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Posts posted by marble

  1. I like Blue and Black personally. Its simple and the logo already has both colors in it.

    Hmm... I thought the logo was blue and white. Either way, I would mind Leaders and Legends less if they added the East / West tag to it. East Legends, West Leaders would at least be long enough that people would just call them East or West for short most of the time.


    one of them is blue and black


    Big 10 Logo

  2. If Pelini leaves, we will shock everyone with who we hire. I think that Dr. Tom is someone that preaches a loyalty, and if Pelini would leave it would piss Osborne off big time. I think Osborne would see this as a smack in the face and he would gather every cent available (which is a lot from our boosters) to hire the biggest names out there.


    I really hope Pelini stays though.

  3. @skersfan


    Sorry, but I'm gonna have to disagree.


    Western Kentucky - Could have won that game without a quarterback.


    Idaho - Same as the first game.


    Washington - Martinez certainly put up some numbers, but Rex and Roy could have managed.


    Kansas State - Same as Washington.


    Texas - Doesn't matter who was quarterback, receivers couldn't hold on to anything.


    Oklahoma State - Taylor won this one.


    Missouri - Taylor wasn't doing anything before he got injured. Plus, Roy did rush for 308 yards.


    Iowa State - Cody started, Nebraska won.


    Kansas - Wouldn't matter who started, Kansas sucked.


    Texas A&M - Taylor didn't produce before or after being injured.


    Colorado - Cody/Rex at quarterback, Nebraska won.


    Oklahoma - Taylor was the biggest reason Nebraska lost. Didn't make any plays.


    Washington - Who knows.


    So, from what I can tell, Nebraska would have either lost one more game or had the same record without Martinez that we had with him.



    Western Kentucky - Could have won that game without a quarterback.-agreed


    Idaho - Same as the first game.-agreed


    Washington - Martinez certainly put up some numbers, but Rex and Roy could have managed.- I was at this game, every Nebraska fan there thought it was going to be a tough game to win at halftime. Then Martinez had an 80-yard touchdown run. He blew that game open.

    Kansas State - Same as Washington.- Seriously? Didn't he break the school record for rushing by a quarterback in this game?

    Texas - Doesn't matter who was quarterback, receivers couldn't hold on to anything.- Agreed


    Oklahoma State - Taylor won this one. - OK, well you can kiss the Big 12 North goodbye if he's not starting.


    Missouri - Taylor wasn't doing anything before he got injured. Plus, Roy did rush for 308 yards. - “We did a good job on the quarterback,” Tiger linebacker Andrew Gachkar said, “but I guess we forgot about the running back. I don’t know.” Does this not register with you? Taylor is so dangerous that teams have to focus on him to stop him. After Taylor got hurt our offense wasn't the same.


    Iowa State - Cody started, Nebraska won. - Burkhead won us that game as the QB. We still should have lost.


    Kansas - Wouldn't matter who started, Kansas sucked. - Agreed and from this point on it was pretty obvious that Taylor wasn't healthy. He ended up hurting the team more than he helped, but I think the same would have gone for any of our other starting QBs. However, that is put on the coaches. Taylor was giving it everything he had.


    Texas A&M - Taylor didn't produce before or after being injured. - Agreed


    Colorado - Cody/Rex at quarterback, Nebraska won. - Agreed


    Oklahoma - Taylor was the biggest reason Nebraska lost. Didn't make any plays. - Agreed


    Washington - Who knows. - Agreed


    Bottom Line: A healthy Taylor Martinez is the most explosive offensive player we have, a player that other teams have to game plan for. He was also a RS FRESHMAN!!! The last time I checked RS Freshman have another 3 years to play, another 3 years to develop. He's far from a finished product, but his first year was a pretty damn good launching point.

    • Fire 1
  4. He's in the mix as a top pitching prospect for the MLB 2011 draft.


    Is he really gonna turn down millions ?

    If he does that would be a dream come true.


    Really!? 29th on this list...and the 12th HS player...I thought he was higher then that even. Maybe there is a chance he comes here!!!

