every 15-20. Or being a D-bag coach who cuts players if they can't crack the 2 deep on schollies, only care about the system (but winning 10-12 games every year) bending the rules and leaving your players out to dry when life gets tough for them because they are "men" and should be able to figure it out on their own? Same bristly attitude toward media and fans? Because honestly every coach with the exception of one or two in the top 10-15 right now have that rep in their community.

    • Fire 3
  8. I think what the OP isn't seeing is that what is being suggested is what is WRONG with colleges athletics. Most notably football. There is nothing right about it. The NCAA should close that loophole. And schools should not be encouraged to follow the path of the SEC.

    NCAA is a joke. Thats part of the reason the B10 is considering leaving it and starting its own league. That's why the conference realignment is so interesting. A few more schools in the right geography and the new contracts with fox and it will have the same market pull as ESPN.

  9. You need to stop now if Creighton football is going to be your shining example of how important a fan base is to a program. I must say I'm disappointed. I had always respected your opinions just thought the perspective was a different angle at times is all. I can see I was wrong.


    OK, then insert Kansas or Kansas State or Iowa State if you don't like the Creighton example. I literally know nothing about Creighton's football team, so I'm willing to agree that it's a poor example. I used them because I've never heard anything about their football program.

    They don't have one unless its European football.

  10. I think I speak for a lot of Husker fans when I say that we, the fans in the stands, would really like to know that Bo, the Bo these guys will run through legions of Satan's demons for. Maybe the perception would be different if he even remotely tried to embrace the fans like he embraces the kids.


    We're a huge part of this equation. It's not just the players on the field and the coaches in their offices. "Us" includes the blokes in the bleachers. We are not "them," but many of us feel like Bo believes we are.


    It's not that we can't understand. Bo won't let us understand him. He keeps us at arm's length.


    It's a two-way street.


    Knapp, we arent dick to the program. If bo had to worry about ever little premadona fan in the stands he would blow his f'ing brains out. His job is to mold boys into men and teach them to play football his way. The End. Look at how terrible fans treat kids on social media, why would he give two sh#ts about the fickle fans. He is right to concentrate on the players and not the fans.


    Individually, no, we don't mean much. Collectively, yes, we mean everything.


    Those boosters aren't there supporting a program without the bazillion fans surrounding it. Creighton is the perfect example. Fine school, good basketball program, terrible or no football program (I really have no idea, don't hear anything about them), and therefore they don't have the fans Nebraska has. No huge body of nationwide fans for Creighton means no huge cloud of boosters.


    The fans, individually, might not mean much. But collectively, we're the driving force behind this whole shebang.

    You need to stop now if Creighton football is going to be your shining example of how important a fan base is to a program. I must say I'm disappointed. I had always respected your opinions just thought the perspective was a different angle at times is all. I can see I was wrong.
  11. Ive never actually met BP in person, but I did see him driving once. He hit a squirrel and kept on driving. It didn't die right then, but Im pretty sure it died right after that.

    Be honest. The squirrel ran out in front of him. You're as bad as the Omaha media trying to twist the story just to make him look bad.

  12. I don't know how else to answer da skers' questions. He's not a warm and cuddly guy. That isn't exactly news.

    I think its because there was the insinuation that he was a huge prick to you since you stated that he had no way to interact with you the way he did.

    I assume that was just the way it was written now that you've expounded some.

  13. I don't know how else to answer da skers' questions. He's not a warm and cuddly guy. That isn't exactly news.

    I think its because there was the insinuation that he was a huge prick to you since you stated that he had no way to interact with you the way he did.

  14. Here's my post about the Football 101 chat we had:


    I spoke to Bo about Football 101 today. I was behind him in line at the coffee shop and chit-chatted briefly about a couple of players, then remembered Football 101, so I asked him directly why it wasn't being held this year.


