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Posts posted by wiuhusker

  1. What's up with this deer antler spray? Do you ingest this stuff?

    Not sure what the actual spray itself is but from everything I have heard it contains an HGH alternative. Basically the same thing as HGH but whatever is in the spray is untestable is what I understand. And I would assume you would just spray it on the area needed and rub it into the muscle but i could be wrong on that.

  2. BC did everything he could to try and make his own tradition here and failed miserably in doing so. Now i wouldn't say I have forgave him but I guess the best way to say it is that I'm over it. Now having said that there is no way I will forget the Callahan years. I can remember sitting at a football game for my JUCO in Kansas when the announced over the loud speaker that we beat Ball St. by 1. I caught more crap from the game from KU and K-state fans than I did most loses. Very hard times thats for sure.

  3. You gotta like what we're seeing from Tiger Woods right now. Currently a 6-shot lead with 4 holes left in the 3rd round. He's driving the ball well still (for all his woes, he was actually 6th in total driving last year on tour) but the two most important things we're seeing are:


    1. Short game. He's got the flat stick rolling and has chipped well all week.

    2. Utter destruction of the Par 5s. He used to crush these every week, but in the last 3 years he has struggled mightily on them. Literally a night-and-day difference. Well he's 14-under on the par-5s this week. If he keeps that up, the PGA Tour better look out.



    One thing to add: This is all happening at Torrey Pines, a course that he grew up playing and absolutely loves. He's got 7 pro wins there. Let's not say Tiger is back to his old dominant ways until he starts doing this consistently at other courses and/or wins a major. That monkey is still on his back.

    In past seasons I think a big reason why Tiger played so well is because he got off to a good start at Torrey Pines. Him playing well and winning there seems to give him a nice confidence boost for the rest of the year.


    Just seems more confident and more in control of his swing and overall game this year than in years past.

  4. I don't think coaches are recruiting against the SEC, unless they're saying something like look, they've got a ton of talent down there, playing time may be tough, come here and you'll have a chance to play sooner and play more. Something along those lines.


    Cause if I'm a recruit and a coach is trying to sell me the idea of taking down the SEC, I'm thinking why not just go to the SEC, since they're the proven winners? If I'm good enough to play for the best teams, I want to be on the best teams, and those are currently in the South.


    These may be poor perceptions though - full disclosure. I don't really following recruiting - it's never been an overly interesting topic to me.

    I see what you're saying. If i was a kid and didn't have an offer from Bama, LSU, UGA, Florida or USCe I wouldn't want to stick around the SEC. Those teams have been dominating the conference lately except for Auburns paid for title. Other teams in the SEC are trying to play catch up just like the rest of the nation is.

  5. Do you think coaches are using how dominant the SEC is as a recruiting tool possibly? Telling them things like 'How would you like to be on the team that takes down the mighty SEC' etc. Not sure if this is happening but it was a thought i had.


    Absolutely. They'd be silly not to.


    Think about the clout the SEC has right now. They've had multiple national title winners in the past decade, not to mention having at least a couple schools in the BCS Bowls almost every year, it's tough to discount what they've got to sell recruits...

    I was looking at from a school not in the SEC. Selling recruits on the chance to be on the team to take down the SEC. But yes i definitely agree with what you're saying.

  6. I think the Big 10 has earned the poor national reputation it has gotten. Look at what it's done over the last several years. For starters, there hasn't been a title in the Big 10 since Ohio State in the early 2000's, haven't had a winning conference bowl record since 2009, Ohio State lost the title game to LSU in 2007, Michigan got rocked by Alabama to start the season, Nebraska has lost to two SEC teams in unflattering fashion, Wisconsin has lost back-to-back Rose Bowls, and the list goes on.


    People complain about how much pub and recognition the SEC gets, but they've earned it. Just as, I believe, the Big 10 has earned the reputation it's gotten. We have a lot of "well this kind-of helped our case" things, like when Michigan played South Carolina close. But still, we don't exactly project greatness in the Big 10.


    Thats on the money...


    I think though, the B1G can get back to being a force, but it's going to take a couple years, and it'll will be better for college football as a whole. I think that "the powers that be" would like to have 4 dominant conferences (SEC, PAC-12, B1G, and Big XII or ACC, so that when it expands the playoff system, they can have a better formula...

    I agree with that. I believe we'll ultimately be in superconference mode, and the B1G appears to be spearheading that movement. I also agree that it will take awhile for the B1G to be a force. I'm a firm believer in athletics being cyclical. The SEC just has a good collection of coaching and talent right now, but it won't always be like that.


    Furthermore, I think if Nebraska had had any semblance of a consistent, good defense this last year, we would have been BCS and even possible title contenders. Even a defense like our '10 defense, which wasn't as good as '09, but still respectable, would have made us a force. We're just having problems fitting all the right pieces together at the right time.

    Do you think coaches are using how dominant the SEC is as a recruiting tool possibly? Telling them things like 'How would you like to be on the team that takes down the mighty SEC' etc. Not sure if this is happening but it was a thought i had.

