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Posts posted by huskerenner

  1. Have felt the same spine tingling feeling one other time recently at Memorial Stadium.When a little guy running for a touchdown during the spring game brought tears to my eyes. Both very special moments I will never forget.


    Penn State should be prohibited by the Big Ten from participating in any sports for a period of 10 years and unless the PSU admits its absolute guilt and shame in this entire affair, they should be banished from the Big Ten membership as well. There are plenty of other 'good' schools that would honorably represent the Conference and NCAA athletics in general much better. Honoring a child molester (we all know these creeps 'hunt in packs') is hideous.

    Joe Paterno a child molester? proof? accusations? "we all know these creeps "hunt in packs", what does that even mean? sounds like a medieval witch hunt quote. No we all dont know that, in fact thats a false statement as most pedos seem to act alone, it is pretty damn shameful after all.


    Paterno reported what happened and could have done more, really it was schools responsibility once he reported it. But let's not go full drama queen with nonsensical hyperbole.


    Paterno not doing more is an understatement.And those defending him like he did his part to solve the situation,are as discusting as he was. No drama gueen,just fact.

  3. I don't know that the game really matters much to the "fans". Hell, a couple years ago against Northwestern, they started to do the wave in the fourth quarter of a tie ballgame.


    It is the opener though, so that helps. It's also at night, so that's another plus.


    It's not for "one recruit". There are a ton of guys in for this game.

    Sadly,I have to agree with your first statement.The game is more of an excuse to show off your new Husker gear,drink excessively,and look at your phone during the actual game.But I guess its better than a half empty stadium of actual fans.


    The question should be asked of Hillary Clinton supporters: When, if ever, does she tell the truth and how can you tell? That might begin to unravel the mystery of why anyone would actually vote for such a person.


    Many don't care for the way Trump speaks so bluntly about the many problems and issues this country is facing, but he speaks plainly and doesn't avoid the tough subjects - he addresses them head on and holds nothing back. It should be refreshing to have a 'politician' who is not so political (full of BS). Trump was certainly not my choice to be President but he is far and away better than Billary!

    You do realize trump lies one hell of a lot.....right?




    The question should be asked of Hillary Clinton supporters: When, if ever, does she tell the truth and how can you tell? That might begin to unravel the mystery of why anyone would actually vote for such a person.


    Many don't care for the way Trump speaks so bluntly about the many problems and issues this country is facing, but he speaks plainly and doesn't avoid the tough subjects - he addresses them head on and holds nothing back. It should be refreshing to have a 'politician' who is not so political (full of BS). Trump was certainly not my choice to be President but he is far and away better than Billary!

    You do realize trump lies one hell of a lot.....right?


    You do realize as a nation we are screwed with either one of these losers.

    • Fire 1
  5. I've lost a very good friend to a drunk driver and I am 13 years sober from some significant substance abuse problems. Some of you live is a very black and white world, may work for you but isn't aligned with reality for most of us.


    1. I know lots of drunks/ addicts that are the most intelligent and talented people. They are amazing at what they do but at some point things come apart.


    2. It is very possible he could be a great coach, teacher and mentor of young men and still be battling his own demons behind the scenes.


    3. The dates of the previous DUI's, and Riley's comments could imply that he is someone that got his life together and has now relapsed. Who knows how long ago that relapse started? It usually takes a while until something bad happens so maybe he's been drinking again for a while.


    4. For someone with real drinking/ drug problems there is no consequence strong enough to get you to stop, that is how bad drug and drinking problems work. There is also no excuse for relapsing once you've put time together. The job pressure is an excuse, as is any other excuse- although excuses are a great skill of the addict/ alcoholic.


    5. I could see great benefit to a very strict plan of recovery, and earning back trust. It could b a great teaching moment as well but if the university gets rid of him- well he earned it.


    6. There is nothing about keeping him that makes 'us' look bad as the decisions of the Nebraska Cornhuskers football team have nothing to do with my life, my integrity, my self-esteem, or my reputation. Yours either, knuckleheads.


    7. Our football program has plenty of social blemishes including many that happened during the tenure of Saint TO. Once again, delusional knuckleheads.


    8. Bo was fired for his behavior AND bc/ he lost too many big games. If he was in the top 10 every year he could've called me a C*** everyday of the year. It's true for most of you as well whether you admit it or not.


    9. DUI is serious and he could've killed someone but he didn't so that doesn't apply here.


    10. The same rules do not apply to everybody. Yep, that is all.


    11. I feel for his family, and his WR's.


    12. Most of you are lying about how many times you have driven drunk.

    Finally a post I can agree with,and relate to. I've been down this road,and am happy to say since Aug. 29, 1980 I have been sober. People can change,if they want to.Really like #12 in you post.



    Call me stupid but who are these people and what sport - I know the guy from the post previous, so just the women.


    Volleyball players Kelsey Robinson (left) and Jordan Larson (right) are on either side. Not sure about the lady in the middle. Kayla Banwarth is also on the volleyball team but I don't think that's her.


    Yeah it is.Pretty sure,just looks different not in uniform






    More than 60 organizations associated with the Black Lives Matter movement have released a series of demands on Monday, including for reparations.

    The list of six platform demands is aimed at furthering their goals as the presidential campaign heads into the homestretch.

    The release of the six demands comes a few days before the second anniversary of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., which set off months of protests and led to a national conversation about police killings of blacks.

    As part of the effort, the groups are demanding, among other things, reparations for what they say are past and continuing harms to African-Americans, an end to the death penalty, legislation to acknowledge the effects of slavery, as well as investments in education initiatives, mental health services and jobs programs.



    just in case anyone forgot what Brown was really like, as opposed to the kind and wonderful human being, as he was portrayed in the media.



    So to be clear huskerfan2000, because he had a shady past you feel he deserved to be killed by those who are sworn to protect the public?


    Looks to me like the cops took out the trash!Beating up an old man.And it took more than one of them? Good riddance!

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