    Bo told me (in his brief, not-terribly-full-of-information Bo way) about an issue with Football 101 that has to get ironed out. It is beyond his control and beyond the control of the Bo Pelini Foundation, and it has NOTHING to do with Bill Callahan. The Callahan rumors can be laid to rest. Again, NOTHING to do with Coach Callahan. It also has nothing to do with the coaching staff or the team in general. It's an outside issue entirely. That's all I'm going to tell you about why it's not being held this year, so don't ask for more details. Probably it'll be explained in the future, but until that situation gets ironed out, I'm not going to be the one to start any rumors.


    I asked if it would be held again next year or in years to come, and Bo said they had to figure out how it would work with the upcoming construction, so that has to be taken into account as well. It seems at this time as if it's on hold indefinitely.


    Everyone here is familiar with Bo's style of talk. He's not a long-winded guy, so I'm expanding quite a bit on our very brief conversation here. Even though he didn't directly say so, I got the impression that Coach is still very much committed to this kind of fundraiser, and in fighting breast cancer.


    It seemed to me as if, as soon as he's able, he'll run Football 101 again. So that, at least, is good news.


    Here's another one about some random encounter with Texas Tech fans.


    Had a Bo sighting this morning. Walked into the coffee shop and just about crashed into him. I just said, "Morning, Coach" with a little nod of the head; barely got an acknowledgment, but it was understandable - he was looking at the headlines on the JournalStar, which weren't pretty.


    Walked past Bo up to the counter to order my coffee, turned around to see a couple of fans dressed in their Dallas Cowboys gear, wife with the camera, husband asking Bo for a picture. Bo said "sure" or something like that, took the pic, got his coffee and left. He seemed all business, and probably didn't want to stick around answering questions from armchair quarterbacks.


    After he left I went and talked to the Dallas Cowboys couple. Unsurprisingly, they're Texas Tech fans, in town for the game. They had been up all night and just changed out of their Tech gear, and were getting their coffee. We chatted about Bo, about our offense, and they were really great. They were big fans of Bo, and think we're on the right track. The husband said we don't have enough playmakers on offense. Couldn't argue that.


    Does that better answer the 'not warm and cuddly' description? Those are unfiltered by recent events, so presume no bias in writing. And bear in mind that as recently as last week I was "accused" of being a "Bo-liever." It's not like I'm out to assassinate his character or anything.

    Thanks for the context. So its just that he was pretty short with a guy in the coffee shop.


    And I loled at the Bo-liever. I would have said that about you a year ago but this year I think you've taken a more critical tone with him. Of course its all in context of the internet so its hard to tell without inflection etc. If I read my posts as of late I'd come across as a Bo apologist which isn't the case. But I will say I've had to probably step to that side here to off set the onslaught of negativity toward the program. By no means do I see things as not being flawed. But I think he's much closer to 12-2 than he is 4-7.

  15. I've met the man. Had a few one-on-one conversations with him. He's not warm and cuddly, and doesn't go out of his way to be your buddy.


    Obviously I'm not in the inner circle, but he doesn't know me from Adam (much), but he should have zero reason to interact with me the way he does. But... he does.

    I've found that most people reciprocate whats projected at them. Not saying this was your case but I'd be interested to know what the context of the meeting, conversation etc was.


    You know the first time I met him I thought he was a touch stand offish. That's also the same way a lot of people from Ohio come across. The second time I talked to him I came out of the men's restroom to find him chatting with my daughter while a group of people waited to rush him to a press conference. I asked if she had said something to him to make him stop. No. He had walked by about 5 steps and then came back to check on her. No one else in the 6 people with him had thought that she might be lost but he wanted to know if she needed something. That says a lot about him. More than any public display.

    • Fire 3
  16. I keep seeing happy with mediocrity, is the used car salesman back.

    I was just thinking about that yesterday. Everyone seems to be focused on that term and yet is was used by the one guy who pretty much everyone universally agrees was bad for football and screw up historically more than he succeeded in coaching decisions with the sport. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to have a win/loss record like the last 6 years during his time or at his current stop where he almost received a pink slip during his handling of his last coaching change (2nd to last since that guy bailed after a year).