  7. Out of the huskers drafted/picked up in free agency who will be the biggest steal? I still think reed will get picked up and used as a h-back/big slot we and excel. It would be cool to see it happen in kc

    I think this would be a good pickup for the Chiefs. Not sure how Moeaki will pan out (my favorite chief). They could always use a target that can stretch the middle of the field. Other than a QB I think thats all the offense is missing and Kyler would be a good target for them.

  8. Who've we got? Where do you think they end up in the drafT?




    I can only think of Rex. I know I must be missing a buncha guys. We're graduating a safety or two as well but I don't know if they had standout careers. Also, was Baker a senior?


    What's the status on the Senior Bowl, etc? I don't think any Huskers are playing, but what about the Shrine Game?


    I can see Rex being a 2nd round pick. He's talented, hardworking, athletic, and just the kind of guy every team wants 53 of on their rosters.

    no way burkhead goes that high coming off a injury and because there is just so many good running backs available in the draft guys like Morris for the redskins was a 6th rounder and since its more of a passing leage now not very many RB's go as early as they used to if he gets drated he'll be a second day guy

    If this happens it means he either went in the 2nd or 3rd round. Now i don't see Rex going that high but I think he gets drafted. I look at him as a danny woodhead but only better. And since it is a passing league now teams look for backs who they can split out and can catch the ball and i definitely think Rex can do that at the next level.

  9. I have a few general questions about recruiting, and i know there are are people on here who know a hell of a lot more about it than me. But i'm really starting to keep up in recruiting more but need some things cleared up. I'll give out plenty of +1's in this thread for the help!!


    First, on average about how many players TOTAL does a team offer? Not by position but just in total? Do we offer 100 kids a year, 200?

    Next, I know recruiting is based on your teams needs, so let's we need 3 DT's and 1 HB. In that case, we would offer more DT's than HB's that year right?

    Finally, What if there are more players that want to commit in total, and or by position? Do they just tell some of them, "hey i know we offered, but we don't have room for you?" or how does the process work with weeding out kids after you offer them?




    EDIT: Also how am i supposed to know our team needs each year? Is there somewhere to figure out what we are after? or just rely on people here?

    Now i am in no way shape or form a recruiting guru but i think this could be accomplished by simply seeing who graduates from the roster each year. That will give you a general idea of what is needed each class.

  10. I personally think metal bats should be banned after Jr. High.

    Agreed. Now i was a pitcher in college and look at it differently than too many HR will slow the game down. Having had my fair share of line drives come screaming back at me wood bats are the way to go.


    You will hear people say that a barrel coming back at you is more dangerous than a ball. True, but as a high school or college pitcher if you don't have the reaction time/coordination skills needed to get out of the way of half a bat you sure as hell won't get out of the way when a line drive is drilled back at you. Wood bats are the way to go.

  11. I think i like the 3rd walleye one better. Not sure what it is about it that makes it better. Just seems to look better. Being new around this place and not very computer savy with this kind of thing would there be any way to get you to make me one of those HuskerHacker?

  12. Not sure if there is a thread with all the walk-on recruits for this class. I know there have been some kids who have accepted preferred walk-on spots and i just figured this could be a place to keep track of them all. Hopefully the recruiting buffs can help out.

  13. Rivals.com Midwest analyst Josh Helmholdt said: "Physically, there were few linebackers who looked better than Banderas down at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl in San Antonio this month. He has the size and the speed college coaches covet at the linebacker position, but we were also impressed with how Banderas threw himself into special teams during the Army Bowl week. He took as much pride in running down on kickoffs as he did calling the defense, and he was one of the top special teams performers on the week. Overall, there are very few weaknesses in Banderas' game."


    Just found this paragraph discussing Banderas in the new free article on rivals.


    Link to the article: http://nebraska.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1462881

    • Fire 2
  14. Nothing wrong with Mike and Mike IMO. One ESPN show I don't mind.

    Agreed about mike and mike. Just got a little annoying during the season with golic being on there having to listen to him go on and on about notre dame. Other than that i think there are good discussions on that show.

  15. If a move is legal in baseball, there's no way in hell it should be illegal in football.

    Where is that legal in baseball?? That's spiking and not legal in baseball. You don't see guys feel flying up in the air hitting guys in the thighs. You can slide in hard but if your spikes are up there is gonna be a brawl.

    But is it against the rules? I haven't watched too much baseball in the last few years so I don't know for sure, but last I knew there was nothing illegal about it. Of course it's crossing lines and your teams best player is going to get a fastball in the back as payback, but I don't think there's anything in the rulebook against it.

    Against the rules? No. But if you slide in to a bag like Brady slid there your either expecting to get hit the next time you're up to hit or your teammate will get hit next pitch. Just one of those unwritten rules. This coming from a college pitcher too.


    Bradys slide, to me, was definitely intentional. I don't see how you could consider that unintentional when he's staring at the guys leg as he slides.

  16. A Leatherneck. This cat is from my neck of the woods. Looks like he is from Quincy originally. Might be decent competition for Mauro "The Skinny Situation" Bondi

    I attended school there. Never heard of this kid but then again i think i only attended 1 football game in the 2 1/2 yrs i was out there. Just something about growing up going to nebraska games that made WIU games zero fun

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