    Hhe's the #1 high-school player according to baseball america. That's probably what you were thinking of.

  5. That's what we need. That's what Frazier was. That's what Frost was. That's what Crouch was. "Im the man, and i'm coming to take my spot." I like that mentality, it's pretty much that attitude we're missing right now. At least he's making it sound like he's coming.

    Wasn't Taylor Martinez quoted the week of the Kansas game, "It's MY team, no one elses," or something to that effect?


    There's a big difference between saying "I'm better than Taylor Martinez" and "This team belongs to me".


    He was trying to assert himself as a leader. He probably would have been more politically correct if he had said, "I needed to get back out there just because it's my huddle, I'm the guy running it." But it's all the same thing. If any of the upperclassmen or anybody on the team took offense to what Taylor said, if their ego was actually hurt by that, they need to grow a pair.


    thank you hercules, i couldn't agree more :thumbs

  6. its funny how when martinez says stuff like this he gets slammed for being cocky, but when recruits say it they're confident


    I'd say there are a few reasons for that:


    1. Martinez wasn't a highly rated quarterback recruit, let alone surefire first rounder in the MLB draft like Starling is.


    2. Martinez has shown no ability to be a competent leader so cockiness is just that; cockiness.


    3. Taylor really hasn't done anything at Nebraska to deserve to be cocky.


    Not saying those are good reasons, but they're reasons, dammit!


    i forgot to add that i like the cockiness in our players, i just wish more of them had it


    Kinda hard to be cocky about anything when we perform the way we do.


    good point, but i think that a "we're gonna kick they're ass one way or another" cockiness would help us perform

  7. its funny how when martinez says stuff like this he gets slammed for being cocky, but when recruits say it they're confident


    I'd say there are a few reasons for that:


    1. Martinez wasn't a highly rated quarterback recruit, let alone surefire first rounder in the MLB draft like Starling is.


    2. Martinez has shown no ability to be a competent leader so cockiness is just that; cockiness.


    3. Taylor really hasn't done anything at Nebraska to deserve to be cocky.


    Not saying those are good reasons, but they're reasons, dammit!


    i forgot to add that i like the cockiness in our players, i just wish more of them had it

  8. I might be completely alone in this, but i absolutely hate the way that Green handles the media. He tells everyone that he is happy for Martinez and that Taylor should be starting because he is the man. To me this means one of two things:


    1. He's fake.


    2. He's not competitive.


    A leader is someone who tells you the way it is, not someone that tells you what you want to hear. If I were Cody I would be pissed off that I wasn't starting and would work my ass off to get better. I wouldn't spend my time talking to the media. jmo

  9. It all starts with the O line, they are the bread and butter, if they don't do their job then the play fails. Until we start seeing improvement with that group the offense will still be stale no matter who the OC is.



    It all starts with the O line, they are the bread and butter, if they don't do their job then the play fails. Until we start seeing improvement with that group the offense will still be stale no matter who the OC is.

    Weights? Conditioning? Schemes?

    What's the problem?


    I think it's a bit more complex than this. Actually, their biggest problem lies between their ears. South Dakota State manhandled our OL. They were neither bigger, faster, nor stronger. However, they beat our OL off the ball. Watching Nebraska play this year is a lot like watching high school football. Whichever line comes off the ball faster wins. When our OL came off the ball fast and aggressive, we had a good night offensively. When our OL got beat off the line, we struggled. It's a mental problem rather than a physical problem.


    I agree, its all about the attitude of the offensive line. When we were great we had attitudes like this-



    Of course I'm not hoping that we have future players end up like him, but his demeanor is what we need to be great.

  10. New member here. I usually stay away from the message boards during the season. Stayed away for a couple days after the bowl game, if you can call it a game. Now i need something to hold me over until next season. :dunno This is a very rough mock up of what i want the uniforms to look like. I'm not on my photoshop computer but i think you will get the idea. Obviously the patch is on the wrong side because couldn't really fit it on the left in this perspective. Or you could get rid of the patch entirely. I'm not sure if i like the patch or not. Fire away


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