    While everyone might universally agree Pud was bad for football, I think maybe they should delve into the details just a little deeper. Most will not because they will not like what they find.

    He was very good for facility issues but that's because he said this is what we want (which were actually concepts from the dollar bill) and let Paul Myers do the fund raising. I know because I saw the concept drawings for the stadium expansion (including a south stadium one that I think is scrapped) when I lived in Lincoln in 1998-99 and was around the department at the time.

  17. It might not be 100 million anymore. It really doesn't matter what he makes. Pay is based on going rate. Just ask Harvey. That's why we paid a guy 3 times what he was making to make him #1 in the B10 and #5 nationally to be our AD. And he won't do interviews or return email to boosters. No one seems to care about that. BTW he only makes 1.9 million less than the coach. You would think he'd be a little more media savvy and help the PR of you flagship and money maker.


    This is either a complete non sequitur or I'm seriously missing the point. The AD stated publicly what his policy about commenting on coaches was in-season. That he didn't comment or de facto comment by returning e-mails to boosters on that topic (presumably?) is unsurprising. But what is your point about Eichorst? That he's a crappy AD? Okay, I suppose I can take your word for it, and maybe Pearlman is a scumbag as well--you know, just to concede the whole thing get it out of the way.


    Now, what does that have to do with Bo ritualistically melting down and fuming an atmosphere of hostility over the entire state? It's not like this is an isolated incident. As far as salary goes, again you're right--it doesn't matter if Pelini was doing this job pro bono. He's got to get his sh#t together, quick. I did see the whole interview. Paired with the (second, third?) flag Bo's drawn from the sideline--which was probably an accident, I think, but regardless--the rude halftime interview, and the embarrassing presser, he's feeding the tension. It has to stop. It's that simple. It just has to stop.


    The administration you're not a fan of retained him, interviews and e-mails or not. Since that's the decision, I guess that's all there is to say. I like all Nebraska fans hope it turns out well. However the media is going to be asking the same questions the fans are asking if next season turns out like this one. All the rage in the world isn't going to prevent it. Just makes it worse. Bo is a good man, a totally decent human being, and I know he has it in him to be better than he's been.

    That thought was a continuation from the previous post. I was stating It doesn't give any credit to the argument by stating his pay. I was indicating that pay shouldn't even factor into if he's a decent at his job or not. And since he was doing that I was pointing out how the people most against him are well paid.


    I truely don't have a full judgement on Shawn at the moment. He does well in a public setting but he's not been very PR savy for a job that's called to do that. In a way its worse (or at least equally as bad) than Bo because the main job of the AD is to be the face of the department and handle those issue before they manifest into a huge issue like this has become. I don't know this to be true yet, but I suspect most of this happened because his hands were tied by Pearlman who I know to be be a weasel who has stated his dislike for our coach in private circles. Believe me there was going to be zero statements made by either person until the BOR stepped in. That's not how you lead. You don't do it through fear, manipulation or crap ethics like he's demonstrated. I've worked for major A-holes who twisted information, tried to create staff issues where there were none and felt like they need to have controversy in order to feel they were in control and be the savior of the ship. HP is that way and that's why I don't care for what he's doing now. I have hopes for SE still. If he truly believes what he told us at a function this past summer and the book he gave to the entire staff is the way he prefers to manage we'll be fine. But so far he's not demonstrating that he plans to do that. That is also very different from all accounts at his time at other stops in Wiscy, South Carolina, etc. So there is a variable here changing is MO. I don't think its the coach that reports to him.

  18. I keep seeing happy with mediocrity, is the used car salesman back.

    I was just thinking about that yesterday. Everyone seems to be focused on that term and yet is was used by the one guy who pretty much everyone universally agrees was bad for football and screw up historically more than he succeeded in coaching decisions with the sport. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to have a win/loss record like the last 6 years during his time or at his current stop where he almost received a pink slip during his handling of his last coaching change (2nd to last since that guy bailed after a year).

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